Brissy Enterprises Official Blog


My soccer academy in Dublin, Ireland

2017-01-28 00:44:56 | Ireland



場所:Dublin8にあるPhoenix Park内、Wellington monument近辺の芝生内


 経歴:JFL →オーストラリア2部→ NZ1部→ インド1部→ フィジー1部 → カナダ3部。


Hi, guys.
My new soccer academy in Dublin, Ireland will be launching on 19th of Feb. I do coaching in Japanese and English on the field so that kids with any nationality are able to join and have fun within the session on that day for sure. 
It doesn't really matter how experienced you are in football. I will put more importance on the fun part of football than the technical side of football. And also I have owned my soccer academy in Vancouver, Canada and Auckland, Newzealand before with the same philosophy that specilizes in having kids enjoyable in football sessions.
The details of the first session on 19th of Feb are as follows.
Place: Phoenix park beside the Wellington monument in Dublin 8.
Date: 19th of February in 2017.
Time: 9am (for 90min each session)
Please bring your own water bottle with a proper outfit and shoes. (no need to wear soccer boots if you don't have them.) And a soccer ball if you have it at home.
My football career
Australia(Second tier)→ NZ(First tier)→ India(First tier)→ Fiji(First tier)→ Canada(Third tier)
Please drop me a message on if it draws your interest.
Thank you.

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The first week in Dublin.

2017-01-26 13:16:31 | Ireland

Hi, guys.

Time has flew by so fast. It has been a week since I first touched down in Dublin after a 36 hours hectic flight from Osaka, Japan via Tokyo, Moscow and Barcelona. Why did I choose such a long flight schedule? Of course it was all about the cheap price!! Looking back now, it was a bit risky to come with it cuz I might have got involved in some incidental troubles with flights such as lost baggages and delayed flights.  The more you change a flight, the riskier it is. But I was able to touch down in Dublin with no such troubles!!

As soon as I landed, I was looking to get out to the city center from the airport. I had already known of how and found the box office of Airlink bus that takes you to the city center at 6 Euro. (10 for a return ticket.)

Another surprise is the you can stay in a hostel at a variety of price range that you are looking for. There are so many options available on unless it is the busiest times(usually it is during spring to summer). So that I could stay at 10 Euro per night with a nice breakfast. 

In the meantime, I was looking for a flat to move in, and had some room viewings to decide. As soon as I had decided the place to live, I started to drop my CV at all over the restaurants in Dublin city. And luckily, I got offered a server job at the third restaurant I visited. It actually took me only 15 mins to secure the job in Dublin. How quick it was!!

I had been told before came to this city that it would be a tough game over getting a job in Dublin, but the flippant rumor was totally wrong and found out that getting a job in Dublin becomes way easier if you make a move for that.  But it is not easy for everyone to do so, apparenly.. Don't procrastinate on things that you need to do right now. Don't leave them till tomorrow.

Anyway, I will keep updateing on what I do in this new country. Stay tuned till the next entry comes out.




 そしてダブリンに到着。まずは予約したホテルへ、Airlinkというバスで市内へ。降りる場所を一つ間違えましたが、実はそこが泊まるホステルの目の前だったという・・。初めてなのでそれに気づかず結構ウロウロ彷徨っていましたが・・。そしてホステルへ。1泊なんと10ユーロ。結局シェアハウスを見つけるまで、4日間で3件のホステルに泊まり歩き、宿泊にかかったコストは5000円以下。しかも全部朝食付きだったので、思っていたよりかなり安かったです。このNew yearが終わってからの1月は一番観光客が少ない時期、しかも寒いのでかなり安いです。Booking.comで宿の検索も簡単に当日からでも予約できるので、安心でした。


 アイルランドではアジア人が本当に少ないし、アジア系のレストランもカナダやAUS, NZに比べて格段に少ないので、仕事を見つけるのが難しいと言われています。実際なかなか見つからない人も多いみたいですが、実際にしっかりと行動に移せば、今回は多少運もあったかもしれませんが、仕事は決まると思います。ダメなのは、「明日でいいや、明日からやろう」と先延ばしにしてダラダラと過ごしてしまうこと。行動を起こさないと何も始まらないですからね。




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Vissel Kobe Juniour Youth U14 and an outing for a drink with the coaches of Cerezo Osaka.

