オサンポ take a walk - 彼岸花 cluster amaryllis

2014年09月24日 | 日記

The cluster amaryllises
In red or white
It seems busy

Higanbana(cluster amaryllis) is a phrase reflecting the season of autumn. So it's Haiku. About Higanbana, it has no leaves, pops out of the ground by myself suddenly. It seems "dependence", strong. Or, it falls down from the sky then sticks on the ground by someone. It surprises us, has a flower around equinoctial week in September. In Japan, some people is afraid of them because it is very red and the time, they imagine it connects to the people who passed away. But it just tells "Autumn has come", even though some cicadas are still singing. In addition, there is liquorice, it's
garden species.
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