◯3arts to have ur opinion into well in E- meeting英語の会議で自分の意見をしっかり伝える3つのコツ

2015-02-23 08:09:47 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-02-23 07:37:56 EF Englishtown online


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2 days 17 hours ago

5 days 17 hours ago
こういうことがあなたに起こったことはありますか?例えば、親友の誕生パーティに出席しなくてはいけないその晩に、ボスからディナー・ミーティングに誘われました。 時として、「No」を言わなくてはいけないときがあります。でも、どうすれば礼を失することなく言えるでしょうか?ここでは、そんなときに相手の感情を傷つけることなく「No」と言える言い方をご紹介しましょう。

9 days 17 hours ago

会議を英語で行なったり、海外にいるスタッフと英語で電話会議をする機会が増えていると日々感じている方も多いかと思います。準備万端で挑んでも結局思っていたことがうまくいえなかったり、意見があるのにも関わらず周りに圧倒されて発言する機会を逃したりしていませんか? 今回は、「オンライン留学体験」を提供する世界最大級のオンライン英会話スクール「EF Englishtown」の記事より、英語の会議で意見をしっかり伝えるためのコツをご紹介します。

1. 意見はシンプルにわかりやすく

また、意見を言う際にその意見が個人的な主張なのか、一般的な考えなのかをはじめにはっきりさせておくとスムーズに話を伝えることができます。たとえば、自分の意見の場合は Personally, I think... (個人的に...と思います)、As far as I'm concerned... (私の考えとしては...)といった言い方があり、一般的な意見については It is considered that... (...だと考えられています) 、It is generally accepted that... (...ということが一般的に受け入れられています)といったような表現を使うことができます。

2. 反論する時は丁寧に


反対する前に、きちんと相手の言っていることを理解して、妥当な議論であることを確認しましょう。そうすれば、あなたが相手の意見をきちんと聴いていることを示せますし、自分の意見も確固としたものにできるからです。たとえば、I understand where you're coming from, but... (あなたのおっしゃることはわかりますが...)、That's a valid point, but... (それはもっともな意見ですが) と相手の意見を尊重してから自分の意見を言い始めてみましょう。

反論する前に謝罪を入れることもスマートな方法です。I'm sorry but I disagree with you about this. (申し訳ないけど、これに関しては反対です。) と反対はしているけれど、一言相手を思いやる言葉があるだけで、ワンクッション入れることができます。

3. 話に割って入ることを恐れないで

話し合っているのは外国人だけで日本人はなかなかいい意見を持っていてもそこに割って入れない... なんて状況はグローバル環境の会議ではよく見る光景ではないでしょうか。せっかく言いたいことがあるのに、黙っているなんてもったいないです。でも、なかなか割って入るタイミングがわからなくてといった場合、このような言い方を使ってみましょう。Can I share an idea? (意見をシェアしてもいいでしょうか?), I would like to add something (補足したいのですが)、Excuse me, may I comment on that? (すみませんが、それについて一言いいでしょうか?) などです。確かに、日本では他の人が話している時は最後まで話を聞くというのが礼儀ですが、グローバル環境では意見がある場合、皆どんどん発言をしていきます。圧倒されてしまう気持ちもわかりますが、思い切って割り込んでみましょう。ただ、もちろん周りの様子を見ながらやりすぎない程度にしてくださいね。
では、最後に。会議中いろいろと考えていたところなのに、いきなり意見を求められてしまったらどうしたらいいでしょう? 黙っているのはよくないですよね? パニックになってしまう前に、こんな言い方があることを覚えておきましょう。I'm sorry but still forming my opinion. (すみませんが、まだ意見をまとめているところです) と言えば、I don't knowやI have no ideaとわかりませんと言ってしまうより、印象が良くなります。ただ、その場合はあとでまた意見を聞かれることが予想されるので、きちんと意見を言えるように考えることも忘れないようにしましょう。

(Aki. N)
Photo by Shutterstock.

◯The Fukushima Crisis881/ Shelters Sr.ストロンチウム90の汚染水を隠したのは東京五輪のため!?

