ホンヨミ Book-loving 「かもめのジョナサン 完成版」Jonathan Livingston Seagull : The complete edition

2014年09月19日 | 日記

The story have got the part 4
It was added to the original version
It's now completed


I wrote about that book of "Jonathan Livingston Seagull : The new complete edition" on my blog on 30th July, I requested the book at the library. Now I've got it. The part 4 is the final part, this time adding to the original edition. The author, Richard Bach, who wrote the part 4 already when the original was published but he didn't add it. I've heard about that. After a long time later, his wife found the part 4 among the books on the bookshelf. She recommended him reading it, then, the new complete edition was published. I thought "wow", it happens sometimes, a thing begins from a little thing. Well, I think that the story should have the part 4 or not, it depends on you.
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