Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


I knew it, I knew it!!!

2011-11-09 00:08:43 | New zealand
Hello, how are you??

I just want to talk about what I did at a primary school today. I today went to a school for coaching of soccer to kids. I already knew that it would be so hard to make it well as I had known that the huge numbers of kids would turn up my soccer lesson that was more than I expected. The problem was that all kids joined today didn't bring their own balls as I told them that if kids have their own balls at home, just bring it that means if kids who doesn't have a ball can't bring it.I should've told them that all kids has to be with their own balls because I already knew I didn't have enough ball for kids.

That's why I couldn't provide one ball to each kid. The number of balls I got today was obviously short to kids that it might have been only a half numbers against kids. So I was really upset in the first 15mins, to be honest I didn't know what to do, so what I did to them was just let them kick some balls around in the square pitch set up by corns.
Luckily, most of kids were really docile. If I had some naughty and disruptive kids to the others, I must've been dead for sure. But I somehow tried to manage them to have an enjoyable time through kicking a ball. I think they were happy with us thanks to all supports I got from some teachers who work at the school, and next session will be a lot better for sure, though, I met with a bit setback today. I am really willing to dedicate myself 100% to this job.

And some day, I hope some of this kids will have a same dream as mine that become a professional soccer player and hopefully we meet each other in J-league that I'm as a coach and they are as of course a player.
Anyway, I would just like them to have something can be crazy about. It's not like a one-off event. It ends till the end of the life. I can say living in dream is not easy, but the tough life makes you great.

My dream is still keep going, so I'd like to help them to discover the same thing as I've had already.


 しかし、課題は一杯でした。おれ自身は1,2,3年生を中心に20人ほどをみてたんやけどまぁそんないっぺんにまとまる訳もなく、しかも一人一つボールがないモンやからなかなかやりたいことができず最初の15分くらいは頭真っ白で何やったかあんま覚えてない。笑 結局2つグループに分けて、片方はこっちの先生にやってほしいことを伝えてお任せして進行。



2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (ラモスヘアー)
2011-11-14 02:49:34
Unknown (bac)
2011-11-15 20:04:04