2015-02-23 07:28:01 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-02-23 05:21:53 NHK. Reuters. Tokyo Electric Power.

Because is it Tokyo Olympics that pollution water of strontium 90 was hidden?

Nuclear power plant environmental pollution
2014/02/2521:00 - -
A picture is Japan Times (February 11) lay.

The reason that Tokyo Electric Power didn't announce fact from the high concentration pollution watercourse of strontium 90 to an American strong site so far, I'm saying "To decide Tokyo in the Olympic site."

Outflow of high concentration pollution water of strontium 90 wasn't published until comment... Tokyo Olympics was decided directly.

The situation of the Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant is deteriorating one after another.
The country I also make NI concern told "April 1 Evacuation directive release".

The Ministry of the Environment rejects request of saijosome a resident asks "Putting faced josome into effect uniformly once again isn't done.", and I explain that inquiry counter and an advisor correspond separately.
The figure the voice Fukushima's resident opposes became increasingly loud, but the resident who agrees appeared in the inside, too (It might be acquirement.), and you made "April 1 release" accept coercively half.

It seems to be "Oh, for a bureaucrat, by a head, that's all right." for the staff of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry who has gone out to say to a resident explanatory meeting.

They're almost saying that we putting an atomic blur on the back at all are a Japanese ruler.

A resident isn't saved, but it's the time when he says "smart" to use more oppressive tricks which make exposed, and this bureaucrat is hopeless. Just funny "one".

A right to live of Fukushima's resident will make fact of Fukushima resident return immediately for nuclear power plant re-operation, and takes re-operation in a domestic nuclear power plant and export to foreign countries away for preservation and expansion of nuclear power plant rights of Abe government which will get into full swing and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

While it's little after it'll be Abe political power, surprisingly, it has been a barbarous wonderful country.

And "Something to come finally has come." said.

NHK 20 days per 20 months.
About 100 tons of high concentration pollution water leaked from a tank of the radioactivity pollution water in a mountainside in Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant at night on February 19.

The radioactive materials out of which strontium 90 takes a beta ray mainly are so far and include the highest 230,000,000 becquerels for 1 liter (Kyodo News is reporting 200,004,000 becquerels.) in the pollution water which leaked, the density which is very high when this is called 7,600,000 times of the release standard value of the strontium.

It's because 62 kinds of nuclide besides the tritium is being sorted out every nuclide through the polynuclear species removal equipment which can be separated when I say whether almost all tank was filled with strontium 90.
This tank is the reason which was "strontium 90 exclusive tank".
About 350,000 tons of such high concentration pollution water is kept in a tank in the site.

Anyhow every time an earthquake occurs because I have radioactivity pollution water as much as 350,000 tons in the present in Daiichi Fukushima nuclear power plant premises, (That's increasing one after another.), such a great deal of pollution water leaking is repeated, and aging and a human error are piled, and a tank is fracturing one after another at the end, and a possibility that you can't start any more will be big.

When water leaking was detected first, a chairperson of this atomic regulatory committee is Shunichi Tanaka who was saying "It amounted to little, he was too upset." There is such man to the top of a nuclear regulation committee. A really fearful country.

Tokyo February 13, 2014 Reuters.
The high concentration strontium 90 measure and publication of Tokyo Electric Power are 5 months late.

Though Tokyo Electric Power got the result of analysis by which high concentration strontium 90 of radioactive materials as much as 5,000,000 becquerels is included per 1 liter from the groundwater extracted on July 5 of last year from the observation well in the oceanside in Fukushima 1st nuclear power plant on September 12, I found out that publication was behind schedule for about 5 months.

5,000,000 becquerels of result of analysis was being published on the 6th this month, but 12 days had passed this month, and the said company announced that it was September 12 of last year that I got the result officially.
For 5 months, silence was kept from grasp of a result to actual publication.

I noticed that there is a sample by which the price of the strontium 90 exceeds the numerical value of whole beta in an echelon on July 24 of last year according to Tokyo Electric Power spokesperson.

