


2018-04-06 21:25:48 | 英語特許散策

"A glass jacked(ガラス製ジャケット付き), 2 L fermentor (Sartorius AG, Goettingen, Germany) was charged with(投入した)liquefied mash either with or without solids (centrate). A pH probe (Hamilton Easyferm Plus K8, part number: 238627, Hamilton Bonaduz AG, Bonaduz, Switzerland) was calibrated(較正)through the Sartorius DCU-3 Control Tower Calibration menu. The zero was calibrated at(にゼロを定めた)pH=7. The span(目盛幅)was calibrated at pH=4. The probe was then placed into the fermentor, through the stainless steel head plate. A dissolved oxygen probe (p02 probe) was also placed into the fermentor through the head plate."

"The iris diaphragm of the reference beam was closed to a diameter of step width(目盛幅)of 0.05°. Ω is measured from the sample normal to the reference direction of the turntable." 

"[0065] Figure 8 is a graph illustrating the non-linearity of parasitic capacitances of an IGBT. The graph shows how values of the collector to gate parasitic capacitance 36 (Cres), of the gate to emitter parasitic capacitance 38 (C/es) and of a collector to emitter parasitic capacitance (Coes) vary as a function of the voltage Vce between the collector 22 and the emitter 24. The parasitic capacitors of IGBTs are deeply nonlinear, as evidenced by the logarithmic vertical scale(対数目盛縦軸)of the graph of Figure 8." 

"Figures 9 and 10 use equivalent scales(目盛)on their vertical (voltage) and horizontal (time) axes. Comparing the graphs of Figures 9 and 10, both graphs show a rapid increase 1 10 of the collector to emitter voltage Vce upon turn off of the IGBT." 

Graphing: Scale and Origin, Hotmath 

scale the x-axis in units of ... X軸を~単位(目盛幅)で目盛る

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2018-04-06 19:11:35 | 表現

Cartesian Coorinates, Math is Fun

left-right direction: 左右方向

up-down direction: 上下方向

よく「英語では左右はright and left」と言いますが、本当にそんな傾向(rightから始める)あるんでしょうか?日本語が「左右」なら英訳はleft and rightでいいんじゃないかと思います。

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2018-04-06 14:55:43 | 英語特許散策

"The yarns are produced by an improved gel spinning process and are drawn under specialized conditions to achieve multifilament yarns having a high degree of molecular and crystalline order. U.S. patent 7,344,668 describes a process for drawing(延伸)essentially diluent- free gel-spun polyethylene multifilament yarns in a forced convection air oven and the drawn yarns produced thereby. The process conditions of draw ratio(延伸比), stretch rate伸張率), residence time(滞留時間), oven length and feed speed are selected in specific relation to one another so as to achieve enhanced efficiency and productivity." 

"Elongation(伸び)is the extension(伸張)of a test bar to rupture(破断に至るまでの)expressed as a percentage of the original length and measured by the bench marks(標線). It is also known as ultimate elongation(極限伸び)or elongation at break(破断伸び). The term may also be used to describe a specific percentage extension伸張率)when used with modulus or tension set(永久伸び)(i.e. modulus at 200% elongation). Elongation, % is calculated as [{(L,1 ) - (L,o)} (100)] / (L,o) where L,1 is the length at break(破断時の)between bench marks and l,o is the original length between bench marks." 

"8. The inflatable retention system of claim 1 , wherein the tube is formed of a material having an elongation(伸張率)of less than about 100 percent at a load of(の負荷を加えたときに)300 pounds per square inch." 

"According to various exemplary embodiments, ET is used to adjust the stiffness(剛性)of the suspension material 16, 22. For example, the mechanical properties of the suspension material 16, 22 (e.g., elastic modulus/durometer) may be varied. In addition, or alternatively, the stretch rate(伸張率)of the suspension material 16, 22 in different zones may be varied, for example by locally stretching(伸張)certain zones to achieve high tension areas."

"Both heat-shrink(熱収縮)and non-heat-shrinkable(非熱収縮性)elastomers are contemplated(企図)for use in the present invention. However, non-heat-shrinkable elastomers are preferred from a processing standpoint. Non-heat-shrinkable means that the elastomer, when stretchedエラストマーが伸張), will substantially recover without application of heat, sustaining only a small permanent set(永久ひずみ)as discussed above. Non-heat-shrinkable polymers include block copolymers such as those known to those skilled in the art as A-B or A-B-A block copolymers."

[0092] The schematic illustration of FIG. 15 details(説明するものである)an exemplary embodiment of a method for fabricating the stretch laminates伸張性積層体)detailed herein. The method includes providing and pre-activating an elastomeric film 1 (as detailed in the STRETCH LAMINATE section above). Elastomeric film 1 is mechanically pre-activated by stretching the film transverse to(に対して横断方向)its web direction by more than 50%. In some embodiments, an expansion by about 100% to about 500% occurs in relation to the starting width of elastomeric film 1. The term “stretching”(伸張)is to point to the fact that the expansion of elastomeric film 1 is not completely reversible and that a non-elastic fraction results in the film having a larger width following retraction (i.e., reverse expansion). After expansion, elastomeric film 1 retracts and has a width B2 that is larger by about 10% to about 30% in relation to a starting width B1 of the film. Accordingly, elastomeric film 1 has a set of about 10% to about 30% resulting from the pre-activation process.

