Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


Win bonus and fine. (勝利給と罰金)

2011-06-24 00:19:38 | Soccer/football
Hi, What are you up to now??

Me?? I've just tucked myself into a warm blanket on the bed cuz it's do cold here now!! It freeze me every night cuz the winter has just come now. I need a KOTATSU in my room and I just want to sleep in there!! It feels so nice man!

By the way, let me introduce some funny rules of my team. First, let me say this. We are NOT a professinal club. Of cource some players of the team have got a regular payment from the club which is salary, but it's not all of us.
In addition, we're suppose to get a win bonus after winning a game. This is the all same price for each players. There is no gap between all players, which is a good rule, I think.

However the problm is that we might also get a fine from the team's manager if we make something wrong such as like someone doesn't turn up a training session without call, doesn't turn up on time and doesn't put team wear/ proper training kit on... something like that...
There are still some stupid rules like them. Oh my god...

The funniest thing is the rule bringing something to each game site to avoid a fine. This is what we called 'Item of the week'. On the last training day for the every weekend's game, Coach nominate someone of the players and the player tells rest of players a item which we have to bring it to the game otherwise getting a fine. For example, if someone says 'Iron board', everybody including coaches and stuffs has to find it at home or somewhere else and bring it over a dress room of the game site.

This is a ridiculous but also a funny rule, isn't it??

But to be honest, I didn't even know that there were so many rules like this in the team in the begging, so I've saved a massive fine so far, apparently...
No way.....

This means all my win bonus is automatically turned to fines I have to pay off.
So sad... Don't u think so??




 わけわからんし納得いかんのが、チームに罰金制度があるってこと。遅刻やチームウェア/チームの練習着などもしっかり着てこなければ罰金。さらに毎週「Item of the week」といって毎週試合前の最後の練習時にランダムにアイテムを監督などから1つ指示されます。

 まぁおもろいからいいけどね。 チャンチャン。