


2017-08-15 13:30:34 | 日記
Tryst with the future: Where India will be in another 70 years

As the clock struck midnight on August 15, 1947, the world's biggest democracy was born. India had become an independent nation. On the eve of that historic landmark, India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru gave a speech for the ages. India had redeemed its "tryst with destiny to awake to life and freedom."


tryst with   ~との約束
democracy   民主主義国
independent  独立した
eve      前夜
landmark 出来事
ages   人々
redeem   果たす
destiny   運命
awake to 目覚めて~に気付く






「Tryst with the future」

「Where India will be in another 70 years」


「As the clock struck midnight on August 15, 1947」

「the world's biggest democracy was born」

「India had become an independent nation」

「On the eve of that historic landmark」

「India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru gave a speech for the ages」

「India had redeemed its "tryst with destiny to awake to life and freedom」