○ Jpn. vs. Brazil. 日伯親善サッカー。

2012-10-16 21:40:35 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

1st Half

11:24. Brazil Goal. JPn. Vs Brazil. 0 1

12:40. Kagawa shoots, off side.

17:30. Honda is one Top.

20:40. Ball ratio is 50 : 50

22:30. Konno hand, Brazil pk, Goal. JPn vs. Brazil. 0. 2

29:30. Naimal shoots,fail.

30:20. Hasebe's shoot,fail.

32:10. Kagawa shoots,of side.

35:00. Brazil is offensive.And did many counter attack.

41:00. Brazil did slow ball contact.

47:00. 1st half ends. JPn vs. Brazil. 0. 2

Battery's goin down.

Eventualy, JPn vs. Brazil. 0. 4 ,completely defeated.

Next time Chalenge'em! Go for it. The Blues!!

○ The Fukushima Crisis 399 ; Monitoring post & Heavy Metal. . モニタリングポストと分厚い鉄板.

2012-10-16 11:37:02 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

10/16/2012. source. Tokyo Shimbun . Jpn's Cabinet Office.
A monitoring post is protected by decontamination.
If a child is not protected most in Fukushima, either, it which is not a pregnant woman, either is a monitoring post.
It is a report to say.
"Decontamination" / Tokyo Shimbun 10/10/2012 mysterious evening paper "spitball"
The value of the air dose rate of Fukushima Iitate-mura announced in a newspaper etc. carried out nose dive from early next year.
Since there was much snow coverage, I thought this year whether it would be the influence.
But, it went into the village by the 1st year of investigation after the accident at the end of March, and he was surprised to check a monitoring post.
As for the surroundings of the place on which the radiation dosimetry machine is placed, it decontaminated thoroughly and topsoil was also replaced.
when the dose rate 1-meter-above ground was measured with the brought measuring instrument, it was 1.2 microsieverts/h (a unit -- the following -- said), but there were 2.4 at the 5-meter-away place.
And a griddle thick steel under a measuring instrument.
Now, the gamma ray from directly under is interrupted considerably.
The official announcement value of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is actually less than 1microsieverts/h.
Iitate-mura has a shade in degree of contamination also in the village, although the whole region was polluted with the nuclear power plant disaster by high concentration.
In a southern long mud flat division, there is a place where the value still exceeding 10microsieverts/h is measured.
The value of Iitate-mura announced by the thing is a value of the measuring instrument placed on the place where the comparatively low area was moreover decontaminated.
It will not be able to be said at all that the present condition of a village is represented.
Assistant Professor Tetsuji Imanaka of the Kyoto University nuclear reactor experiment place which accompanied was amazed saying "A Monitoring post don't Work."
If the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is asked, it will be said that it is not involving since Cabinet Office carried out decontamination.
Cabinet Office answered "Cabinet Office did not recognize that the monitoring post was placed."
They say that it did not adjust in advance.
But, why and an answer did not have that (it looks like) which decontaminated the surroundings of the monitoring post carefully.
(An environmental journalist, Shoji Ozawa)

Govt contrived plot I feel.

10/16/2012. source. 東京新聞. 内閣府.


'福島で一番守られているのは、子どもでもなければ妊婦でもない、それはモニタリングポストだ。' という記事です。



政府の作為を感じますね。 pathfinderk.