2015-02-02 08:16:20 nikkan-gendai.com
True meaning of the "I am not Abe" remark Mr. Shigeaki Koga tells
Mr. Shigeaki Koga
Prime Minister Abe wanted to be a strong member of "volunteer country union".
February 2, 2015
/nikkan-gendai.com where Mr. Koga explains "He doesn't have the intension that a terrorist is protected at all."
Prime Minister Abe wanted to be a strong member of "volunteer country union".
Most big media cut down Abe political power criticism by a hostage event of Islamic nation. The one there is the feelings theory to which I say "When seeming killed, a hostage tries to obstruct.", but it's Mr. Shigeaki Koga of a bureaucrat from a former sutra (59) that Prime Minister Abe was criticized for a severe word bravely and moreover during such.
"The French marched with a placard as "Je suis Charlie (I'm Charlie)", but Japanese thinks it's necessary to put a card as "I am not Abe" up right now."
2015-02-02 08:16:20 nikkan-gendai.com
古賀茂明氏が語る「I am not Abe」発言の真意
「フランス人は『Je suis Charlie(私はシャルリー)』というプラカードを持って行進したけど、日本人は今、『I am not Abe』というカードを掲げる必要があると思う」
An official residence was enraged with a remark at "report station" of Asahi National Broadcasting course, and NETOUYO,(online right-wingers) was uproar. On the other hand, a circle of the support to which we say "That's what we wanted to hear.." is also expanding. Mr. Koga told true meaning of "radical remark" once more.
--That remark has gone out, immediately after, I heard that it was serious response. There was the phone call of a protest for the highest level of Asahi National Broadcasting from the secretary line of the official residence, and it was uproar and. What happened to yourself?, Mr. Koga.
● Prime Minister Abe wanted to be a strong member of "volunteer country union".
Various voice seems to have matched to a bureau, but I don't have that directly. But someone utters a cry, and when not saying "This is strange.", it's the same situation as the Pacific War. When having gone out to the program with the high attention, so refutation is as expected and is to the extent I'm rather astonished at the size of the response, by the reason which thought out and spoke.
--The one as the same situation as the prewar days has been also drawn by a war with terrorism in a swamp into Japan with USA at last. Triggers are the Middle East visit by which Prime Minister Abe seems thoughtless and 200,000,000 dollar support expression to the country where I fight against Islamic nation. Though many Japanese hold anxiety, you can't voice. Is it said to be such situation?
Various report was done by this hostage event. But "terrorism is always the act difficult to permit" for the last one, you result in the place where you say "It's solid now, and Mr. Abe's war should be supported.", right? Then all argument is sealed. There is also no maintenance of public order law like the prewar days now and the special secret service police police isn't also here, it's an unpatriotic person to raise an objection to a war with terrorism of Abe political power, it was seen, stay here, the atmosphere is being caused. I don't have the intension that a terrorist is protected at all, but may Japan make the image which becomes same with USA and is the country where I participate in a war all over the world? Though i think many people are different, no one can raise a cry. As expected, that would be strange.
That's what I wanted to hear.
です。what I wanted to hear で「私が聞きたかったこと」という意味になりますから、全体で「それが私の聞きたかったことです」つまり「そうこなくっちゃ」というニュアンスになるのです。会話例で使い方を見てみましょう。
ちなみに、That's what I ~ というフレーズは、これ以外にもいろいろ応用の利く便利なものなので、覚えておくといいでしょう。応用例としては、
That's what I want to know. (それを知りたいんだよ)
That's what I want for my birthday. (誕生日に欲しいのはそれだよ)
That's what I wanted. (それが欲しかったんだ)
などが参考になるでしょう。上の会話例では、値引きして欲しかったわけですから、値引きを提示した相手に対して That's what I wanted. と言うこともできるでしょう。
● 安倍首相は「有志国連合」の有力メンバーになりたかった
● Prime Minister Abe wanted to be a strong member of "volunteer country union".
--I ask in turn. Mr. Koga spoke by the premise from which Abe Prime Minister learned that Mr. Goto becomes a hostage before the Middle East visit. There was also criticism to which I say "Don't make a guess." Because you could report your wife there was first 1,000,000,000 yen of ransom demand at 2,000,000,000 yen after that by part report, and to have been consulting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
A government allowed to have known from the front all the while, didn't it? But when judging from me who was a bureaucrat, that was a proper thing. They can't say that the bureaucrat who touched such information doesn't give it to the top. Because it'll be a serious blunder if I find out that information wasn't given later. It's given to a minister secretary, an undersecretary and a director of the Secretariat right now. A contact should go to a secretary from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in an official residence at the same time, too. I say that the secretary doesn't inform Prime Minister Abe and don't get it. When not telling, it's saddled with big risk to tell and lose money and because it's not.
● Prime Minister Abe wanted to be a strong member of "volunteer country union".
--Then having decided the policy for which an official residence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs won't pay the ransom as of this or, "Leave me alone.", was it ignored? While rushing to and fro, did time pass?
When it's about 10,,, or 2,000,000,000 yen, you can pay by the secretariat secret service funds. Much more Prime Minister Abe's Middle East visit is waiting in January. The choices which pay the ransom and make them settle it should also match, but such proposition was made an official residence, and was rejected one or that the atmosphere which can't be done? Anyway, it should be thought that there were circumstances I'd like to make give priority over human life.