2017-01-23 15:38:32 | Diary


Hi, guys.

Two entries in two days in a row!!

Today, I will be going to put two stories together in this entry. Almost 3 weeks ago, I went down to a training session of Vissel Kobe U14 side, categorized as the junior youth in Japan between 13 to 15 years old in Japan. I had never seen any practice of the J-league clubs in the category, but it was overwhelming!!

The coach, Mr Takagi for the Vissel U14 side says, coaching this age group is very exciting for me cuz in Japan, transition between 12 to 13 years old can be a huge turning point for every kid. They advance to a junior high school from an elementary school in Japan and they tend to change themselve at that time frame since they are going to have a new life, new classmates in their school and also new teammates and a new coach.

In restropect, I was one of them at that time too. I was forced to play as a center back in the team until 12 years old cuz I was phisically growing up faster than other kids, so The coach wanted me to play in the position that I never wanted to play. But as soon as I advanced to the team in my junior high school, I tried to be a diferent player that is more technical and impressed the new coach where I should be playing in the games.

So I was truly convinced by his remark and thought on why it is the most exciting age group in soccer coaching.







Next one is when I went out for dinner with the coaches of the ladies team of Cerezo Osaka who contends in the second division of Japanese women's league and also with the coach of Owada SSC who played for the same local club when I was younger. It was a great catch up and spent fruitful time with them in a productive conversation.

And I need to apologize for getting drunk so bad and fell asleep in a toilet of the bar we went...Lol

Thank you so much, guys!! 





Amitie SC

2017-01-22 20:40:27 | Diary


Hi, guys. 

Following the outing for Vissel Kobe, I went out to meet a coach at one of the biggest soccer academies in Kansai area, Amitie FC. It is a well-organized local club and still a amateur club, but they are aiming to break through the barrier between Amateur and Pro. Their first team plays in the first division of Kansai regional league that is the 5th division from the top(J-league).

The coach I went to meet usually coaches kids who go to elementary schools, but he has coached for a large number of kids in different age groups includingthe junior youth category. And his way of coaching is very peculiar and special that is in common with what I want to do in Japan when I open my own academy.

What he is unique in coaching is that he puts more importance on how he can make kids enjoy every session he holds. His class is not only for producing a professional player but forming a great human being with discipline, solidarity and courtesy. What I was surprised through his soccer session was that every kid in his class naturally greeted him and even me with high energy at the beginning of the session. That was kind of a sign to start the session. I loved the way!!

Also, he politely saw off every kid and their family at the way out. When a mom of a kid wants to talk to him at the end of the session, he deals kindly with her, no matter who is it. Impressive!!

Those kind of things should be the huge keys to get my own academy in Japan on the right track.








Vissel Kobe Super class!!

2017-01-20 16:17:48 | Diary


Hi, guys.

it's been more than a month since I went out to see a training session of the Vissel Kobe super class for juniors. This class has a similar concept to the Cerezo Osaka elite class where I visited and blogged about it the other week.  

All the players come to the trainings belong to another in their neighborhood. They have been scouted by Vissel Kobe at an annual try-out event held by Vissel. Most of them step up onto the next category called Vissel Kobe Junior youth when they graduate from elementary school in Japan.

And also I got inspired by their personality and their professional ways of coaching. Every coach had a different approach of coaching, but they all face the same direction as a J-league club.

Thank you so much for inviting and brainstorms that I got from them.








2017-01-15 01:55:15 | サッカー+英語留学サポートnews











AIS and Vissel Kobe at Corniche field.

2017-01-15 00:29:34 | Diary

Hi, guys. 

On the next day from the day in the last entry, I got invited to a practice of the Vissel Kobe U13,12 and 11 sides and a practice of the AIS soccer academy coached by a former J-leaguer, Makoto Atsuta who used to play with Park Ji Sung at Kyoto Sanga in J-league before Park had made a contract with PSV in Holland.

This gentleman, Mr Atsuta suddely lost a place where his players could constantly use for practices as the fields got bankrupted. So he had to figure that out to keep the academy alive. To be surprised, he made a bold decision that built futsal fields in Kobe and manage it somehow by himself. He barely scraped up funds for getting it started and right now he runs it for real. He is amazingly energetic and has a powerful work ethic for what he is doing right now which is surely respectable for me.

