◯ Big Brother Watch..WEEP CALM / 顔認識·フェスト:英国警察スキャン10万Concertgoers

2015-06-17 16:58:00 | ♪ One Short Talk


 2015-06-17 global news.   police in the U.K.





– Facial Recognition-Fest: UK Police Scan 100,000 Concertgoers (Common Dreams, June 16, 2015):

Just in time for facial recognition technology to lose its few privacy allies in the U.S., police in the U.K. demonstrated just what that kind of mass surveillance of the public might look like in reality.

Over the weekend, Leicestireshire police planted a series of “strategically placed cameras” throughout the grounds of an outdoor concert—ironically called the Download Festival—to scan the faces of more than 100,000 people and match them against a database of wanted criminals across Europe.

It was believed to be the first time that facial recognition technology had been used in an outdoor venue in the country.

The law enforcement news website Police Oracle informed concertgoers that the cameras would be used during the festival in a post ahead of the weekend, although it’s unclear how widely that message was spread—content on the Police Oracle website can only be read after registration.

Renate Samson, a campaigner with UK-based privacy rights organization Big Brother Watch, told the BBC that the scheme was “a great worry.”

Referring to the police justification that the scans would help catch cell phone thieves and other petty crime at the festival, Samson added, “We’re very keen for bad people to be caught but we’re also keen for innocent people to go about their day-to-day business, have a good time at festivals they’ve paid good money for, and not feel as though they’re being surveyed by police.”

Samson also told Noisey that “Leicestershire has a reputation for surveillance. Between 2009 and 2011 they had some of the highest amounts of CCTV in the UK.”

In fact, Noisey reports, the Download Festival may be just the start of public video surveillance by law enforcement:

According to the Police Oracle article previously cited, other festival organisers have expressed widespread interest in technology, pending a successful trial. DC [Detective Constable] Kevin Walker told the Oracle, “It is one of the first times it has been trialled outside, normally it is done in a controlled environment. There has also been a lot of interest from other festivals and they are saying: ‘If it works, can we borrow it?’ “








2015-06-17 global news.   police in the U.K.











サムソンも語った Noiseyを「レスターは、監視のための評判を持っていること。2009年と2011年の間、彼らは英国でCCTVの最高額の一部を持っていました。」


以前に引用された警察のOracle記事によると、他の祭りの主催者は、成功した裁判出願中の技術で広く関心を表明しています。DC [探偵コンスタブル]ケビン·ウォーカーは、通常、それは制御された環境で行われ、それが外に試されている最初の回の一つである」と、Oracleに語りました。そこに、他の祭りから多くの関心となっていると、彼らは言っている:「?それが動作する場合、我々はそれを借りることができます」"








◯ This Test Predicts Your Risk of Dying in the Next Five Years 5年以内に死ぬ確率がわかるサイト

2015-06-17 12:32:20 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-06-17 12:25:09 The Lancet. Gizmodo US

This Test Predicts Your Risk of Dying in the Next Five Years

Erik Ingelsson and Andrea Ganna
Filed to: HEALTH 6/04/15 5:30am
This Test Predicts Your Risk of Dying in the Next Five Years

There is a great interest in understanding what might predict life expectancy in the general population. We already know several risk factors that have a substantial impact on mortality. For example, smoking, lack of exercise and increased body mass index have been shown to increase the risk of dying earlier.

Most previous studies have investigated one risk factor at a time – and usually in a limited number of individuals. However, in the first study of its kind, published in The Lancet, we compared many potential risk factors in a large number of individuals and come up with a tool that can be used by anyone living in the UK and aged between 40 and 70 to calculate their risk of dying within the next five years. In addition users can work out their “Ubble age” – a single prediction score that uses information about you to match your risk profile to the age of the average person of your gender in the UK.

You can calculate your five-year risk of dying as well as your Ubble age using our interactive website, developed in collaboration with Sense About Science. After filling in a dozen or so simple questions, the tool is able to calculate your risk and your Ubble age.

