○ Foxes Guard Facebook Henhouse //フェイスブックという鶏小屋を警備するキツネ

2016-12-30 07:36:35 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2016-12-30 07:36:35

Foxes Guard Facebook Henhouse

876875644The latest mantra of CIA-linked media since the “Pizzagate” leaks of data alleging that Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta and other highly influential political persons in Washington were connected to an unusual pizza place near the White House run by a 41-year old James Achilles Alefantis called Comet Ping Pong, is the need to crack down (i.e. censorship) on what is being called “Fake News.” The latest step in this internet censorship drive is a decision by the murky social media organization called Facebook to hire special organizations to determine if Facebook messages are pushing Fake News or not. Now it comes out that the “fact check” private organizations used by Facebook are tied to the CIA and CIA-related NGO’s including George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

In the last weeks of the US Presidential campaign, Wikileaks released a huge number of emails linked to Clinton Campaign Manager, John Podesta. The contents of thousands of emails revealed detailed exchanges between Podesta and the oddly-influential Comet Ping Pong pizza place owner, Alefantis, as well as the Clinton campaign, which held fundraisers at Comet Ping Pong.

The Pizzagate scandal exploded in the final weeks of the US campaign as teams of private researchers documented and posted Facebook, Instagram and other data suggesting that Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong were at the heart of a pedophilia ring that implicated some of the most prominent politicians in Washington and beyond.

The New York Times and Washington Post moved swiftly to assert that the Pizzagate revelations were Fake News, quoting “anonymous sources” who supposedly said the CIA “believed” Russia was behind hackers who exposed emails and documents from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta. Former NSA senior intelligence expert William Binney claimed the Podesta and Clinton campaign data were leaked, not hacked. The NSA, he pointed out, would immediately identify a hack, especially a foreign hack, and they have remained silent.

The uncovering and release to Wikileaks of the Podesta emails were immediately blamed on Russian intelligence by the CIA, and now by the US President, with not a shred of proof, and despite the fact that NSA. Wikipedia, whose content is often manipulated by US intelligence agencies, rapidly posted a page with the curious title, “Pizzagate (Conspiracy Theory).”

To make certain the neutral interested reader gets the message, the first line reads, “Pizzagate is a debunked conspiracy theory which emerged during the 2016 United States presidential election cycle, alleging that John Podesta’s emails, which were leaked by WikiLeaks, contain coded messages referring to human trafficking, and connecting a number of pizzerias in Washington, D.C. and members of the Democratic Party to a child-sex ring.”

‘Fake News’ Mantra Begins

My purpose in mentioning Pizzagate details is not to demonstrate the authenticity of the Pizzagate allegations. That others are doing with far more resources. Rather, it is to point out the time synchronicity of the explosive Pizzagate email releases by Julian Assange’s Wikileaks web blog, with the launch of a massive mainstream media and political campaign against what is now being called “Fake News.”

The cited New York Times article that Wikipedia cites as “debunking” the Pizzagate allegations states, “None of it was true. While Mr. Alefantis has some prominent Democratic friends in Washington and was a supporter of Mrs. Clinton, he has never met her, does not sell or abuse children, and is not being investigated by law enforcement for any of these claims. He and his 40 employees had unwittingly become real people caught in the middle of a storm of fake news.” The article contains not one concrete proof that the allegations are false, merely quoting Alefantis as the poor victim of malicious Fake News.

That New York Times story was accompanied by a series of articles such as “How Fake News Goes Viral: A Case Study.” Another headline reads, “Obama, With Angela Merkel in Berlin, Assails Spread of Fake News.” Then on November 19, strong Clinton supporter, Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg is quoted in a prominent article titled, “Facebook Considering Ways to Combat Fake News, Mark Zuckerberg Says.”

Facebook uses CIA Censors

Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of the world-leading social media site, Facebook.com, the world’s 5th wealthiest man at an estimated $50 billion, has now established a network of “Third Party Fact Checkers” whose job is to red flag any Facebook message of the estimated one billion people using the site, with a prominent warning that reads, “Disputed by Third-Party Fact Checkers.”

Facebook has announced that it is taking its censorship ques from something called The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). This IFCN, a new creation, has drafted a code of five principles for news websites to accept, and Facebook will work with “third-party fact checking organizations” that are signatories to that code of principles.

If we search under the name International Fact-Checking Network, we find ourselves at the homepage of something called the Poynter Institute for Media Studies in St. Petersburg, Florida.

