Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


My leg was on the verge of a terrible consequence..

2017-11-06 16:58:51 | Ireland

I think I've come face to face with the real challenge of the Irish football since I signed with the Dublin bus FC. Today, as you can see in the pic what happened to my leg during the match, to be honest, I thought my ankle got chopped away or broken in half when he came onto my ankle with the studs upwards. It is very fortunate that I still have two legs and walk without a cast! Anyway, I truly realize how valuable Shinji Okazaki is. He is exactly the same size as I am, but he has been highly rated with his consistent performance every game in the top tier of the physical football on the planet! Simply unbelievable! #Ireland #football #soccer #shinjiokazaki アイルランドサッカーの洗礼。荒い荒いとは思っていたけど、ダービーマッチという事もあってさらに激しかった。足の裏で来た瞬間、足首完全に折れたと思いました。アイルランド3部ながら、この技術そっちのけフィジカルサッカーの頂点であるプレミアリーグで、身長も自分とさほど変わらない岡崎選手が、あのリーグで評価されるという価値。オセアニアでもアジアでもサッカーして来ましたが、欧州はやっぱり迫力が違う。体感して改めてその凄さが理解できた。#ヨーロッパサッカー #フィジカル #強烈 #ゴリゴリ #岡崎 #プレミア

Hi, guys.
I think I've come face to face with the real challenge of the Irish football since I signed with the Dublin bus FC. Today, as you can see in the pic what happened to my leg during the match, to be honest, I thought my ankle got chopped away or broken in half when he came onto my ankle with the studs upwards. It is very fortunate that I still have two legs and walk without a cast!
Anyway, I truly realize how valuable Shinji Okazaki is. He is exactly the same size as I am, but he has been highly rated with his consistent performance every game in the top tier of the physical football on the planet! Simply unbelievable! 

