Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


An unprecedented Earthquake in Japan

2011-03-14 01:42:36 | Diary
As you know, The most terrible earthquake ever hit Japan 2 days ago, and the damage is still expanding as time goes on, unleashing a 10 metre high tsunami and leaving hundreds dead and thousands missing.

And now Japan is facing a nuclear emergency as cooling systems damaged by the quake failed at two nuclear reactors.

I myself was running on a treadmill in a gym when I was informed about the disaster. I couldn't actually believe what I saw from the news on TV which was front of me. The TV screen was switched suddenly to the breaking news which informed me what's happening now in Japan. The head line of the news I watched was 'An 8.9 magnitude quake hit Japan'.
I think no one can believe like this if you're in oversea.

Fortunately, all my friends and families are fine, but I have nothing to do for this event at the moment. There is nothing I can do except pray that everybody can survive and be safe as many people as possible.



 自分が、この報道を聞いた時、ちょうどジムで走っていた時でした。ランニングマシーンの前のテレビが突然切り替わり、速報で日本を大地震が襲ったという見出しで自分の目に飛び込んできました。最初は全く信じられず、どこか他人事のような自分がいて走り続けていましたが、テレビに映る「Earthquake hit Japan」の文字。


