○ Monsanto's Fang!! モンサントの毒牙。

2012-10-21 14:42:08 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

* 09/20/2012 lemonde. Food and Chemical Toxicology mag.
French French daily Le Monde "doubt of toxicity [ genetically modified food / of Monsanto ]" Un OGM de Monsanto soupçonné de toxicité

In scalpel, it is a tumor to a breast, and is shortening of a life at liver, kidney trouble, and both of sexes in a male... The research which biologist Jill Eric Ceralini of the Kern university which is due to be published at the next number of Food and Chemical Toxicology did has caused controversy.
This research that saying also did for the rat, it is because ingestion of the transgenic corn (alias NK603) which Monsanto Co. is commercializing is the first thing to claim that has a poisonous (there is combination with the weed killer round rise which transgenic corn can be giving tolerance -- not concerned nothing) effect.
researchers realized the experiment of especially ambitious regulation.
Objects are 200 or more rats and an experimental period is for two years.
Transgenic corn (a weed killer, the thing grown by a set, and a thing without that right) was given to three steps of different meals which the quantity (11%, 22%, 33%) mixed by these rats, respectively.
Only the weed killer was given to and also three another groups, making quantity increase similarly, without combining with transgenic corn.
A total of nine groups which consist of 20 rats, respectively (three groups which were able to give transgenic corn) It was compared with the contrast group which was able to give the corn in which three groups given combining transgenic corn and a round rise and three groups which were able to give the round rise grew the kind nearest to transgenic corn without the weed killer.
Mortality rate of which rise was done
In all the experiment group groups, it was one year afterward that the clearest difference over a contrast group appeared.
Between males, a congestion and necrosis of liver were 2.5 to 5.5 times more.
Moreover, serious kidney trouble also appeared 1.3 to 2.3 times.
Moreover, although many tumors of the breast were inspected in all the experiment groups to the contrast group, to the method of the expression, statistical meaning nature was not necessarily able to be read.
Mortality rate also went up in the group which added all the experiment disposal.
The life expectancy of a contrast group is 701 days in 624 days and a scalpel, and researchers write "It is considered that all the causes of death after passing over a life expectancy are what is depended on a life."
"Before reaching this life expectancy, 70% of scalpels died from the contrast group 50% of the males of the group which was able to give transgenic corn to having died a natural death 20% of scalpels 30% of males (early stage)."
Moreover, researchers indicate that the majority of the discovered health impairment is not proportional to the quantity of the transgenic corn or the weed killer in which the rat was given.
Thus, the case for which correlation is not seen is recorded in detail in (bigger influence than high intake may occur also by a little ingestion), and the substance which now disturbs a hormonal body system between quantity and a biological reaction.
That is, researchers say that it is thought that a round rise has the action which resembled the disturbance substance of the internal secretion.
However, the cause of the health impairment inspected by the rat which was able to give only transgenic corn depending on this explanation cannot be revealed.
Researchers think that the genetic structuring of transgenic corn will guide the change of enzyme (referred to as ESPS synthase) required for composition of aromatic amino acid with the effect which prevents generating of cancer.
Since production of this amino acid decreases, they say that they may be able to explain the fact that the increase in the onset of a disease was inspected in the rat which was able to give only transgenic corn.

Budget of 3 million euros
Mr. Ceralini's research presentation will make the collision of the pros-and-cons both parties to transgenics revive rightly.
Because this magazine is the first important medium to publish a paper after performing what is called a "peer review", it is still more so.
That is, the technical visa by a specialist is performed before an announcement to the conclusion shown.
However, if it is not after exceptional one signs the statement of mutual agreement of confidential treatment with which French daily Le Monde is invalidated on the afternoon of September 19, it is were not able to see the research to which the official announcement is forbidden.
That is, French daily Le Monde was not able to circulate research of Mr. Ceralini to other researchers, and was not able to search for an opinion.
About the research which has drawn the opposite conclusion of the details of research announced so far, custom especially searches for a specialist's opinion.
Although much poisoning study researches had been done using examined animal which is different to different genetically modified food till the present, the big biological difference was not accepted between the contrast group and the animal which added experiment disposal.
Although these researches were brought together in the literary magazine which British Nottingham University Chelsea Snell edits these days and it was announced by Food and Chemical Toxicology in January, this year, 2 old persons are also the short experiments of a period, and Haruka has few biological parameters to examined animal much.
Moreover, the Agrichemical company itself carried out directly or almost all researches invested.
The research expense of Mr.Ceralini who says amounts to 3 million euros or more by ? one side according to the person himself/herself The Charles Leopold Meyer foundation, (Especially large-scale sales companies gather) It is invested from Criigen which are CERES (Socialist Party education research center), the France scientific inquiry prefecture, and the group that is advancing opposite activity to biotechnology (independent research on heredity, and Information Committee).
Anyway, this new announcement is placed under a gaze of institutional science and the whole academic circles, and the fault of an experiment and the possible thing for which it gets off and a message is pursued are infallible.
Mr. Ceralini answered that it was a posture in which the original data of an experiment is offered to institutional science to the question of French daily Le Monde so that people contradicted by his experiment could conduct re-analysis.
Agrichemist and others who experiments in this hand did not perform the indication of data.