And the other guy who I met on that day was a coach for the Vissel Kobe juniors. As a matter of course, they all are J-league players in the making as their top team is in J-league. It is noteworthy that the coach is in my generation and he has already built out a brilliant coaching career at some J-league clubs. I couldn't help but being inspired by him and learnt from his way of coaching.

I was glad to be invited to those fantastic and substatial sessions on the same day!!

Thank you for the opportunities from Mr Shirasawa. 

 続いて、紹介していただいたのが、Vissel Kobe U13,12,11(小4-6)のチーム練習と、元京都サンガの熱田さん(写真左)が指導するAISというジュニア、ジュニアユースの練習。






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The elite class of Cerezo Osaka.

2017-01-12 23:05:35 | Diary

Hi, guys.

More than a month has elapsed since, I went out to watch a training session of the elite class(Basically they are equivalent to year 2 to 7 in the western countries) of Cerezo Osaka. As the  name of the class says(elite class), they are rosy and prospective with talent as players.

And I learned numerous things from their way of coaching. Every coach at Cerezo Osaka has a professional experience when they were players. Generally, they become a coach after their professional career ends as a player. Of course, to become a great coach is not all about how good a player you were, but luckily, I had an opportunity to see the respectable coach(middle in the pic) who has been coaching for the elite class for few years.

And the field facility where they normally train was perfect!! Although it was artificial futsal fields, it has a roof on top for rainy days and three whole futsal field are available for their training every time with lights and being coached by a former J-leaguer!! What more can you ask for??

At the same time, I got to clarify the vision for my future academy where I could send my players out to those J-league organizations from my own academy every year.






My official home page!!

2017-01-04 01:55:18 | 自己紹介/self-introduction

Hi, guys.

I have just made out my official website online. The link has been attached in the bookmark on this page or you can directly check it out on here →

I apologize that an English version(it would be an English translation) of my web hasn't been ready yet. But it is yet to come soon since I am working on it. 

Anyway, it is still in progress, but I will the website updated.







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2017-01-02 13:06:48 | Diary

Hi, guys.

time always flies by so fast!! It's been two months since I came back to Japan in early November. Even though I told on this blog that I would frequently update entries on this blog, but as you know, I haven't done that at all. Lol  Yeah, I am all talk and no action guy!! Sorry..

Anyway, I have been looking around soccer academies in Kansai area of Japan and market myself or get my name known in a way as I have no careers as a coach and player in Japan.

And luckily, one of my former teammates from my NZ days has started his own soccer academy in Osaka. And I got hold of him and got asked to come to his academy as a temporary coach. So I do coach kids at his academy once a week in Takaishi area of Osaka where about 50 kids in total between year 1 to 6 come and play every week.

Some kids belong to a soccer club in their neighborhood and come to the academy to supplement a technical phase, but some others just turn up for fun or their parents just send their kids to the academy. So each of them has a different purpose and drive towards soccer that make us more difficult to teach in the same group. But that would happen when I did it in Canada as well so that I could deal with this kind of situation more easily than no experiences. And it is also a fun part of coaching kids.







I'd be glad if you could link me up with a soccer academy or club in Kansai area of Japan. I would love to visit there to learn something new from it. 




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A trip to South America in Mexico -Finale-

2016-12-19 13:03:09 | South America

Hi, guys.

It's been few weeks again since the last update on Chile's one.

This is the last chapter of this series - in Mexico. In our original plan, We were going to go and see the Uyuni lake(Salar de Uyuni) in Bolivia, but we found out it wouldn't be able to make it to the flights to Japan that we had already booked. So we needed a backup plan to make the most of time we had until the date we were flying back, and decided to fly over to Mexico from Peru. 

It is alway a real pain in the neck to make a new travel plan for a new country. There's lot of things to look into before you book a flight ticket. And plus, you need to keep eye on prices of flights, accommodation so on if you seek budget cut on plans.

We caught a bus to Tacna in Peru from Iquique in Chile, and flew to LA and transfer to Mexico city. Even though we were too tired to walk around the city on the first day, but the authentic Mexican food made us forget how tired we were!! Absolutely loved it. 

