Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


BBQ party

2011-03-26 23:20:34 | Diary
Hi, all!!

I've frequently posted some articles on this blog last couple weeks. Thats the proof that I'm so bored every night.

Anyway, I had a training session as a team this morning for 2 hours. Actually it wasn't that hard for me because we had a training match the day before yesterday, so today was like a recovery session from it.
Then we went back home once, and got together again at one of my teammate's house around lunch time.

As soon as I got there, I realized everybody were tring to go out somewhere in rain. I couldn't expect where they were going to and also I couldn't believe that we would go outside in rain.
Somehow it seemed like that we were suppose to play cricket all together in a park ever if it's rain.
To be honest, I was really upset at that time because I had never played cricket before. Of course we played baseball many time with my friends when I was small, but we even never see that someone play cricket in Japan.
We don't have the culture to play it.

However, cricket is similar to baseball a bit, so the much time I got, the much I could understand what's cricket like. But it was still difficult to play at their level because they get use to play it like baseball I play normally. Especially, it was so difficult to hit a ball properly with bat, which shape like battledore(Japanese Hagoita) used in a game played at the beginning of the new year in Japan. It consists of a board with a rectangular handle.

Anyway, it was so fun. After that, we had a BBQ party together with heaps of meats, sausages and a bit vegetables. This is a newzealand style!!I love it!!!

I just gorged oneself to repletion on delicious viands.





 いやぁ、クリケットなんか始めてやったから焦った。もうミスしないように空気読むことだけ考えてたね。笑 ルールなんかまずほとんど知らんし、テレビでしか見たことなかったからまぁ大変。(詳しいことはWikiかなんかで調べてください)

 最後はBBQ!!大量の肉とちょっとのサラダ!!これぞ欧米式!!笑 腹減りまくってたから食いまくったった。
