Hi, guys.
I just hit on something I should write down here.
I think the circumstances around me at the moment is super great!! But when time rolls on, it's getting hard to bear it in mind all the time as you easily become accustomed to the rich life which is so forgetable, and next moment, you become more greedy, and started looking for a better one. But it might be able to take you there or hurt you by falling into a pitfall.
Recently, I've watched many Japanese players play in the same league I play. There is a Japanese agent behind them to send into the league apparently. When I came here for the first time, I was so desperate to find a team by myself by handing out my own football CV, somtime sending out my playing video direct to a team by email. People might think it's a very ridiculous and time-comsuming way, but it can benefit you as a person. I used to be gritless, but it made me stronger, and brought me a lots of nerves!!
Anyway, they are all good players, who have a much better football career in teens than myself such as a former J3 player and player in top Japanese college league. As a result, they've easily got a spot in a starting line-up as soon as they joined a club!! They've also motivated me so much on the pitch.
As a matter of course, I don't want to be defeated by teams, who they've been played for, and as a player too.
And also, I have to appreciate a lot of people here again who have given me a opportunity to play this year. I've got heaps of supports from my friends here off the pitch. I can't think of myself now without them. Obviously I owe what I am now to them. I need to think it back at this point to change myself now!!
それも経歴は素晴らしい。JFL、関西大、阪南大、桃山学院大、慶応大、JAPAN FOOTBALL COLLEGEなどなど。関西1部大学や、JFLなんかは自分が大学生の時は雲のような存在でした。今そんな卒業したての現役選手が同じピッチで対面してるのはすごく自分も刺激的です。皆年下の選手ばかりで、やるからにはまだまだ自分も負けられない、チームの結果と共に個人のパフォーマンスも絶対に負けたくない。