2015-02-10 19:44:25 sortirdunucleaire.org
February 7, 2015 Saturday.
To the Minister of the Environment who is France from the German Minister of the Environment: "Centrale nucléaire de Fessenheim, right now, in decommissioning of reactor"/, German Minister of the Environment letter&
The meeting which leaves a nuclear power plant (January 12)
German Barbara and Hendrix Minister of the Environment sent the letter they ask to abolish a nuclear power plant Fessenheim nuclear power plant in the French oldest when it's in the border in Germany and France to Ségolène Royal, minister of the Environment on January 12 quickly, and requested to indicate a decommissioning of reactor schedule in detail. Fessenheim nuclear power plant holds 2 nuclear reactors, and both of 2 sets are working for 37 years more than 1978 years. Decommissioning of reactor promised to do Fessenheima nuclear power plant by 2017 in case of presidential election, and Orlando president won. But when he undergoes influence of a nuclear power plant champion, a Royale minister is worked as, and the observation which doesn't face decommissioning of reactor has gone out.
Hendrix Minister of the Environment stated "A resident around the nuclear power plant was holding strong anxiety about safety in a nuclear power plant. As far as it was possible as pledge of Orlando president, he wished to abolish a Fessenheim nuclear power plant early hard." in the letter. Or, I'm asking to tell future's decommissioning of reactor schedule in detail at the same time.
(makin an abridged)
● The source: "Abolition in a Fessenheim nuclear power plant is requested of the German Minister of the Environment and Ségolène Royal, French Minister of the Environment."/gathering which leaves a nuclear power plant (January 12)
http://www.sortirdunucleaire.org/spip.php? page=article_dossier&id_article=41197
2015-02-10 19:44:25 sortirdunucleaire.org
2015年2月 7日 (土)
(makin an abridged)
● source:「ドイツ環境大臣、セゴレーヌ・ロワイヤル仏環境大臣