

アイルランド(Ireland): Smoking ban to be extended

2018-04-24 17:58:25 | 日記
2018年4月24日(Tue.) はしかの新たな患者が出ました、女子中学生2名です(愛知県)。 感染場所となった医療機関名や、患者の立ち寄り先などはもっと正確な内容が公表されて良いと思います。 一方で、良からぬ風評が立たないような社会でありたいものですが・・・。

さて、禁煙・分煙などについても、もう一段、考えても良いのかも知れません。( ニュースソース: THE IRISH TIMES 4月24日発 )

Smoking ban to be extended to outdoor areas where food served

Fine Gael Senators have called on the Minister for Health to change legislation

Smoking is prohibited in the workplace as well as restaurants, bars, education facilities and public transport. Photograph: Sean Dempsey/PA Wire

The Government is to extend the ban on smoking where food is served to include outdoor areas.

Fine Gael Senators have tabled a private members motion calling on the Minister for Health Simon Harris to change legislation or issue directions via a statutory instrument to address the gap in current legislation.

Mr Harris is to ask for Cabinet approval at Tuesday’s meeting to accept the proposal.

The initiative was spearheaded by former minister for health James Reilly, who has said it should no longer be acceptable for people to smoke where others are eating.

An unintended consequence of the smoking ban has been the prevalence of smokers in the outdoor areas of bars, cafés and restaurants, Mr Reilly said.

“This means that nobody can enjoy a meal outdoors on a sunny day in this country, without having to inhale other people’s smoke.

“Anyone spending their hard-earned money in a restaurant or café should be entitled to enjoy their meal in a smoke-free environment.”

Ireland has set a target of being tobacco free by 2025. Currently smoking is prohibited in the workplace as well as restaurants, bars, education facilities and public transport.

The ban was recently extended to smoking in cars where young children are present.

(超抜粋)他の人が飲食しているような場所では、屋外であっても禁煙にすべきだとの意見に基づいて、法律の変更が求められています。 また、苦労して稼いだお金で食事などする際に、煙の無い環境で食事を楽しむ権利があるべきだと言います。
アイルランドは2025年までにタバコ禁止を目指しています。 現在は、レストランやバーなどと同様に職場でも禁止されています。


何でもかんでも海外を見習おうと言うことではなく、問題等があれば、その解決手法について、様々な取り組みを参考にすれば良いと思います。 日本の場合、昨今の様々な事象を見ていると、「島国日本」 (外を見ていない)を感じさせることが多く、それは前時代的で時代錯誤であると思えてしまうのです。


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