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1019.Henin lost...

2010-06-29 12:10:24 | Topics
エナン、WBの4回戦、クライシュテルスに6-2、2-6、3-6で負けました。残念過ぎです。。。キムさんに、3連敗となりました。。正直、今回は、勝利の女神が、エナンにほほ笑むかと思ったのですが、、残念です。。それどころか、エナン、転んでしまって(>_<)。。1st set、エナンの出来が良かっただけに、逆転負けを見るのは、ツラかったです。。久しぶりに、昨夜は、悔しくて寝れませんでした。。懐かしいこの思ひ。。

Henin lost to Clijsters at 6-2, 2-6, 3-6 in the 4th round at Wimbledon. I'm sooooo sad..... Henin had three loses in a row... Actually, I was thinking, the God would smile to Henin, but never.., I'm so sad... on the contrary, Henin slipped(>_<)... In 1st set, Henin played well, so it was hard to watch that, Henin got down gradually and finally lost... I couldn't sleep enough because of this defeat last night...

This time, I hoped strongly that Henin can play in the best condition, so I'm shocked a lot(crazy fan)... Anyway, I hope her injury won't be serious. In her interview, she said "I'll have to wait probably a day or two before checking what's happening there. I hope nothing serious. But it's quite painful now.". I worry about that(;_;)... I just hope she will play without injury. That's most important...

* J Henin - 28 June 2010 4R lost
Very frustrating., but let me post the stats. Very Very sad...

"The wall of Kim" is thicker..? I don't want to count this match to compare with Kim because of Henin's injury(crazy fan).., but it's often said, "Luck is a part of sports".., Hmm., I have to accept it... It's hard to say that.., Henin doesn't have the ability to win against Kim yet.., everyone might think so about this result... Because, in fact, Henin met to Kim three times already after her comeback... I feel frustrated a lot(>_<)., but I believe Henin.
とにかく、エナン、エキサイティングな6月を、どうもありがとう☆。UNICEF Openから始まって、WBを楽しめました☆。今回、負けたのは残念だったけど、エナンがまたチャレンジする姿を楽しみにしています。来年、元気でWBに戻って来てね☆。これからも、応援しています☆。さぁ、しばし休んで、次へGoだっ!

Anyway, Henin, Thank you very much for your exciting tennis in June☆. I enjoyed your tennis from UNICEF Open to Wimbledon☆. Of course, I'm sorry about this defeat, but I'm looking forward to watching your challenge again. Come back to Wimbledon for the next year☆. I'll support you☆. Now, take a rest for a while, and, Just go forward!
