

Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

2014-02-02 11:15:39 | 本と雑誌
Steve JobsSteve Jobs
価格:¥ 2,169(税込)

When I caught a cold 2 month earlier, I didn't think it waas a serious disaster. But a bad cough has continued over 6 weeks. I coundn't sleep at night, furthermore I couldn't do anything productive. During New year's vacation, my situation was totally miseravle because I did'nt go outside by my docter's strict direction. I didn't return to my hometown to celebrate 2014 year's coming with my friends and family. Off course I didn't cook, do jogging, or even take a shower. It was awful.

Anyway, I should think of this nice book from X'mas gift. During lonely holidays I was enjoy reading this book. Jobs, a charismatic figure of IT industry (after Apple's stock prices became the top of NYSE, not only our field but also all of business enterprises), was a brilliant and crazy person. His perfection for products design was eccentric and very harsh of his employees. He is also romantic, this guy loved cordially the combination between grafic art and technology.