On the second day, we went to the Teotihuacan(Pyramid of Sun and Moon). It is the closest pyramid from the city, need to travel about 2hours or so by train and bus. It was majestic!!

But we got targeted by some habitual pickpockets on a jam-packed train in rush hour. We didn't notice at all until they ran away at the next station. This is what happened to us on the train. We were standing on the platform to wait for the next train to get on, and two chabby guys sneaked up right behind up right before we popped on the train and they pushed us from behind and they dived together into the packed train. We of course managed to keep space to settle on the crowded train. That means we had been distracted to keep our eyes on the things in our pockets of jeans and jacket!!

Yeah, I know I shouldn't have kept my valuables in the pockets, but I had survived through with  the way with no troubles, so it was too naive..

When I figured out what I got pickpocketed, it was too late to catch the ones as they had already run away so far, and we didn't even see their faces and features.  It was such an easy game for them for sure. 

I was desperately disappointed at it on the way back to the hotel. I couldn't think of anything at all, but gotta move on to reissue my passport within next 12 hours as my flights to Japan were on course. First of all, I called the Japanese embassy in Mexico to seek a helping hand and know what to do right now. I guess they had frowned on my favor over the phone cuz it was just before the embassy closed and they could go home!!  But they didn't show kind of antipathy at all and accepted it in a serious manner. 

It was a real bother, but what happened happened. 

I rushed all around Mexico City to collect documents for a renewed passport. It was so unfortunate, but there were ironically fortunate things in the process of collecting documents. As a result, it was reissued in time thanks to the Japanese staffs of the embassy. I really appreciated for being a Japanese at that time.

To be honest, I had been prepared for anything bad during the trip, but luckily it safely came all the way. However, the worst scenario were scripted at the very end!! haha

It is what it is. 

Move on!!













Instagram → taikimatsumura




A trip to South America in Chile

2016-12-02 12:49:06 | South America

Hi, guys.

It hasn't been updated since a couple weeks ago. I had lots of things to do and places to go for kind of preparations of my future soccer academy in Osaka. 

Anyway, let's get back on track. 

We were on the way to the border between Peru and Chile after leaving Cusco. We never knew that it would be one of the most demading bus ride again in this trip because we were thinking that we could catch a direct bus to te border city on Peru side called Tacna, but we couldn't find any buses to reach there and we were told that we needed to take a bus for Arica first and require a transfer to Tacna. It was such a exhausting fact, but needed to follow it.

Moreover, what jumped out at us when we got to the border was a terribly long line to be checked up at the immigration. It ended up imposing about a 2 hours wait on us to get through it. And the bus rides still continue.. We caught a bus again from the border of the Chile side to Arica and transfer it to Iquique finally. 

The reason I went to the town was to reunite with my old friend from childhood. He is now working as a executive manager for a Japanese car company that mainly exports Japanese car parts to Chile. He started with zero Spanish in the Spanish working environment. As a matter of course, most of his collegues have close-to-zero japanese, but he ventured into a new environment to stabilize the financial health. 

As it is now, he speaks Spanish very well. I got impressed so much by what he did and is doing right now in the environment. In his tight schedules, He never forgot to guide us around the town and so on during our stay. I really apprecited him and lucky enough having such a wonderful friend.

Sorry, I could't upload any photoes on this entry. The reason will be come to light in the next entry for sure. It was shocking.. Stay tuned!!











 Instagram → taikimatsumura




A trip to South America in Peru

2016-11-22 21:57:48 | South America

Hi, guys.

Followed by the last entry, we went down to Lima from Quito by bus. It was the longest bus ridein my life that took about 2 days on the bus!! But wondeful Peru cuisine we had in the first night in Lima helped us a lot recover from the both sides mentally and physically.

Unfortunately, we didn't get to tour around Lima because we were suppose to head off to Cusco next morning and we arrived at Lima the night before. It was like a wild roller coaster ride!! As soon as we got to Cusco after a one-day bus ride, we caught a shared taxi to Ollantaytambo, is located in southern Peru about 60 kilometers northwest of the city of Cusco. It is located at an altitude of 2,792 meters (9,160 feet) above sea level. And this is where the Peru train runs to Machu Picchu village. And the last ride still waits for you to reach the destination. One more to go!! You need to buy a bus ticket in the village that drives you to the top only 5mins walk away from the site!!

