

BBC発: イタリアの地震による惨状

2016-08-26 21:02:44 | 日記
2016年8月26日(Fri.) 夏休みも終わりが近づいています。 思う存分、行く夏を惜しみながら楽しみたいところですが、心痛めるニュースが何故に多いのでしょうか・・・。

さて、イタリアでの地震の報道は続いている最中で、現時点で267人の死亡が確認されています(下記の文中では、少なくとも250人と記述されています)。 但し、明らかに行方不明になっている人々もまだいらっしゃるようです。


<ニュースソース: BBC 8月25日発 >
Italy earthquake: Before and after images show destruction

A strong earthquake has devastated a string of mountain towns and villages in central Italy, killing at least 250 people and leaving many unaccounted for.

The 6.2 magnitude quake, which was followed by several aftershocks, struck at 03:36 (01:36 GMT) on Wednesday, 100km (65 miles) north-east of Rome.

Worst affected were the towns of Accumoli and Amatrice and the villages of Pescara del Tronto and Arquata del Tronto.

The first confirmed deaths following the quake came in Amatrice, and by Thursday it was clear that many had been buried when the town collapsed.

The town's mayor, Sergio Pirozzi, told the AP news agency: "Half the village has disappeared."

The main street through Amatrice was reduced to rubble following the earthquake

The clock tower in the town centre was left standing but many of the surrounding buildings were not

Many homes in and around the small town were completely destroyed by the tremors

A church in the town was also badly damaged, losing much of the top of the building and its roof

In Accumoli, a small mountain town, the first victims were a family of four who were found under the debris of a collapsed building.

Mayor Stefano Petrucci told reporters: "We have a tragedy here. There are people under the ruins."

He said the town of just 700 residents swells to 2,000 in the summer months thanks to tourism, but that he feared for its future after the earthquake.

A residential building in the heart of Accumoli that was partially destroyed by the quake

Accumoli Mayor Stefano Petrucci said some hundreds of people had been left homeless

The village of Pescara del Tronto was also badly hit, with the Italian news agency ANSA reporting that at least 10 people had been killed there.

The main road into and out of the town was covered in debris, making it difficult for search and rescue teams to gain access to some damaged areas.

The neighbouring village of Arquata del Tronto was also devastated by the earthquake. Mayor Aleandro Petrucci told AFP news agency: "If we don't get help, l'Arquata is finished."

One section of the road into Pescara del Tronto was almost entirely destroyed





防災・減災への備えは怠らないようにしたいものです。 食糧・飲料・薬・懐中電灯(ラジオ、防災グッズ一式)・避難用ザック(靴、衣類含む)等々・・・、いざとなったら、自治体などが救援に来てくれる??? そうではないかも知れません。   トイレや避難場所にも困窮したのは熊本でも経験したこと、そうしたこともある程度想定しておいた方が望ましいでしょうね。 ちなみに我が家では、簡易テントや仮設トイレ、排泄物の処分用ビニール袋や新聞紙なども用意してあります、完璧(?)ではありませんが。

さて、夏休み最後の週末になります。 各地でフェステバルも開かれることでしょうし、楽しむ時は楽しみましょう。

*** 下の写真は、記事内容とは関係ありません。