The reverse of the figure isn't possible for the number over whole beta, and we assume that there are some slips in measurement, and the numerical value of the strontium 90 explains to the said company that the numerical value of the strontium 90 left publication over until its cause was revealed.

2015-02-23 05:21:53 NHK. Reuters. 東京電力.


2014/02/2521:00 - -
画像はJapan Times(2月11日付)より



にもかかわらす、国は「4月1日 避難指示解除」を言い渡しました。








NHK 20月20日





東京 2014年2月13日 ロイター





◯ The Fukushima Crisis879 / M6.9 Quake hits NE Japan.re-up versi.余震ではない。USGS

2015-02-23 07:26:04 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-02-18 10:17:37 ENENews

Magnitude 6.9 Earthquake Hits Off Northeast Japan ― Felt Along Entire Pacific Coastline ― Multiple Aftershocks – Official: Event Related 3/11 Quake

“Does calling this 7.0 quake just to hit the Japan coast an “aftershock” make sense to you? Comparing it to the 3/11 quake, they are now calling it an aftershock. What rubbish is this? They are evacuating towns, awaiting a Tsunami and calling it an aftershock….”

Quake near Magnitude 7 hits off northeast JapanQuake near Magnitude 7 hits off northeast Japan-1
- Quake near Magnitude 7 hits off northeast Japan ― Country’s strongest since 2013 ― Felt along entire Pacific coastline, distance of over 1,000 kilometers ― Followed by multiple aftershocks, one centered at Japan Trench ― Official: Event related to massive 3/11 quake (VIDEO) (ENENews, Feb 16, 2015):

The Guardian, Feb 16, 2015: Japanese coastal towns evacuated as earthquake hits Pacific… Evacuations were ordered for towns closest to the coast in Iwate prefecture in Japan early on Tuesday morning after a strong earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.9 was recorded… The Japan Meteorological Agency issued a tsunami warning and Japanese broadcaster NHK warned residents a one metre-high wave was expected to hit the coast of Iwate. The quake was measured at a depth of about six miles and shook much of north-east Japan even being felt in Tokyo, 430 miles away.

NBC News, Feb 16, 2015: Japan’s Meteorological Agency cast the quake as an aftershock of the 9.0 temblor that rocked Japan on March 11, 2011… “Because the 3/11 earthquake had such a strong impact, and because it’s an area where it was affected by the 3/11 Earthquake, we are describing this as an ‘aftershock,’” said agency seismologist, Yasuhiro Yoshida… USGS wasn’t characterizing Tuesday’s quake as an aftershock, considering it a separate event.

USGS quake list:

M6.7 ― 02-16 23:06:27 UTC
M4.7 ― 02-17 00:50:02 UTC
M4.6 ― 02-17 01:15:02 UTC
M4.9 ― 02-17 02:29:51 UTC
M4.3 ― 02-17 02:45:12 UTC (Japan Trench)
The quake was felt from Chiba to Hokkaido, a distance of over 1,000 kilometers.

This is the most powerful earthquake to hit Japan since a M7.1 on Oct. 25, 2013.

Tags: Earthquake, Environment, Fukushima, Global News,

2015-02-18 10:17:37 ENENews
マグニチュード6.9の地震が東北日本をヒッツ - 全体の太平洋沿岸フェルト - 複数の余震 - 公式:イベント関連3/11クエイク

余震 "あなたに意味をなす「この7.0地震を呼び出すかだけで日本の海岸にヒットする"?3/11地震にそれを比較すると、彼らは今余震それを呼んでいる。これは何ゴミですか?彼らは、町に津波が来るとそれを余震と呼んでいる...。」

- 日本で最強2013年- -全体の太平洋の海岸線に沿ってフェルト、1,000キロメートル以上の距離- 、複数の余震が続く日本海溝を中心とする1 -公式東北沖マグニチュード7近いクエイク:イベント巨大3/11地震に関連する(VIDEO )(ENENews、2015年2月16日):

