Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Don't you have time to do so? Bullshit!! 「時間が無い」なんてウソ。

2014-11-10 01:42:18 | Words 言葉の力

 On a sober note, I sometimes consider of where I live and how rich I am compared to majority of other people in the world. Everything I have at home is so handy to shorten the time to do so such as Kitchen equipments, Vacuum, washing machine and PC so on..

Where do those too advanced technologies take us to? As a result, causes what? 

Probably, You have been widely promoted the efficiency and diversification in your daily life. You might not have realized it yet as it's alway there. The more efficient life you get, I think the more time you have. 

So how do you spend the time you are given in such luxury circumstances?

In Japan, you can see people being addicted to social media and mobile games. Don't you think you are blowing the time? Time is limited and given equally everyday. And of course you know time is a invaluable thing that you can never buy. 

I really feel sorry for them consume away thier time with such fluitless things.






