◯Egypt army bombes Libya's ISIS. /エジプト軍がリビア領で「イスラム国」空爆、殺害映像受け共同作戦

2015-02-16 22:34:14 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-02-16 22:23:27. Cairo Reuter.
An Egypt army receives the "Islamic nation" aerial bombardment and the killing picture at Libya territory, combined action
2015 February 16 17:45 JST.


[Cairor for 16 days Reuters]- It was announced that an Egypt army bombed a base of the radical organization in Libya "Islamic nation" early in the morning for 16 days. A state-operated television told.
The Egyptian Christian sect restricted in Libya on the previous day was exhibiting the picture thought to kill 21 Copt followers to Islamic nation.
I say that an aerial bombardment targetted a cantonment of Islamic nation, a training camp and weapon safekeeping facilities along the border with Egypt.
We assumed clearly that a commander of Libyan governmental forces bombed a base of the Islamic extremist organization of the same country east DERUNA on the same day. It was stated in ARUARABIYATEREBI.
Saqe al-Jooushi commander explained that it was a combined action with Egypt, and stated "He bombed more with Egypt tomorrow with today."
* The contents are added.

2015-02-16 22:23:27. カイロ Reuter
2015年 02月 16日 17:45 JST


Saqer al-Joroushi司令官

[カイロ 16日 ロイター] - エジプト軍は、16日朝早くにリビア国内の過激派組織「イスラム国」の拠点を空爆したと発表した。国営テレビが伝えた。
Saqe al-Jooushi司令官はエジプトとの共同作戦だったと説明し、「今日と明日、エジプトと共にさらに空爆を実施する」と述べた。

◯ ISIS attacked U.S. base In Iraq. ISIS、米軍常駐の基地を襲撃 

2015-02-16 12:00:34 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

2015-02-16 12:00:34 cnn

It marauds on ISIS and a base of U.S. forces stationing Iraqi troops repulse.
2015.02.14 Sat posted at 15:42 JST

(CNN) the Pentagon in the US marauds on the AINARUASADO air base where the U.S. forces soldier who has the Isramic militant which builds a base in Iraq "Iraqi Syrian Islamic nation (ISIS)" in an Iraqi western anvil state is stationed, too by the 14th.
It was announced that Iraqi troops repulsed this.

U.S. forces also made a gunship be dispatched, but I say that it wasn't added to a battle.
Kirby press attache of the said Ministry pointed out that a ISIS combatant was thought by CNN to have reached a peripheral line in the said base site.

It'll be reported the said Ministry was statement and that about 400 U.S. forces soldiers who serve as pilot's practice instructor brought about a battle at several kilometers of place from a stationed spot.
A U.S. forces soldier wasn't exposed to a direct threat, but the said press attache stated that it was apparent that he encountered a dangerous situation.


More fears that a U.S. soldier is involved in a battle on the ground have also gone out to the point of view which rose by this base attack. A OBAMA government in the US involves a ISIS cleanup strategy in Iraq.
Dispatch of a combat troop in the US is denied repeatedly. When a president asked American Congress for approval of military power use first.
Though I made the fixed conditions, the remark which leaves some room was being also shown to temporary ground unit investment.

A maraud group in the said base was led by a combatant of destruction with 20-25 people. I say that the most part was wearing a uniform of Iraqi troops.
Iraqi troops, this, we assume that a combatant has been killed.

A source http://www.cnn.co.jp/world/35060413.html?. tag=top;mainStory

About 20 Islamic nation soldiers who served an Iraqi soldier are attacking the U.S. military base in Iraq.
You're reporting a scheme to have been failed, but when attacking simultaneously when the United States seemed to receive an impact to a Islamic nation soldier's having come to the entrance of the base, and Islam state deployed a rocket gun around the U.S. military base temporarily, and rescue party had arrived, it can be hit in destroying way.

The report Islamic nation is weakening is done, but if it's so, the U.S. military base can't be sometimes attacked.
Islamic nation is the organization which mints a gold coin and also gets foreign currency revenue already, not the guerrilla organization by which the reserve corps which has no stem highlights gathered and is becoming huger every day.

When Iraqi petroleum province is being put under the control gradually, an incredible country is being talked about, and when their funding ability has the financial power as a country, gets a weapon in quantities from Yemen where a country is being rotted and makes an alliance with the Yemeni antigovernment guerrilla I win if it's supplied to Islam state here, is finished.

Moreover when Yemen sticks to Islam state, all tankers from the Middle East will be aimed at, and when a tanker is blown up, insurance doesn't also get off at blow, and a tanker can't be navigated and Japan isn't containing petroleum.

It can be said that there is a situation in the quite severe situation for the Iraqi U.S. military base's (naval base) being aimed at.

2015-02-16 12:00:34 cnn

ISIS、米軍常駐の基地を襲撃 イラク軍が撃退
2015.02.14 Sat posted at 15:42 JST

(CNN) 米国防総省などは14日までに、イラクに拠点を築くイスラム過激派「イラク・シリア・イスラム国(ISIS)」がイラク西部アンバル州にある米軍兵士も駐屯するアインアルアサド空軍基地を襲撃、






ソース http://www.cnn.co.jp/world/35060413.html?tag=top;mainStory




