Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


At Barca camp Day 1

2016-07-12 22:30:15 | Canada

 Hi, guys.

Finally, The camp run by Barca has begun since yesterday. WOOHOO!!!

I was a bit nervous, but also excited on the first day. I actually hadn't been noticed that much on what to do at the beginning of the session, but I had a group assigned by 14 players, U13 grade, then was told that I was in charge of it for the whole day. WOW!! 

There were another 2 groups on the same field as well, and one field manager dispatched from Barca. 

The theme of the day was a passing, so we focused on it with unique and fun training menus provided by Barca!! At the same time, I was a little upset as I had to arrrange my group to demonstrate the next session to the remainder of group every time. I could somehow did it well...

And we had been given some keywords of the day too - Firm pass, eyecontact and body orientation. Every time we switched a session to the next, The coach from Barca was insistently telling them to keep those words in mind.

each content of the training is also fun and creative. We started with a fundamental passing exercise in a triangle and a keep-away, then possession games in various patterns to measure the player's cognition.

It's been a amazing experience for sure. Keep it up!! 





 この日のテーマはパス。スペイン人コーチのデモですべて練習が始まっていきますが、意外に英語もうまくてスムーズに。なぜか自分のグループがすべてデモの対象だったので、ちょっと焦りましたがなんとか円滑に運べました。バルサ側のコーチ陣からも「great job」と練習中に何度か声を掛けられたのも自信になりますね。そしていくつかのキーワードも。「強いパス」「体の向き」「アイコンタクト」これは練習内容が変わる度に言ってましたね。あとはスペースの使い方。






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