OK. If we look a bit deeper we find that the Poynter Institute’s International Fact-Checking Network in turn, as its website states, gets money from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Omidyar Network, the Open Society Foundations of George Soros.

Oh my, oh my! Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation who partners with Soros in numerous nasty projects such as convincing African countries to accept Genetically Modified or GMO seeds? Google, whose origins date back to funding by the CIA and NSA as what intelligence researcher Nafeez Ahmed describes as a “plethora of private sector start-ups co-opted by US intelligence to retain ‘information superiority‘ “?

The Omidyar Foundation is the foundation of eBay founder and multi billionaire, Pierre Omidyar, which finances among other projects the online digital publication, The Intercept, launched in 2014 by Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras and Jeremy Scahill.

And the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the US Government-financed “private” NGO behind every Color Revolution CIA regime change from the Ukraine Color Revolutions to the Arab Spring? The NED was a CIA project created in the 1980’s during the Reagan Administration as part of privatizing US intelligence dirty operations, to do, as Allen Weinstein, who drafted the Congressional legislation to establish the NED, noted in a candid 1991 Washington Post interview, “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”

And if we dig even deeper we find, lo and behold, the name George Soros, convicted hedge fund insider trader, tax-exempt philanthropist and giga-billionaire who seems to fund not only Hillary Clinton and virtually every CIA and US State Department Color Revolution from Russia to China to Iran through his network of Open Society Foundations including the 1990’s Jeffrey Sachs Shock Therapy plunder of Russia and most of former Communist East Europe.

Another one of the media working with Zuckerberg’s Facebook censorship of Fake News is the Washington Post, today owned by Amazon billionaire founder Jeff Bezos. Bezos is a major media business partner of….The US Central Intelligence Agency, a fact he omitted to inform about after taking over ownership of the most important newspaper in Washington.

Bezos’ Washington Post recently published a bizarre list of 200 websites it claimed generated Fake News. It refused to identify who gave them the list. Veteran Washington investigative reporter, Wayne Madsen, exposed the source of the McCarthy-style taboo list of so-called Fake News. It was a “website called PropOrNot.com that has links to the CIA and George Soros.”

It’s not merely the Pizzagate revelations that have triggered such a massive attack on independent Internet websites. It seems that back in January 2014 at the Davos World Economic Forum control of information on the Internet was a top item of discussion. At the time, Madsen noted, “With the impending demise of World Wide Web ‘net neutrality,’ which has afforded equal access for website operators to the Internet, the one percent of billionaire investors are busy positioning themselves to take over total control of news reporting on the Internet.”

It’s not even the foxes who are guarding the Internet Henhouse. It’s the werewolves of CIA and US Government censorship. Whether the explosive Pizzagate Podesta revelations merely triggered a dramatic acceleration in the timetable for the CIA’s planned “Fake News” operation as the successor to their 1980’s “Conspiracy Theory” linguistic discrediting operation, it’s clear this is no unbiased, objective, transparent public service to protect the Internet public from harmful content.

And, besides, who are they to tell me or you what you are allowed to read, digest and form your independent ideas about? This is a 21st Century reincarnation of the Spanish Inquisition, one by the real fake newsmakers–Washington Post, AP, ABCNews, Snopes.com, FactCheck.org, the CIA and friends. I would say it’s an alarming development of cyber warfare, not by Russia, but by those CIA-run networks that are fomenting Fake News to demonize any and everyone who opposes Washington intelligence propaganda.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.” 

2016-12-30 07:36:35



F. William Engdahl
New Eastern Outlook

ヒラリー・クリントン選挙本部長のジョン・ポデスタや、他のワシントンで極めて影響力の強い政治関係者が、ホワイト・ハウス近くの、41歳のジェームズ・アキレス・アレファンティスが経営する奇抜なコメット・ピンポンという名のピザ屋とつながっている“ピザ・ゲート”データー漏洩以来、CIAとつながるマスコミによる最新の念仏はis need to“偽ニュース”と呼ばれているもののかどで取り締まる(つまり検閲)必要があると称する。このインターネット検閲の動きという最新措置は、フェイスブックと呼ばれる怪しげなソーシャル・メディア組織による、フェイスブック・メッセージが偽ニュースを推進しているかどうかを判断するため特別な組織を雇うという判断だ。最近、フェイスブックが使う“事実確認”民間組織が、CIAや、CIAと関係するジョージ・ソロスのオープン・ソサエティー財団を含むNGOとつながっていることが明らかになった。




