○ Treasure of the World! Chichibu Festival //世界の宝だ!秩父祭 無形遺産登録決定後初の大祭

2016-12-04 07:55:37 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-12-04 07:55:37 asahicom
Treasure of the world! Chichibu festival

An intangible legacy registration decision, with first a grand festival

Kenji Takayama 21:44 December 3 in 2016
The share

[Animation] Chichibu festival into which a grand festival was received. The= Kenji Takayama photography fireworks were set off and into which a festival received a climax

= 8:41pm on the 3rd and Chichibu-shi, Saitama fireworks were set off in winter sky and into which a festival received a climax.

On the 3rd, one by which registration is decided speculation, halberd (pike) "and" street stall event and Chichibu festival in Chichibu-shi, Saitama to an intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Oraganization) (Chichibu night festival) met a grand festival. Gorgeousness (gorgeously), the float called 4 sets of "street stall" and 2 "festival parasols" (umbrella pike) went around the city from a morning to night.

It's ranked as "Japanese three big hikiyama (A pull and, oh.) festival" with the Gion Festival in Kyoto and Takayama Festival in Hida and takes pride in tradition in more than 300.

Then a steep slope of about 25 times of angle of dip which becomes a climax "Dangozaka" drew a float of weight about 12-20 tons up with a shout of "HORYAI and HORYAI". About 6500 shots of fireworks were closed by winter sky, and about 330,000 audience were intoxicated with a heroic festival. About 130,000 people increase from last year which was a weekday, the city sightseeing department, ", I decide in the registration decision of an intangible cultural heritage and the registration event as well as the weekend holding, with first, it was a festival and it was watched." if it's being seen. (Kenji Takayama)

2016-12-04 01:21:14 asahicom
世界の宝だ!秩父祭 無形遺産登録決定後初の大祭







○ ○ Plz Your Lamp a little more high//あなたのランプの灯りを もう少し高くかかげて ください。re-up versi.

2016-12-04 04:24:02 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS
2016-12-04 04:24:02 🌞THKA🌞


2016-10-18 18:45:29 Tokyo Helen Keller Association.




October 17, 2016Please put up light of your lamp a little more highly. To compare the people's way which isn't seen. (Helen A. Keller)

The light of your lamp.Please raise a little more highly.The one of the people which aren't seenTo compare a way. I met the person who has a visual disability, if time also melts and fits you a little, please give us a hand.If I come at a town.

If I meet up with the person who has a visual disability.On the road.

The person of an expression who seems to stop, survey left and right, look for the ground by a cane and be worried and the same place, if I come across the person going back and forth, please speak. It may be the one which doesn't know the way any more. But when you grasp an arm and a cane suddenly, I'm surprised. One besides the urgent case, "Shall something help you?", please speak.

On a platform.

A platform is a very dangerous place. There is no end to fall accident from a home. Lead to an entrance to the platform is saved very much.

By a line of a bus and the taxi stand.

Please tell me tag end of a line. There is no intention which interrupts, I don't know where to line up.

In the car of a train and a bus.

If I have an available seat, please tell me. It isn't understood, so I often stand up.

When the way could be asked.

"That" even if it's pointed to, I don't find out "that". "I walk about 10 meters to the straight front along a wall, and I turn to the right at the first corner, and it's the 3rd house." please teach me etc. specifically.

I return to the head of the body.

When it's guided.

To the person who works as a tour guide, please.

It's discussed what kind of way you'd like, and there is a pipe. Could you add to a request of the person who has a visual disability?

When I walk.

Let me be caught by your arm or shoulder, please. When you pull a cane and clothes, it feels like being dangerous and regrettable. I'm also afraid to be pressed from the rear. Please teach me the etc. which "becomes" small at a small place. Please can turn an arm to the back a little and walk behind your 1 step. Please add the speed you walk to the shape of the partner.

On the stairs.