Finally this costly and time-consuming journey will end up there. Congrats!!!




This is the Machu Picchu village, and those buses take you to the heritage site. Before that, you need to put yourself in a long line for the bus ride.


I got to take a photo with the cute family with one of the traditional outfits in Peru. Of course, you gotta pay them for the purpose which is 1USD.

Overall, we were rushing through the country in few days, but I had lots of fun in here!! 

In my opinion, Peru is somewhat more of a developed one than the other two where I have been through before. 

And from there, we got organized very quickly and looked up the way to Iquique, Chile.

 これはペルーの民族衣装を纏った親子と。きっちり撮影料を取られましたが。笑 マチュピチュを見た感想は、「正直そんなに・・・」でしたね。というのも先にアンコールワットを見ていたので、巨大遺跡というのには免疫がついていたのかもしれません。テレビやネットで見慣れていたというのもあるのかも。






 Instagram → taikimatsumura




A trip to South America in Ecuador

2016-11-18 21:24:46 | South America

Our next destination from Bogota was Quito, Ecuador. To be honest, I couldn't even imagine what the country is like at all. I didn't even know where it is geographically located on this planet before we decided to go there. 

Somehow we got to the border between the two countries, but we made a huge mistake in the process of an entry to Ecuador. I have been through a border by land before, but I totally forgot to be stamped for departure visa from Columbia, and we headed to stand in a line for entry visas first!! As a matter of course, we got refused for stamps at the counter after a long line. 

After all, it took us much longer than we had expected. But it can't be helped.. 

Then we caught a taxi called collectivo like a shared taxi to the main bus terminal and headed off to the downtown in Quito from there, which took us another 6 hours!! 



As you might know, Quito used to be a hub for all the Chistians in South America. That's why there are lots of magestic churchs left as it was all over the town. I think the Basilica cathedral (the photo above) was the most histrical one.

Our alert level was at peak in here too. Thanks to the precaution, we didn't feel that much that it was a dangerous town. 


We got to spend 3 days in total in Quito with lots of fun!! But another hectic bur ride was just ahead of us... But we managed to secure seats with Cruz del sur that is known for a exclusive bus company in South America. The seats were very comfortable even though we had to be on the bus for about 36 hours, though.. But the seats were like a business class trip. It was still tough, though..

 キトでは2泊して少しゆっくりできました。しかしここからまた過酷な移動です。次は一気にペルーのリマまで大移動。ほぼ1日半くらいバスの中で過ごしました。バスはCruz del surという南米では高級なバス会社。飛行機でいうビジネスクラスのような感じで快適には過ごせましたね。ただ、ずっとバスはきついですが・・。



A trip to South America in Columbia

2016-11-17 21:48:03 | South America

Hi, guys.

As I might have already told that I went for a very rough trip to South America from Vancouver on Oct. 10th to 29th. It was adventurous and fun, but rugged and problematic too. 

 It was kinda in a rush on the last day in Vancouver as I had a tight schedule with the last practice for my soccer academy there. And as you know, We had to arrange everything we needed during the trip - Travel insurance, hotel booking, visa requirement for each country and transport. 

And of course we had a lot of infomation and tips for a trip to the most dangerous continent to visit in the world, according to faceless writers online.  Anyway, we flied over to Bogota, Capital in Columbia.

As soon as we landed and got out of the airport, we realized that we could hardly connect into the internet. Even though we had booked a hotel in Bogota to stay for the first night, but it was a really tough mission to localize it without a wifi. The only one thing we did in this situation is that we asked random people on the streets to figure it out.

In addition, we had heard heaps of rumors that it was never safe. So we were severely aware of anything anybody around us in downtown to avoid any disastrous events like a pickpocketing, robber or attack. 





Luckily, we happened to see a bunch of people watching a soccer game Columbia vs Uruguay for the World cup qualifiers on the first day. I sneaked myself into the crowd and support them as if I had been a Columbian. Who knows?

We couldn't relax at all in this country because we were suppose to leave for the next destination on the next day. We rushed to catch a bus next morning to go to Ipiares where is a gateway town to Ecuador. 

We had much more of moving hours on the buses than touring around the cities we visited!! Who set this ridiculously tight schedule for the trip? 

Stay tuned for the next episode.


