
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

1011.At Wimbledon!

2010-06-21 21:43:47 | Topics

White Henin-sama☆. Henin comes back here for the first time in three years☆. Cool, White Henin☆. Pink-Pink Henin was also good(^^;), but I think she looks good in white. I worry about her fatigue at UNICEF a little.., but that final might have a sobering effect☆. Now, Go for it, Henin☆. I'll support you. Hmm., I might sleep, sorry...


1010.Pink to White!

2010-06-21 12:38:08 | Topics

Henin got the title with last Pink-Pink wear☆. Oh, only her shoelace was sky blue☆. The results of Pink-Pink(laugh) were the win of clay at Stuttgartt and the win of grass at s'Hertogenbosch, it was great☆. Oh, her arm and racket look like a line. It's beautiful form☆(fan's talk)

Well, Pink☆. Yesterday, I bought Pink shirt for a housedress at 790 yen in UNIQLO☆. Ahahahaha-, crazy☆. It's like Henin in my private life too?., it's so crazy(laugh)... Oh, No., it's too late now... From today, we have to wear white, right?(laugh)
そう言えば、UNICEF Open決勝戦の直前に、オランダ対日本戦がありました。日本は、0-1で負けてしまいましたが、優勝候補を相手に善戦だったと思います。ちなみに、オランダのナショナルカラーは、オレンジです。

Looking back, The World Cup, Netherlands v.s. Japan was played before the final at UNICEF Open. Japan lost at 0-1. But Netherlands is very strong team as a potential winner, so Japan had a good fight against such a strong team, thank you. By the way, the national color of Netherlands is orange.

Hmmm.., the photos of Japanese supporters in Belga picture is this..? SAMURAI BLUE... Well.., Henin would watch The World Cup matches of France or Netherlands..?(my delusion). Only tennis for her?

Oh-oh, mini-Henin-san, you can take a racket, because it's tennis, you know☆. Hmm., it would be difficult to return the high-ball... Oh, it's the forbidden "glance of front under-skirt"..?. Wow, there's the print "Ju" in the front under-skirt☆. I would finish drawing Pink-Pink Henin(^^;)
さ、白いウィンブルドン☆。フェデラー、錦織、エナン、伊達。Japan loves Henin☆
Now, White Wimbledon☆. Federer, Nishikori, Henin, Date. Japan loves Henin☆



1009.Henin won!

2010-06-20 09:06:36 | Topics
エナン、UNICEF Openの決勝、3-6、6-3、6-4で勝ちました☆。優勝、おめでとうございます☆。復帰後2個目、通算43個目のタイトルでした。良かった~、嬉しい~☆。きっと、このUNICEF Openは、エナンための大会だったことでしょう☆(あほファントーク)。しかしま、相手のPetkovicさん、パワーで押しまくり、動きもキレて、とても素晴らしかったですね。

Henin won at 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 in the final at UNICEF Open☆. Congratulations, Justine!. It was the second title since her comeback, and 43th title in her career. Very Very Good~, and So Glad☆. Maybe, this UNICEF Open was just for Henin☆(crazy fan's talk). Anyway., the opponent Andrea Petkovic had so powerful tennis, and played well, she was also great.

* Henin wins 1st grass title in 3 years at Unicef

It looked like a difficult match for Henin, so my heart was beating so fast all the time.., but Henin played well, I guess so(fan's talk). She had lots of Aces☆. Hmm., like everyone says, she could play better than that, but we might be able to say that, the opponent played well more than we expected(my delusion).

After the win, she had the expression like the photo. Because it would have been a difficult match..? But All right, Just OK, Henin. She got the title, and kept winning for one week, she could have enough confidence to the grass, and she can go to Wimbledon with it☆

Andrea gave me a lot of problems in the third set when I had to come back from 3-0 down. I kept fighting. I needed to win on the grass.(J.H.)

And she got it☆. Just Great☆
Petkovic-san. It was the lost from 0-3 in the 3rd set... I'm so sorry about that...
Blue-Henin☆. She did not enough, because it was windy and cold?(^^;)...

suhu edited this. Sorry about editing by crazy fan(^^;)
Congratulations!, and Good job at UNICEF, Justine☆. We are very happy with you☆
Now, Let's go to London!

1008.Get better!

2010-06-19 09:57:03 | Topics
エナン、UNICEF Openの準決勝、6-2、6-2で勝ちました☆。お天気が、少し悪かったようで、試合開始が遅れました。日本時間では、深夜からで、、すごく眠かったです。。でも、そんな中、クイックに試合を運んで頂き、助かりました☆。1時間ぐらいでしたでしょうか。

Henin won at 6-2, 6-2 in the semifinals at UNICEF Open☆. Yesterday, it was a little a rainy day, so her match was delay. When the match started, Japan time was midnight.., I've been really sleepy... But she finished it very quickly, it helped my sleepiness, thank you☆. It was about one hour, maybe.

* Henin reaches final of Unicef Open

She would get better for grass court because of some "practices of match"?. Yesterday, she got the point, when she should have done it in game, it was very play☆. I just worry about her fatigue...

Semifinals. I couldn't take the highlight(suhu edited this). Sorry about editing by crazy fan☆

She seems to spend a good time for tennis. Good☆. We are so glad to watch her like that☆. Hmm., I sometimes think, if she chose Eastbourne, it would have been different one... I guess, "which tournament do you choose?", it would be difficult for player's condition and confidence... Anyway, UNICEF is just for Henin, I believe so☆. I hope she'll play the best today too☆. We'll support her☆


1007.Get in gear!