ウイキリークスによるポデスタ電子メール発見と公開は、CIAによって、すぐさまロシア諜報機関のせいだとされ、更に今、アメリカ大統領、一片の証拠も無しに、despite事実that NSA。その内容が往々にしてアメリカ情報機関によって操作されているウィキペディアは素早く“ピザ・ゲート (陰謀論)”という奇妙な題名のページを作った。





このニューヨーク・タイムズ記事には“偽ニュースはいかにして急速に広まるのか: 一つのケース・スタディー”などの一連の記事が続いている。他の見出しには“オバマ、ベルリンで、アンゲラ・メルケルとともに、偽ニュースの広まりを非難”というのがある。11月19日には、クリントンの熱烈な支持者のフェイスブック億万長者マーク・ザッカーバーグが“フェイスブック、偽ニュースと戦う方法を検討中とマーク・ザッカーバーグは語る”と題する目立つ記事で引用されている。



フェイスブックは、検閲の指示を、The International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN)なるものから受けると発表した。このIFCNなる新組織は、ニュース・ウェブサイトが受け入れるべき五つの行動規範を策定し、フェイスブックは、この行動規範に調印した“事実確認を行う第三者組織”と協力する予定だというのだ。

International Fact-Checking Networkという名称で検索すると、フロリダ州セントピーターズバーグにあるPoynter Institute for Media Studiesなるもののホームページが見つかる。

結構だ。少し詳しく調べると、Poynter Institute’s International Fact-Checking Networkは、そのウェブサイトにある通り、資金を、ビル & メリンダ・ゲーツ財団、グーグル、全米民主主義基金、オミダール・ネットワーク、ジョージ・ソロスのオープン・ソサエティー財団から得ていることがわかる。

やれやれ! アフリカ諸国に遺伝子組み替え、GMO種子を受け入れるよう説得するなど無数の邪悪なプロジェクトでソロスと提携しているビル & メリンダ・ゲーツ財団だと? 諜報問題研究者ナフィーズ・アーメドが“アメリカ諜報機関によって、‘諜報上の優位‘ を維持するために取り込まれた膨大な数の民間新興企業“と表現しているものへのCIAとNSAによる資金提供にその淵源がさかのぼるグーグルだと?


そして、アメリカ政府が資金提供している全米民主主義基金(NED)は、ウクライナのカラー革命からアラブの春にいたるあらゆるカラー革命、CIA政権転覆の黒幕なのだ。“民間”NGOのNEDは、NED設立の法案草稿を書いたアレン・ウェインステイン、1991年のワシントン・ポストの率直なインタビューで“現在我々が行っていることの多くは、25年前には、CIAによってこっそり行われていた”と発言しているように、1980年代のレーガン政権時代に アメリカ諜報機関の汚い作戦の民営化する一環として設立されたCIAのプロジェクトなのだ。






しかも、私やあなたに、独自の考え方を形成するため、どれを読んで良いと言ってくれる連中は何者だろう? これは、他ならぬ本物の偽ニュース製造者-ワシントン・ポスト、AP、ABCNews、Snopes.com、FactCheck.org、CIAとその他のお友達による21世紀版スペイン宗教裁判転生だ。これは、ロシアによってではなく、アメリカ政府の諜報プロパガンダに反対する、ありとあらゆる人々を悪魔化するため、偽ニュースを醸成しているCIAが運営するネットワークによるサイバー戦争の驚くべき進展だと言いたい。

F. William Engdahlは戦略リスク・コンサルタント、講師で、プリンストン大学の学位を持っており、石油と地政学に関するベストセラー本の著書で、これはオンライン誌“New Eastern Outlook”への独占寄稿。


○ Record low temperatures hit Southern California//記録的に低い温度は、南カリフォルニアを襲った

2016-12-30 07:22:31 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

  2016-12-30 07:22:31 Globalnews

– Record low temperatures hit Southern California:

Cold and dry air streamed into parts of Southern California over the weekend, dropping temperatures to record lows. Cold air and weakest sunshine of the year will not allow maximum temperatures to warm much at all for at least the next couple of days. SoCalGas is urging customers to immediately reduce their natural gas use during this critical period to help lower the risk of possible natural gas and electricity shortages.

According to NWS Los Angeles, record low temperature of -8.8 °C (16 °F) was set at Lancaster Airport on Sunday morning, December 18, breaking the previous record of -8.3 °C (17 °F) set in 1995.

At Santa Maria Airport, a record low temperature of -2.7 °C (27 °F) was set on the same day, breaking the previous record of -2.2 °C (28 °F) degrees set in 1928. Continue reading »







