Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Fare evaders

2014-04-04 21:06:57 | Australia

 Hi, guys.

 For me, who don't have my own car, Trains are a main tool for transpotation in Australia. However, I often see interesting articles about 'fare evasion' on newspapers on a daily basis. The number of the fare evasion apts to be bigger and bigger.

 I think most of Japanese people can't believe this happens a lot here because it can't be considered as a social issue in Japan where has been set a more solid basic structure of industry. 

 One of the biggest things I got suprised here for the first time was that there were no ticket barriers at most train stations but main stations of city. There are even no resident staffs stationed at some train stations. That means like giving a free-ride invitation to evaders.

 Moreover, there is not only the reason but also the other one about fare hikes. I guess it has already become half as expensive as when I first came to Australia in 2008. 

 nowadays it's so easy for me to recognize who the passenders without tickets are on the trains. It's because they are routinely in a fidget with wobbly eyes and busy looking around to be ready running to an exit door when ticket inspectors come in. It's a bit enjoyable to watch them copped by inspectors and whinge or whine at them to gloze!!

 Be careful, everyone!!



 こちらオーストラリアでは、もっぱら交通手段として電車を使うことが多いのですが、最近よくオーストラリアの社会問題として取り上げられているのが、「Fare evasion」。要するに、列車のタダ乗り。日本ではありえないのですが、こちらは多いんです。理由は簡単、改札がないから。駅員も大きな駅にしかいないことが多いのです。必然的にそら増えますよね。笑 


