Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


My assistant coach

2016-07-07 13:06:29 | Canada


Hi, guys.

Today, I'd like to introduce an assistant coach of my soccer academy in the blog for the first time. His name is Ryusei Kojima, 21 years old. 

He's been in Canada only for a half year so far, so that he still seems to struggle with English. Even though he's a bit internally reserved, I guarantee you that he's a good bloke!! He actually contacted me via this blog to find a local soccer team who he can play for during his stay in Vancouver. So I introduced him to the coach of my team right away, and he showed us his decent skills on the ball at the first practice with us, sighed with the team straight after. 

He is also very cooperative at my soccer academy, and alway try to commit himself to it as often and hard as he can, which is a huge help for me. So I always tell myself that I should't take his massive contribution towards the academy for granted.

We will be in the busiest time of the year in July and August, I guess. But I'm pretty sure that we could go through it with a burning passion and drive for coaching to every single of the kids I coach for!!







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