2010-06-18 12:37:51 | Topics
エナン、UNICEF Openの準々決勝、7-5、6-3で勝ちました☆。やった☆。やっぱり、勝ち試合は、すっきりしますね。ちと小さい大会ですが、それでも、勝ち続けるのは大変なことですよね。よく調整できていると思います☆(ファントーク)

Henin won at 7-5, 6-3 in the quarter finals at UNICEF Open☆. Yes☆. I'm so glad to watch her win. It's a smaller tournament than Eastbourne, but it would be difficult to keep winning. I think, she would get better in every matches☆(fan's talk)

* Henin into grass semifinal in Netherlands
Pink-Pink v.s. Pink-Black. With a cap. Just accept pink!, so All-pink the BEST☆. Henin, shorter...

The highlight of QF. If you missed other videos, check the YouTube covertly.

* 51sep2【YouTube】

At 5-4 in the 1st set, Henin had two double-fault. Maybe, Henin and her fans would have thought "Oh-oh..." about that(^^;). But after that, she got in gear, that was just great♪. By the way, her shining hair is getting longer? Her hair on the side is coming out from a cap a little(^^). Now, Henin, Go for it today too!. We'll support you☆


1006.Sky blue!

2010-06-17 12:31:00 | Topics
エナン、UNICEF Open 2回戦、6-3、6-3で勝ちました☆。やった☆。この順当勝ち、嬉しいですね。すっきり☆。そして、今日も試合があるのでしょうか。忙しいですね。。疲れが残らなければ、いいのですが。

Henin won at 6-3, 6-3 in the second round at UNICEF Open☆. Yes☆. I'm so glad to watch her win, Very happy☆. And she will play today too. Busy... I hope she will recover soon from the matches.

The highlight of 2nd round, sorry about a grainy video. Pink-pink shows up on green☆

Only the shoelace is sky blue(^^;). The UNICEF shoelace is a symbol to unite people with children around the world, Thank you for the information, Greeny-san. If Henin had sky blue wear, it would have looked better??(laugh). Oh., No-no. Maybe, the pink would be the best fit☆(^^)



2010-06-16 12:37:30 | Topics
さて、WBの前哨戦。もう一つ大きな大会が、イーストボーンで開催されています。でも、私は、エナンがUNICEF Openに出てくれて、嬉しいです。まぁ、色々な考えがあっての選択なのでしょうけど。UNICEF Openは、以前は、Ordina Openという大会だったようですね。そして、エナンは、引退中、UNICEFの仕事をしていました。まるで、巡り合わせてくれたようぢゃないですか(あほ妄想☆)

Well, The preludes of WB. One more bigger tournament is held at Eastbourne. But I'm glad to watch Henin at UNICEF Open. Of course, I guessed, she would have had some reasons to choose the tournament. Anyway.., UNICEF Open was formerly the Ordina Open, and Henin worked for UNICEF during her rest. Maybe it was fated, I think(my delusion☆)

* UNICEF Open(Wikipedia)

She looked like a more trained body, (It might just be my imagination), so I uploaded the photo on the top in this topic. She gradually would get better for her perfect tennis?☆. Oh, she gives some tennis balls to fans. Thank you for your service to fans, Henin☆. OK, two more photos!
In 2008, at Antwerp. Oh, it was the last title in her previous career☆
In 2009, at the exhibition before comeback. Oh, it was the start of her second career☆

Now, sleeping lion, I want her to wake up little by little☆. I feel burning spirit from her deep mind. Because she plays tennis with a poker face?(^^;). No., after her win, she changes to a big big smile look from a grim look, like the above photos. Maybe, she has "on/off" about tennis, she originally has an expressive face, I think(fan's talk). Now, Go for the next match, Henin☆


1004.Won & Won!

2010-06-15 12:38:00 | Topics
エナン、UNICEF OPENの1回戦、6-4、6-2で勝ちました☆。復帰後、初の芝勝利です。おめでとう☆。もちろん、エナンを信じていたけど、勝って、ほっとしました。相手のカーバーさんも、結構、いい動きしていましたね。ま、調子が上がったエナンは、それ以上でしたけど☆(あほファン)

Henin won against Angelique Kerber 6-4, 6-2 in the first round at UNICEF OPEN☆. It was her first win on grass since her comeback. Congratulations☆. Of course, I believed Henin, but I breathed easier to watch her win. Her opponent Kerber played well, but Henin got better in the 2nd round, she was stronger☆(crazy fan)

* Henin returns to grass with straight-sets win

And in The World Cup, Japan v.s. Cameroon. Japan won at 1-0☆. It was a great win against such a strong team. Honda-san's left-footed shot did it. What a reliable player☆. Nice☆. He is just a point getter☆

Now, Let's support Henin☆. It was the highlight in 1st R. Henin's sliding was very good, right?

As expected?, Henin-san had the "Pink-Pink" wear☆. Sky blue of UNICEF, Green of grass and Pink of Henin, they were very fit?(laugh), I think. Oh, Henin., she is shorter than the reporter(^^)

Yes, she's shining now. Her "winning" smile makes us happy☆. Well., she got the question about the work of last year as a UNICEF goodwill ambassador, I looked like she did so. Yes, this year, she worked for it as a tennis player, it was very very nice☆. Go for the next match, Henin!. We'll support you☆
