Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


vs Peninsula Power

2014-04-08 17:15:11 | Soccer/football

 Hi, everyone.

 We had a big clash with one of the title favorites the other day. The result was surprisingly a draw 2-2. They had been in five consecutive wins before dropped points against us which was a huge point for us. 

 But so far, We have already taken on all the title contenders in the league in the first round, and claimed only one point out of them which is not enough to break into the popular belief. So what we definitely need to do is now that we will try not to drop any points from now on till we will play against the contenders in the next round which starts from June.

 Personally, I've been considering of a lot of things other than football that sometimes become a bit concerns and distractions to football. Vice versa, I'm in good form with a certain consistency and quality in football. And I have no doubt that I might lose the ball when I get a ball. I've been playing with full of confidences that I've never felt like that before. 

 However, it makes me think more.. It's like a vague lassitute.. 