* 09/23/2012 French govt. "Jpn govt. -- now is lived, without turning round"
Cancer is examination Posted on September 23, 2012 by Enomoto about generating and the France government emergency import stop at transgenic corn high rate.
Three ministers of the agriculture of the France government, ecology, and health on September 21 together, The France food environmental labor health office was ordered to perform investigation, and it was said that it requests from the EU authorities from the French government so that all measures required in order to protect the health of a human being and an animal also including the scram of the import to Europe of corn applicable by the view might be taken.
According to the experiment of the French Kern university, cancer occurred at high rate to the mouse which ate the transgenic corn of Monsanto Co. over two years.
(Compared with the usual rat, the rate of 2 to 3 times and a tumor occurrence also has 2 to 3 times higher mortality rate)

In Japan, 88.8% of corn is transgenics from the United States of America.
In Japan, soybean foodstuffs, such as the usual fermented soybeans, are U.S non-genetically modified foods.
The transgenics ratio of the corn in 2010 [ U.S. ] was 86%.
The genetically modified organism has spread even in Brazil or Argentina.
Incidentally the transgenics ratio in 2010 of an American soybean is 93%.
Most meat eggs which we eat think that it is growing with transgenics feed, and are infallible.

The genetically modified food which we eat directly, kewpie mayonnaise it is snow viewing -- are and it wipes Super Cup Lady Borden (ice cream) a pie -- real -- Curl March of Ototto and a koala Chocolate flakes (snack confectionery) C.C. lemon Afternoon tea There are many familiar things, such as the KIRIN lemon (drink).
We are already continuing eating gene food through meat eggs or the above food for many years.
In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries of Japan does "judging, if there is no possibility that biodiversity influence may arise" about the transgenic corn of the same Monsanto Co., etc. on July 6, 2012, and is promoting introduction.
It is good grief !.

☆09/20/2012 lemonde. Food and Chemical Toxicology mag.

Un OGM de Monsanto soupçonné de toxicité

 メスには乳房に腫瘍、オスには肝臓や腎臓障害、そして両方の性で寿命の短縮・・・ Food and Chemical Toxicology誌の次号に掲載される予定であるカーン大学の生物学者ジル・エリック・セラリーニが行った研究が物議を醸している。と言うのも、ラットを対象に行ったこの研究は、モンサント社が商業化している遺伝子組み換えトウモロコシ(別名NK603)の摂取が、(遺伝子組み換えトウモロコシが耐性を持たされている除草剤ラウンドアップとの組み合わせのあるなしに関わらず)有毒な効果を持つと初めて主張するものだからである。





 死亡率も、すべての実験処置を加えたグループで上昇した。対照グループの平均寿命は624日、メスにおいては701日であり、「平均寿命を過ぎた後の死因はすべて寿命によるものと見なされる」と研究者達は書く。「この平均寿命に達する前に、対照グループではオスの30%、メスの20%が自然死したのに対して、遺伝子組み換えトウモロコシを与えられたグループのオスの50%、メスの70%が(早期)死亡した。 」


つまりラウンドアップは内分泌液のかく乱物質と似たような作用を持つと考えられると研究者達は言う。ただし、この説明によっては遺伝子組み換えトウモロコシのみを与えられたラットに監察された健康被害の原因を明かすことは出来ない。遺伝子組み換えトウモロコシの遺伝構成は癌の発生を予防する効果のある芳香族アミノ酸の合成に必要な酵素 (ESPS synthase と呼ばれる)の変容を誘導するのではないかと研究者達は考える。このアミノ酸の生産が減少することから、遺伝子組み換えトウモロコシのみを与えられたラットにおいて発病の増加が監察された事実が説明できるかもしれないと彼らは言う。  



現在まで異なる遺伝子組み換え食品に対して、異なる被験動物を使って数多くの中毒学研究が行われてきたが、対照グループと実験処置を加えた動物との間には、大きな生物学的差異は認められて来なかった。これらの研究は、最近英国ノッティンガム大学チェルシー・スネルの編集する文学雑誌に集められ、今年一月Food and Chemical Toxicology に発表されたが、2年よりもはるかに短い期間の実験であり、被験動物に対する生物学的パラメーターの数もずっと少ない。その上ほとんどすべての研究が農化学会社自身が直接行ったか、または出資をしたものだった。

 一方で本人によれば3百万ユーロ以上にのぼると言うセラリーニ氏の研究費用はシャルル・レオポルト・メイエール財団、(特に大規模販売企業の集まったものである)CERES(社会党教育研究センター)、フランス科学研究省、そしてバイオテクノロジーに対して反対活動を進めているグループであるCriigen (遺伝に関する独立研究及び情報委員会)から出資されている。 いずれにしてもこの新たな発表は科学界、農化学界全体の注視の下に置かれ、実験の欠点や可能な逃れ口上が追求されることは間違いない。セラリーニ氏は、彼の実験によって反論された人々が再分析を行うことが出来るよう、科学界に対して実験の元のデータを提供する姿勢であるとルモンド紙の質問に対して答えた。この手の実験を行う農化学者達はデータの開示は行ってこなかった。


☆09/23/2012 French govt. Jpn govt.
" 振り返らずに今を生きる"
Posted on 2012年9月23日 by 榎本








 私たちが直接食べる遺伝子組み換え食品も、キューピーマヨネーズ 雪見だいふく スーパーカップ レディーボーデン(アイスクリーム) パイの実 カール おっとっと コアラのマーチ チョコフレーク (スナック菓子) C.C.レモン 午後の紅茶 キリンレモン(飲料)などおなじみのものが多い。