It stops just before the stairs and I " "climb" or get off", and, please speak. When there is a handrail, please ask whether you'd like to be caught. Stop at a place for dancing and the last step once, and please tell me. Please tell me irregular stairs every 1 step.

By an escalator.

Stop just before the escalator and please make a hand touch in a belt after I explain whether it's ascent or descent. I'm worried that I take the center without belts.



Getting on and off of a vehicle

Make a hand touch on a handrail in getting on and off of a bus, and please tell me the number of rows of the step. When taking a train, please make a hand touch in a handrail and a shutter box. When it's wide and open between the train and the home, please explain specifically the etc. which "becomes empty" about 30 centimeters. When there is a step, "They become short about 20 centimeters." Please warn etc..Please make a hand touch in a part of a door and a roof in getting on and off of a car. Please don't try to force and drag out with both hands. Whether the place where you get off again is safe take good care, please.

When I sit down on a seat.

When you'd make a hand touch in a part of back of the chair and a seat, I sit down by myself after the direction where I sit down is explained. Please don't try to hold both shoulders and make them call.

Time of the meal

Please tell me the location of the tableware and the dish and the contents. Using a dial of a clock, front, 6:00 and the right, when the front is chosen with 12:00 at 9:00, and you explain the left with the etc. by which "a knife is at 3:00 in a fork and the right to the left of a cake and a cake plate in coffee and 6:00" at 3:00, it's easy to understand. Please also tell me which way the knife is. When handing it to me, I make a part of a stem last, and when you make a part in the back of the blade touch in the other hand, knows the situation and the length. I lead a hand and make tableware touch, and when you can do a word attention of a hot container, it's saved. It's difficult to pour sauce and soy sauce over a dish and put cream in coffee, so please help me. Food served in the hot pot and a buffet style aren't also liked. Please give me a hand after it's confirmed what you'd like to eat.

When money is handed.

When handing money, please don't give small change a ride on the paper money. When it's dropped, it's difficult to look for it. When you can hand it according to the denomination when it's possible, it's easy to understand.

I return to the head of the body.





If it'll be a friend.

Please speak from your way. "Hello. It's o o." and, please say the name. You don't sometimes understand only with voice.It isn't necessary to choose a topic. It isn't necessary to avoid a television, a movie, fashion and the landscape. Please be particular and speak about everything with which I cry.

To the person who rides a bicycle, please.

The bicycle which approaches quietly can't be avoided. Please put aside from your one. If a white cane is seen, when you can slow down, I'm a little happy.... Please don't stop a bicycle on the braille block. A lot of bicycles which block a road up are the kind of worries for the people who have a visual disability.

To the person who drives a car, please.

When the person who has a visual disability is crossing a road, please wait only a moment. When you can run through the neighborhood by the Takeshi speed, the concern of which I'm quite afraid is done. Parking on the street will be also the cause which disturbs walking. I hit the door which is still open.

About a guide dog.

A guide dog (eye Mate) is the dog you trained especially to help walking of the person who has a visual disability. It isn't a pet, so please don't stroke without owner's permission and give me a food. When it distracts a guide dog during walking again, it's dangerous, so I give a whistle, and, I call, please also cut down behavior. A guide dog doesn't know the way and is inducing with user's directions, so if they waver and seem in trouble, please speak to an user. I'll stop to touch a harness and a collar.


Even if you offer and decline aid, please don't make the intention bad. Aid may not be sometimes necessary by chance. Even though it was declined once, please don't think "I'll stop soon speaking." The going alone isn't easy for the person who has a disability with many eyes. It's often rescued by the word to which you say "Will anything help you?" And the word with which everyone is gentle wraps a heart of the people who have a visual disability above all warmly.





2016-10-18 18:45:29 Tokyo Helen Keller Association.

社会福祉法人 東京ヘレン・ケラー協会










もう少し高くかかげて  ください。





目の不自由な人に出会ったとき もしあなたに少し時間があったら、私たちに手を貸してください







































