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ドリームライナー、B787 日本初飛来

2011-07-03 | その他


今回の飛来は、B787の日本就航に備えての ‘SROV’ (Service-Ready-Operational- Validation):検証プログラムの一環で、10日間にわたり、羽田、大阪伊丹、関西国際、岡山、広島の各空港で、給油作業、格納庫内のスタンドや空港のゲートとのフィットチェック、トーイング等の作業を行う。


The "Dreamliner" touched down at Tokyo's Haneda Airport from Seattle early on July 3.

Boeing Co's 787,the next-generation aircraft completed its maiden trans-Pacific journey and landed in Japan, where the more fuel-efficient jet will undergo testing this week with All Nippon Airways in preparation for its first commercial launch.

The twin-engine jet is made mostly of carbon fibre and other composite materials instead of aluminum, making it lighter and 20 percent more fuel-efficient than other mid-sized airliners.

Boeing Co has taken orders for 835 of the 787s, and hopes to deliver the first one to ANA in August or September.

ANA has ordered 55 787s and Japan Airlines has ordered 35.

The test aircraft will fly several of ANA's domestic routes out of Tokyo this week to confirm the jet's readiness for passenger travel.
Maintenance crews will also practice refueling, towing and other routine servicing operations.

It is scheduled to depart for Seattle on Saturday.