Coming up with the tool

We examined and compared more than 655 measurements of demographics, health, and lifestyle factors in around 500,000 people from the UK Biobank who were aged between 40 and 70 years old. We then used a statistical survival model to work out the probability of these measurements predicting death from any cause, and also six specific causes, for men and women.

We analysed how well each measurement predicted mortality using something called the C-index. The higher the C-index, the more accurate the measurement is in discriminating between those who will die and those who won’t in the next five years. A C-index of 50-60% is considered a poor predictor, 60-70% moderate, 70-80% good, 80-90% very good and over 90% is considered excellent.

We further selected the most predictive measurements, 13 for men and 11 for women, and combined them into the prediction score. For example we selected questions such as: “Do you smoke now?” or “In general how would you rate your overall health?”. The prediction score is also used to calculate the Ubble age, which is simply the age of an average individual from the UK of same gender that matches the predicted risk. So for example, if you’re a 53-year-old woman and your estimated risk of dying in five years is 2.4%, the most similar risk in the UK life tables is of a 56-year-old woman. So your Ubble age would be 56.

A simple questionnaire

We found that the variables that most accurately predicted death from all causes within five years did not need to be measured by physical examination, but could be reported by individuals through a questionnaire.

For example, asking people to rate their overall health (self-reported health) and to describe their usual walking pace were two of the strongest predictors in both men and women for different causes of death. It turns out that walking pace is more predictive of five-year mortality (a C-index of 72%) than body mass index (C-index of 68%).

We also found that among individuals who did not have any known major disease, measurements of smoking habits were the strongest predictors of mortality within five years.

Overall, our study allows comparison of a large number of predictors of overall and cause-specific mortality in a way that has never been done before. As well as being open to use by people to improve their health awareness, health professionals and organisations can also use it to identify individuals at high-risk.


Our website was evaluated by several audit groups, including scientists and representatives from patient organisations and other stakeholders as well as individuals from the general public.

However, there are some limitations in our study. The UK Biobank participants are not representative of the entire UK population, as they are more affluent and have lower mortality. We addressed this partly by recalibration of the prediction score using data from the UK census. We also only looked at the risk of dying within five years, and it is unknown how the prediction would look like beyond this period.

Finally, the tool is a predictor and cannot claim causality. Most of the strongest predictors of mortality are correlated, not proven as causally related. For example, a slow walking pace is a strong predictor of dying, but walking faster won’t necessarily lead to a reduced risk of dying. Smoking and dying, however, is one of the few things that we know are causally related.

This Test Predicts Your Risk of Dying in the Next Five Years
Erik Ingelsson is Professor of Molecular Epidemiology at Uppsala University. Andrea Ganna is Research Fellow at Karolinska Institute. This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article. Image by Mark van Laere under Creative Commons license.

2015-06-17 12:25:09 The Lancet. Gizmodo US

2015.06.10 21:00




5年以内に死亡する確率とUbble年齢を知りたい方は、ここのインタラクティブなサイトでどうぞ。Sense About Scienceと共同で開発したサイトです。簡単な質問に1ダース分ぐらい答えていくと、最後に死亡する確率とUbble年齢が表示されますよ。






たとえば任意の死因で、男女共通で一番よく当たる死亡率予測要因は何だと思いますか? 自分の健康状態の自己評価(自己申告の健康状態)と、ふだん歩くペース、この2つです。5年以内に死ぬ確率を予測する面では、歩くペース(C-インデックス72%)の方が、なんとBMI(C-インデックス68%)よりもよく当たるのです。








*筆者のErik Ingelsson氏はスウェーデンのウプサラ大学分子疫学教授、Andrea Gannaさんはカロリンスカ研究所研究員。本稿は「The Conversation」初出記事を許可を得て再掲しました。

Image by Mark van Laere under Creative Commons license

Erik Ingelsson and Andrea Ganna - Gizmodo US