◯ The Fukushima Crisis904Radio. in the past Worst.原発の港湾内の放射性物質濃度 過去最高に

2015-06-11 07:33:12 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-06-11 07:24:23 3.nhk.or.jp. Tokyo Electric Power Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant.


The density of radioactive materials in the Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant harbor The past Worst!

The density of radioactive materials in the harbor in a nuclear power plant In the past Worst.

NHK May 30, 2015 5:30.

Pollution water 1
The density of radioactive materials in the harbor in a nuclear power plant In the past Worst.

Tokyo Electric Power Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant
It was so and this water was 4 in the harbor in the nuclear power plant which flowed, and the problem that water including radioactive materials of the high density has begun to leak relatively on the 29th showed that radioactive materials indicated the price by which a history has a high density most. After assuming that it didn't influence outside the harbor, Tokyo Electric Power draws the water which leaked and continues the measure which stops outflow to a sea.
The water including radioactive materials of the high density served by the process with which polluted rainwater was treated on the 29th was found having begun to leak from a crack of a hose at Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Pollution water 2
A hose is in the side ditch of this picture.

Satellite photograph in Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Pollution water 3

A hose of a problem is an orange line.
It's at Akamaru that it was found having begun to leak.

When it was checked by Tokyo Electric Power, water of this side ditch showed that the radioactive materials out of which radiation as a beta ray is taken were detected by the high density relatively with 22,000 becquerels for 1 liter.

Even if I jumped up in approximately 6600 becquerels for 1 liter and about 200 times of 2 days ago as of the afternoon on the 29th, the density of the radioactive materials in the drain where this water flowed was here.

4 points in the harbor in the nuclear power plant where a drain is connected.
x It's at the mark.
Pollution water 4

The radioactive materials included in seawater indicated the price by which 320 becquerels and the past have from 190 becquerels for 1 liter both here.

We assume exchange receives indication of the lack of durability, and is advanced, and a leak stops at Tokyo Electric Power's stopping a flow of water, and that a hose of a problem doesn't influence outside the harbor.
Because the density of the radioactive materials in the drain where water flowed indicates an upward trend from the day before yesterday (28 days), Tokyo Electric Power is thinking a leak continued from this time, is drawing water from drain and stops outflow to a sea as well as is checking the more detailed situation.

2015-06-11 07:24:23 東京電力福島第一原子力発電所

福島第一原発港湾内の放射性物質濃度 過去最高!!!!!


原発の港湾内の放射性物質濃度 過去最高に

NHK 2015年5月30日 5時30分

原発の港湾内の放射性物質濃度 過去最高に








汚染水4.放水】福島原発の港湾内の放射性物質濃度 過去最高に ニュース速報画像 ...



◯ When a language changed, 使う言語が「世界の見え方」を決めている:研究結果

2015-06-11 07:13:52 | ♪ One Short Talk

2015-06-10 17:29:21 WIRED NEWS (IT) George Orwell.

2015.5.18 MON
A used language has decided "how to be seen the world": Research result

It was proved to say "When a language changed,

the world around also looked different." Even the same person says that how to catch a matter is changing with the language used at that time.



Thank You Word Cloud printed on colorful paper different languages photo from Shutterstock
George Orwell contrived "news peak" (new word way) in "1984". "INGUSOKKU" (the only political party which rules 1984 of Distopia) is produced language system I interfere with all destructive thought by a citizen, and to take the vocabulary to which such idea is expressed away from them literally. Thought was related to a language each other, and when perceiving the world, Orwell was thinking we underwent the linguistic influence one uses.
"Psycological Science" an announced new study lines this Orwell's idea with a magazine. I depend on the language about which I'm speaking at the moment for how to catch bilingual behavior and the world around. And when they change a used language, they're behavior and the one how to catch a matter also changes at the same time.
Even if the figure of the two people completely witnesses the same affair by a study, the, that each is different in way catching depending on used languages also became clear.
The linguist of Lancaster university who studied and PANOSU ASANASOPUROSU showed an animation of the person walking to the direction of a car to a subject. While I replied that much of the person who makes English a mother tongue was the animation "a person is walking" when I made them describe its state by words, I replied that much of the person who makes German a mother tongue was an animation of "the person walking to the car".
In other words, the person who makes German a mother tongue also tends to describe the purpose as well as person's act together. Because their language is a language with the whole theory-like point of view which considers an affair in the whole. On the other hand the person who speaks English seems to have the tendency an act makes only itself concentrate attention in which.
When I have come from the feature of the grammar which shows a relation with the behavior and time, this tendency tells for ASANASOPUROSU to be explaining by an exhibited article by "The Conversation".
For example some affairs express the state in the developing stage by English using the "-ing" shape.
"I'm playing the piano and I cannot come to the phone"
(I'm playing the piano, and can't answer the telephone.)
"I was playing the piano when the phone rang"
(When the telephone rang, I was playing the piano.)
This is the feature which isn't in German.
(Companion piece)
* English society has a lot of affirmative words:

(Companion piece)
* English society has a lot of affirmative words: It's checked statistically.
* That I'd like the world for "Anglicizing"? Front of the language education I ask EF Englishtown CEO and the "future of" a word
* The robot from which a word is learned like a baby: Animation

Then, what kind of thing happens in case of bilingual people? Does such difference also appear by a nonverbal situation of how to catch a matter as well as the time when a matter is expressed using a word?
A team of ASANASOPUROSU "walks" to the people who make English and German a mother tongue to answer such question, "I ride a bicycle." "I run." "A car is driven.", such as, an animation of the person going to act was shown. The purpose is ambiguous for an animation, the destination where (the lady who has that walks along the way to the car), something clear, it's shown by 1 set for 3 of (the lady who enters a building) and something by which a recorded act chips a strict target (walking lady).
Next researchers asked participants by which the purpose was close, the animation which shows an act or the animation which indicates a lack of the purpose with the destination where an ambiguous animation is clear.
The difference has also gone out between the person who makes English a mother tongue and the person who makes Germany a mother tongue this case when an answer is also concerned with nonverbal classification of an act as well as the linguistic flank. There were a lot more things to which a person using English ties ambiguous behavior and the act which chips the purpose, a person using German, the, I lost my head.
Then, how is a bilingual case? When I had the people who speak English and German fluently receive an experiment, it became clear that a response changes with the language a subject used at the moment.
When bilingual people used German, their answer was near something of the person who makes German a mother tongue. The reverse is also zen RI. When you change the language used in the experimental way, I say that a response also changed.
There are a lot of people who feel so that the character may change with a used language as ASANASOPUROSU is explaining. And an experimental result seems to line that this sense is right.

LanguageRecommendResearchWIRED IT


2015.5.18 MON




Thank You Word Cloud printed on colorful paper different languages photo from Shutterstock
『Psycological Science』誌で発表された新しい研究は、このオーウェルの考えを裏付けるものである。バイリンガルの行動と周りの世界の捉え方は、その瞬間に話している言語に依存する。そして彼らは、使用する言語を変えると、同時に行動や物事の捉え方も変化させるというのだ。
この傾向は、「The Conversation」で公開された記事でアサナソプロスが説明しているように、行動と時間との関係を表す文法の特徴からきているという。
「I am playing the piano and I cannot come to the phone」
「I was playing the piano when the phone rang」
・世界の「英語化」はいいこと? EF Englishtown CEOに訊く語学教育の最前線と「言葉の未来」


LanguageRecommendResearchWIRED IT