Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Kids soccer in Canada

2015-08-08 19:16:15 | Canada

Hi, guys.

It's been busy lately. I have work on weekdays, plus training sessions straight after work 2 days a week. 

And Last sunday, I had my first own soccer clinic in Canada. This was the reason I came here, I'm pleased to take the first step of it. However, The number of kids I had was only 5. I used to have more than 30 kids in NZ. As a matter of course, it's not fair to compare with what I had in NZ as it's just started here. 

But I also think that I shouldn't focus on just increasing the number for my clinic cuz it's not for making money. I will be concentrating on the kids turning up every session and help them enjoy playing soccer, and hopefully I will make a kind of trigger to get to like soccer and start playing seriously by belonging to a local club around here. 

My kids at the clinic are still very young around 4 to 7 years old. So I don't really want to nip their potential drive towards soccer in the bud, vice versa I 'd like to facilitate it through my training sessions.

I was really lucky to get here in only 3 weeks after I came to Vancouver. And I have a strong leverage for achieving my goals. Keep myself going!!






