○ The Fukushima Crisis 402 ; Chernobyle Health 26yrs After.福島危機402.チェルノブイリの現在。

2012-10-22 12:53:11 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

10/02/2012 Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun .Chunichi medical site . Japan PEN Club.
Chernobyl report 26 years after To health impairment and three generations
<> Chernobyl report 26 years after An extract is made from a (October 1, 2012 Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun Chunich medical site) to health impairment and three generations.
How does the radioactive contamination sprinkled by the nuclear power plant disaster spoil children's health?
The Japanese writers and NPO which inspected Chernobyl 26 years after an accident have reported the damage of the present progressive form, and pain successively.

'Don't make Fukushima's children repeat the same tragedy. '

What should be studied.
(Hayashi Keita)
"Most of female children which carried out internal exposure by the high dose of radiation had health impairment.
It is a tragedy."
A writer (72), Mr. Atsuo Nakamura, tells with a steep expression by an actor.
; as an actor -- Kogarashi Monjiro -- a masterpiece.
Moreover, as a television newscaster, "22:00 from the earth of Atsuo Nakamura", etc. is a masterpiece.
As the head of the Japan PEN Club of the environmental committee, the Ukraine was visited for one week from the middle of April, 2012 with Chairman Jiro Asada and others this year.
He heard the story from the residents and doctors who are troubled with health impairment involving ruins and its circumference of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant which caused the accident in April, 1986.
There is a Ukraine internal secretion metabolic study center in a suburb of capital Kiev south separated from the nuclear power plant about 100 km.
The man (34) who met was 8 years old at the time of an accident, and after 20 years or more had passed, he showed the symptoms of a thyroid cancer.
According to Dr. Tereshenko, the operation of the thyroid cancer given to the person aged 18 and below in case of the accident counted 64 affairs in 90, but it explained, "It went up to about 700 affairs in 2010."
Childhood thyroid cancer is the illness which took the radioactive iodine into the thyroid gland in a throat through eating and drinking and to which the cell cancerated.
about [ four years after an accident ] -- from -- it increased rapidly and decreased with a peak of the middle of 90.
However, children of those days are occurring a thyroid cancer frequently now which grew up.
There is also a report that cesium with long half-lives is accumulated and it is contaminated.
As for childhood thyroid cancer, relation with a nuclear power plant disaster is accepted internationally.
Mr. Nakamura indicates "Those who show the symptoms later should also suspect relation with radiation."
To others, the group of inspectors of the Japan PEN Club has reported that there is an obstacle which the child born earnestly is made to ask about the influence of radiation from the accident almost as long as 20 years.
Mr. Brato who lives in about 80-km Narojiti city west near the civilian hospital from a nuclear power plant (eight).
The heart and the thyroid gland have an obstacle and it underwent the operation for four months after the birth no less than 5 times first.
Two elder sisters whom the year left also have an obstacle in the thyroid gland.
The mothers were late teens in case of the accident.
Mr. Nakamura -- "-- others -- there were various children who are in pain sick, such as muscular paralysis and a developmental disease, -- " -- it talks.
<> At an ankle or a joint Child who cracks and appeals
The NPO "safe fund of food and a life" (Saitama) has grasped the same health impairment there.
The health survey which targeted even the generation of the grandchild of the woman who experienced the nuclear power plant disaster will be started in February, this year.
It was caught and made 14 families' 61 persons and schoolchildren in eight villages with a radius of about 150 km of a nuclear power plant in 5 June.
Although cases, such as cancer, cardiopathy, a cataract, are known as for research of the health impairment of radiation, President Waka Junichi (62) reveals saying, "It turned out that small children and children hold a pain in an ankle or a joint in many cases."
The Mojari village which is west about 120 km from a nuclear power plant.
When it asked about 20 schoolchildren "those to whom a leg becomes painful", about a half raised the hand.
It is said that it told a knee, the shin, and an ankle that a pain was felt, and pointed at, or stroked and showed as them the part over which it mourns.
Mr. Waka Junichi indicates "The research which clarified the dose of radiation of the food which damages the gene of an embryonic cell, the quantity taken in, and a period is seldom known."
A fund performs the 3rd field survey from September 24, and the dose of radiation of residents' food is also investigating it completely.
If a dose of radiation is measured at 20 places, such as a pasture and a vegetable garden, until now, although average value is 0.115 microsievert/h, the health impairment the influence of radiation is suspected to be has also come out of it.
Mr. Waka "there are many areas which exceed 0.115 microsievert/h to an Fukushima within the prefecture.
It is warned that at present, it is necessary to take to heart a possibility of doing damage to a child's health when a pregnant woman leads the life of self-sufficiency like the farm village in the Ukraine."
If the influence of the health on the child of the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster is revolved, one person has a thyroid cancer in a thyroid inspection, and, otherwise, it has found many fleshy tumors.
Mr. Waka makes an order to a country etc. like this.
"There are many points that it is explained also from the example of Chernobyl what kind of influence radiation has on a human body.
Also in order not to take out a genuine victim with the delay in correspondence, I want you to draw up the possibility of a child's health impairment to the utmost, and to conduct correspondence and investigation."

10/01/2012 北陸中日新聞. 中日メディカルサイト. 日本ペンクラブ.

26年後のチェルノブイリ報告 健康被害、3世代に

◆26年後のチェルノブイリ報告 健康被害、3世代に
(2012年10月1日 北陸中日新聞 中日メディカルサイト)から抜粋

 原発事故でまき散らされた放射能汚染は、子どもらの健康をいかにむしばむのか。事故から26年後のチェルノブイリを視察した日本の作家やNPO法人が、いま現在進行形の被害や苦しみを相次いで報告している。福島の子どもらに、同じ悲劇を繰り返させてはならない。学ぶべきものとは。 (林啓太)










◇足首や関節に 痛み訴える子






 小若さんは「福島県内に毎時0.115マイクロシーベルトを超える地域は多い。(注;首都圏でも 0.20~0.25microSv/hrを超える地域は多い。pathfinderk)現時点では、妊婦がウクライナの農村のような自給自足の生活を送った場合、子どもの健康に害を及ぼす可能性を肝に銘じる必要がある」と警告する。



◇事故に関心 持ち続けて







全文 http://iryou.chunichi.co.jp/article/detail/20121001160549536