"[0115] The hysteresis test method for film samples involves the following steps (all strains are engineering strains): 

(1) Strain the sample to 500% strain(500%のひずみを与える)at a constant crosshead speed of 10 inches per minute (25.4 cm per minute) with no hold(保持することなく).

(2) Reduce strain to 0% strain (i.e., return grips to original gauge length of 1 inch) at a constant crosshead speed of 10 inches per minute (25.4 cm per minute) with no hold.
(3) Hold sample for 1 minute at 0% strain
(4) Pull引っ張る)the sample to 0.05 N force(の力で)at a constant crosshead speed of 0.51 inches per minute (13 mm per minute) and return to zero strain at the same crosshead speed to measure the set(永久ひずみ)in the material. The set or the growth(伸び)in the sample changes the gauge length. The method adds the extension up to the 0.05 N force to original 25.4 mm gauge length to calculate New Gauge length.

(5) Strain the sample to 200% strain based on new gauge length at a constant crosshead speed of 10 inches per minute (25.4 cm per minute).
(6) Hold at 200% strain for 30 seconds.
(7) Go to 0% strain at a constant crosshead speed 10 inches per minute (25.4 cm per minute)."

"Elastomeric film 22 also includes at least one skin disposed on the elastically extensible
伸縮的伸展性)material, the skin forming at least one of the film's surfaces 40, 44. Such skin is an extensible material(伸展性材料)and provides an outer surface to elastomeric film 22 that has less tackiness(粘着度)than the underlying elastically extensible material. In some embodiments, the skin may also qualify as an elastically extensible material, but will be less elastic伸縮性が少ない)than the underlying elastically extensible material."

"The materials of the membranes 34 described herein can vary. Generally, the membrane material is thin, readily foldable into a low profile and refoldable after expansion. The materials can be elastic(弾性), inelastic(非弾性), stretchy伸縮性), non-stretchy(非伸縮性), compliant, semi-compliant, or non-compliant."

"[0066] The thermoplastic polymer material or other materials utilized for non-woven textile 100 (i.e., filaments 103) may be selected to have various stretch properties(伸縮性), and the materials may be considered elastomeric(弾性体). Depending upon the specific product that non-woven textile 100 will be incorporated into, non-woven textile 100 or filaments 103 may stretch between ten percent to more than eight-hundred percent prior to tensile failure(引張破断前伸度). For many articles of apparel, in which stretch is an advantageous property, non-woven textile 100 or filaments 103 may stretch at least one-hundred percent prior to tensile failure. As a related matter, thermoplastic polymer material or other materials utilized for non-woven textile 100 (i.e., filaments 103) may be selected to have various recovery properties. That is, non-woven textile 100 may be formed to return to an original shape after being stretched(伸縮), or non-woven textile 100 may be formed to remain in an elongated or stretched shape after being stretched.

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2018-04-06 11:31:06 | 英語特許散策

"The specimen was imaged at each elimination step. Two LED illuminators were used: 1 ) a homebuilt(自作の)3-LED illuminator comprising a Lamina RGB light engine (EZ-43F0-0431 ) with 3 LED dynamics BuckPlus current regulated drivers with potentiometers and switches to permit on off control(オン/オフ制御)and variation of the red, green, and blue LED intensities independently; and 2) a TOFRA, Inc. RGBA Computer-Controlled LED Illuminator for Upright Microscopes modified for manual LED switching."

"To measure bend ductility(屈曲延性), produced ribbon from each alloy in Table 1 and processed at PP4 conditions (Table 3) were corrugated(波型加工)using a home built(自作の)corrugation system which is designed to mimic the 1<st >step in the corrugation process used to produce honeycomb. As the ribbon passes through the corrugated rollers, the ribbon is bent in opposite nearly 180° directions and then is permanently plastically deformed if ductile or broken into small pieces if brittle." 

" The IR, LS15 (light scattering signal at 15º), LS90 (light scattering signal at 90º), and IV (intrinsic viscosity) signals were collected by EZChrom through a SS420X analogue-to-digital conversion box. The chromatograms were exported in ASCII format and imported into a home-written(自作の)MATLAB software for data reduction(データ整理). Using an appropriate calibration curve of polymer composition and retention volume, of polymers that are of similar nature of the hard block and soft block contained in the block composite being analyzed."

"Finally, circuit connectivity is realized(実現)on top of a circuit dielectric (photolithographically patterned 81813™, Shipley Microposit) by opening via holes through it by a combination of photolithography and oxygen-plasma ashing, and by depositing metal interconnects either by thermal evaporation, or from a commercial silver-based ink (TEC-IJ-050, InkTec Co., Ltd.) with a home-built(自作の)single-nozzle printer."

"The concentrations of AFD.v8, AFD.vl4 or ranibizumab were calculated from a four-parameter fit of the respective standard curve using in-house(自作の)Excel-based software. Taking into account the minimum dilution in vitreous or retinal homogenate, the minimum quantifiable concentration of AFD.v8, AFD.vl4 or ranibizumab in rabbit vitreous or retinal homogenate was 62.5 ng/mL or 31.25 ng/mL, respectively."

"The above-described(上述)system was entered into LightTools, a raytracing program that is commercially available from(市販入手可能)Optical Research Associates, based in Pasadena, CA. Other raytracing programs may also be used, including ASAP, Code V, Oslo, Zemax, or any other commercially available or homemade(自作の)raytracing program."

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