ガーディアン、2015年2月16日:地震が太平洋に当たるように日本の海岸沿いの町は、避難 ... M6.9の予備的大きさに強い地震が記録された後に避難が早く火曜日の朝に町、日本で岩手県の海岸に最も近いのために...日本の気象庁は津波警報を出したし、日本の放送局NHKは1メートルの高さの波が岩手の沿岸を襲ったことが住民に警告した。地震が約6マイルの深さで測定しても、430マイル離れ、東京で感じられ北東日本の多くを横に振った。

NBCニュースは、2015年2月16日:3/11地震はそのような強い衝撃があったので、それはそれ面積だから、日本の気象庁は、「... 2011年3月11日に日本を揺るがしたM9.0地震の余震として地震をキャスト3/11地震の影響を受けました、我々はとしてこれを記述している「、 '"気象庁の地震学者、吉田康弘氏はこれを余震と言ったが
... USGSはそれを別のイベントを考慮し、余震として火曜日の地震を特徴づけるはないと述べた。


M6.7 - 2月16日午後十一時06分27秒UTC
M4.7 - 2月17日0時50分02秒UTC
M4.6 - 2月17日午前1時15分02秒UTC
M4.9 - 2月17日午前2時29分51秒UTC
M4.3 - 2月17日午前2時45分12秒UTC(日本海溝)



USGS(ユーエスジーエス)とは - コトバンク
デジタル大辞泉 - USGSの用語解説 - 《United States Geological Survey》アメリカ地質調査所。地球規模で天然資源調査・地図製作・地震観測などを行う米国内務省所管の研究機関。生物学・地理学・地質学・水科学の研究部門をもつ。1879年設立。 本部はワシントンD.C.に程近いバージニア州レストンに所在し、約9,055人の職員が勤務している[1]。また、コロラド州レイクウッドおよびカリフォルニア州メンローパークに主要な研究施設を有する。

三 河 地 震
発生年月日 昭和20年(1945年)1月13日3時38分
震 源 地 三河湾(北緯34.7度 東経137.O度)
(マグニチュード) M 6.8
地震の概要  関東から中国、四国地方まで揺れを感じ、規模の割に大きな被害となった。愛知県下の矢作川下流域に位置する幡豆・碧海郡を中心に大被害が集中した。


◯The Fukushima Crisis882/Sr. Warning排水に高濃度放射能警報=港湾に流出、原因不明-福島第1

2015-02-23 06:08:03 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Sr. Warning

2015-02-23 06:08:03 jiji.com

http://www.jiji.com/jc/c? g=soc&k=2015022200064

Outflow is caused by unknown origin in a high concentration radioactivity warning = a harbor in drainage,-Fukushima, 1st.

It was announced nuclear regulation agency was the measuring machine installed in a drain in Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima 1st nuclear power plant on the 22nd, and that the warning which shows that an activity concentration is high rang. It could be thought that high concentration pollution water was included in drainage, and I judged that the part flowed in the harbor. I say that I don't know the cause.

[Picture special story] the Fukushima nuclear power plant-3 number machine nuclear reactor building beat by a hydrogen explosion-

The warning which is the beginning according to regulation agency and Tokyo Electric Power is around 10:00am on the 22nd. The warning which shows that it's higher concentration rang the 10 minutes later.
The radioactive materials out of which a beta ray of strontium 90 is taken at the measured price from the said 10:20 to 50 minutes, 5050 for 1 liter-7230 becquerels, it was included. The density standard value Tokyo Electric Power set by the practical use of "groundwater bypass" from which groundwater is released in a sea is less than 5 becquerels. On the other hand, the cesium density of the drainage picked at around 11 o'clock was the low price relatively by 15 becquerels.
The drain is connected in the harbor. The radioactive materials out of which a beta ray is taken were detected in the water extracted around the drain exit in the harbor at 0:30pm 3000 becquerels, and it was revealed that it's usually the high density more substantially than time.
The leak from the tank in which pollution water is stored isn't confirmed, and Tokyo Electric Power is checking the cause. (2015/02/22-21:42)

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Sr. Warning

2015-02-23 06:08:03 jiji.com






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