Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Sick of a frosty night!!!!

2011-07-01 23:24:25 | Diary

Hi, guys??

How humid is it in Japan now?? It must be very high and so hot everywhere!! I love summer anyway, so I don't mind no matter how hot is the place where I am, but it's a different story about winter. Now, here in NZ, onset of a full-fledged winter has approached gradually or it might be already come over here. Anyway it's freezing all day!! Especially, every night hit me some frosty breezes through all part of walls of my room!! In addition, There is a combination of frost, fog, now drizzle and sometimes hail.

This is the hardest country to live out in my life...

I knew New Zealand would be colder than Australia where I used to be before came here, but I didn't think it would be a bit colder than Japan. Actually I haven't experienced the winter in Japan last 3 years as I was oversea while it's in winter. It wasn't the winter seasonwhen even when I went back to Japan last year fortunately. so I can't be a strong immune for cold. I alway belong with a hot-water bottle what we called 'Yutanpo' in Japanese. I read the news that Yutanpo was a so popular item among people who have the sensitivity to the cold. This will be a must item for me through the winter.

Hey, Could anyone send me a Kotatsu from Japan?? I need it right now!!!



 なんか日本では湯たんぽが流行ってたみたいやけど、おれも即座に入手、常に足元に厳戒態勢を敷き、耐え忍んでおります。笑 ヒーターも買おうかな・・・。つかなによろコタツが欲しい!!誰か送ってくれぇ!!!!
