
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2010-06-14 12:27:51 | Topics

Now, we want to keep watching Henin's match for this week☆. And I want to keep writing about Henin as long as possible. Today, World Cup soccer will have Japan v.s. Cameroon match.., but I have a special feeling for Henin as crazy fan☆, I'll support Henin mainly☆. The timelag is 7 hours(in summer time) between Japan and Netherlands.


Well, I want to know more about Stosur's "kick serve", not "kick" in football(laugh), so I watched the streaming video. I don't know the detail about tennis, but according to some topics, the "kick serve" means "the spun and bouncing serve". If you want to know more details, please refer to the linked below.

* Kick serve

I don't know the above video shows kick serve(^^;).., but it seems to be difficult to return the higher bouncing ball. Henin-san jumps to return the deeply hit balls to the line.

At 2010 RG, Schiavone got the title. We were encouraged by her first GS title. Because, we can believe strongly Henin's first Wimbledon title by it. Henin, Go for it☆. She might be not able to feel enough "confidence" and "something" about her tennis yet, but I want her to challenge without thinking too much☆. I guess, the challenge spirit would help her tennis from pressure☆(carefree fan). Just Go, Henin, we'll support you☆

Alleeeeez, Allez-Allez-Allez♪♪♪