Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Holy hailstorm, Brisbane! 大嵐直撃!

2014-11-28 19:35:38 | Australia


Wash-up still continues after storm mayhem...

Yesterday evening, An unbeliavable and apocalyptic storm hit the city in Brisbane with flash flooding, tennis-ball sized hailstones and cyclonic winds. It's been said that was the worst we've ever seen in 30 years...

That blast of bad weather left hundreds of homes damaged and a repair bill of 84 million. The murderous wind recorded a month's worth of rain in just 20mins, and wind gusts of up to 140km/h. A roof was blown more than 100m away, and uncountable trees across Brisbane were still left swept away by the gusty wind.




What a fuck! These are the tennis-ball sized hailstones. My friend's car got unfortunately pummeled by them... 



The massive tree has been pulled out of its root. 

The earth is being furious at us, who never stop destroying a great deal of nature..