--What is that?
Prime Minister Abe wanted to be a powerful member of volunteer country union of anti-Islamic nation. Please equal the Great Powers of the world and admit. I think it's apparent that that is Prime Minister Abe's desire. That the ransom was paid for Islamic nation at such time, if it comes out, Prime Minister Abe can't show the face any more to America and England. He dosn't want to shoulder such risk. And he gave priority to that over the life of Mr. Goto.
● 安倍首相は「有志国連合」の有力メンバーになりたかった
● 安倍首相は「有志国連合」の有力メンバーになりたかった
it's being repeated with-- "human life, first", but this is also a doubtful one, isn't it?
Prime Minister Abe was discussion for 25 days on Sunday of NHK, and said "This (terrorism killing event), like, of the time and the development of legislation of the purpose Japan Self-Defense Forces can save by which a Japanese met harm overseas, it was steady." I suggest Islamic nation ask this by the remark which should be startling, do you think? Human life, first, and, it's the reason to which I said "Japan Self-Defense Forces were taken out to hit you if you couldn't go to war now, but a law was revised." during the negotiations while saying. When it's an ordinary sense, Prime Minister Abe would like to do a combined action of USA and a hostage rescue at the Middle East by the remark which doesn't come out. The unexpected remark by which "political use" tries to do a crisis with human life.
● Prime Minister Abe who unfolds "duplicity diplomacy" at a big stage of the world
--But then Japanese is drawn into war on terrorism. It's a mark of terrorism all over the world.
A Japanese image at the Middle East is "the country where I don't fight a war". There is a positive peaceful brand. It's tries to break that for Mr. Abe. It's also an American image as the justice = justice of Japan at least politically in military way, and I try to run. Mr. Abe will be the desire. But Japan isn't USA and an equal sign. Japan is that there are few enemies in the world. On the other hand, a fellow traveler needs USA, too, but there are a lot of enemies, too. Perhaps USA thinks there are no countries with a lot of enemies. It's disliked more than China in a developing country. It's unreasonable that Islamic nation is doing, but USA is Iraq and Afghanistan and the basis has the past when innocent lady, child and private citizen were slaughtered in quantities. You don't permit on the international law, but the retaliation can understand as a mentality. So Islamic nation would expand suddenly. During such, an image as an American enemy = a Japanese enemy is being made with the justice of USA= justice of Japan. There is also skillfulness of the PR strategy of Islamic nation, but Mr. Abe thinks it's also true that one is a politician of such recognition.
● 世界の大舞台で“二枚舌外交”を繰り広げる安倍首相
● Prime Minister Abe who unfolds "duplicity diplomacy" at a big stage of the world
--Please wait a moment. Many Japanese don't think of an American enemy = a Japanese enemy. Even if I'll go to war at the Middle East, I don't think.
So, it's necessary to put up a placard as "I am not Abe". We sent a strange message to Mr. Abe different from Mr. Abe, he's the strange person who offends the Constitution of Japan, I'm not ordinary Japanese. We have to appeal to the world to be different. There is an opinion unite under Mr. Abe, but that's dangerous. I wanted to say that Mr. Abe's way of thinking should be denied it was said to be "I'm not Abe", and to protect the life of Japanese. Please see above of a constitution.
Japan gets along well with every country and, through it, makes that I open the way in world peace a basic idea.
Japan is doing to open the way in world peace through and that with all countries in a basic idea. Constitutionally, you don't permit having the people who don't attack Japan for an enemy. This idea is common to Mr. Goto's idea. It's "I'm Kenji", isn't it? Japanese should complain of such thing, and otherwise is a mark of terrorism all over the world.
A SHIGEAKI KOGA for 1955 years and Nagasaki-ken. Graduated from the modal University of Tokyo. To the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. I concern administrative reform and drive a name as a reform party bureaucrat. It's to retirement and criticism activity in 2011. "Collapse of a Japanese mainstay" (Kodansha Publishers) but 380,000 copies of best seller. A late work, "state running out of control The opinion operational way of Abe political power" (Kadokawa one theme, 21).
● 世界の大舞台で“二枚舌外交”を繰り広げる安倍首相
だからこそ、「I am not Abe」というプラカードを掲げる必要があるのです。私たちは安倍さんとは違う、安倍さんは変なメッセージを送ったが、彼は日本国憲法を踏みにじるおかしな人だ、普通の日本人じゃない。我々は違うということを、世界に訴える必要がある。安倍さんのもとに結束しろという意見があるが、それは危険です。「I am not Abe」ということで、日本人の命を守るには、安倍さんの考え方を否定すべきだということを言いたかったのです。憲法の前文を見てください。
日本を攻撃しない人々を敵にするのは、憲法上、許されないのです。この理念は後藤さんの考えと共通しています。「I am Kenji」ですね。そうしたことを訴えるべきで、さもないと、世界中で日本人はテロの標的になってしまいます。
▽こが・しげあき 1955年、長崎県生まれ。東大法卒。通産省へ。行政改革などにかかわり、改革派官僚として名を馳せる。2011年に退職、評論活動へ。「日本中枢の崩壊」(講談社)が38万部のベストセラー。近著は「国家の暴走 安倍政権の世論操作術」(角川oneテーマ21)。