Tenkuu Cafe - a view from above



“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (48) - Queenstown

2010-12-27 | 海外


ワカティプ湖は、その特異な形状のために、水位の干満(正確には「静振(せいしゅ)」と呼ばれる現象)が発生する。 湖では、一般よりもかなり大きく、約25分の間隔で約10cmの上下を繰り返している。




The sapphire-blue waters of Lake Wakatipu seems very mysterious.

The Maori legends state that the giant Matau was burnt to death in his sleep after he abducted a chief's daughter, burning a massive hole in the ground and melting the ice and snow of the surrounding mountains, forming the lake.

The lake is a large "N" shape, like a giant, curled up and sleeping on its side. Matau's head rested at Glenorchy, at the north of the lake, and his feet south in Kingston. Queenstown sits on Matau's knee.

Because of its unusual shape, Lake Wakatipu has a 'tide' (more correctly, an unusually large seiche or "standing wave"), which causes the water to rise and fall about 10 centimetres every 25 minutes or so.

Maori legend links this phenomenon to the heartbeat of a huge monster named Matau, who is said to be slumbering at the bottom of the lake.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (47) - Queenstown

2010-12-25 | 海外


長さ約80km、ニュージーランドで最も長い湖であり、 面積は290k㎡で、3番目に大きな湖である。 最大深度は378m、標高は310m。


Lake Wakatipu is an inland lake in the South Island of New Zealand. It is in the southwest corner of Otago Region, near its boundary with Southland.

15,000 years ago during the last ice age, a huge glacier moving from the north-west carved out what is now Lake Wakatipu. The lake is relatively thin, but the mountains run straight into the lake, forming a deep canyon, 378m at its deepest point.

With a length of 80km, it is New Zealand's longest lake, and, at 290m2, its third largest. It is at an altitude of 310m towards the southern end of the Southern Alps. The general topography is a reversed "N" shape.

Lake Wakatipu is renowned for its scenic beauty, being surrounded by mountains. The Remarkables mountain range lies along its southeastern edge.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (46) - Queenstown

2010-12-24 | 海外







Originally named as ‘Fit for Queen Victoria,’ this alpine town is the jewel in the crown of New Zealand’s outdoor adventure tourism.

The first people to discover Queenstown's rare beauty were Maori pounamu (jade) hunters.
In 1862,gold was discovered in the Arrow River, a short distance from Queenstown.
A local gold digger exclaimed that the town was "fit for Queen Victoria".

It is now known for its commerce-oriented tourism, especially adventure and ski tourism. It is popular with young international and New Zealand travelers alike.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (45) - Crown Range

2010-12-23 | 海外
カードローナ渓谷の道はやがてクラウン山脈(Crown Range)にさしかかる。このルートは標高1121mという国内で最も高い地点を通る幹線道路である。ワナカとクィーンズタウンを最短で結ぶ道中の風景は素晴らしく、谷底を覗き込むと、はるか下に急流が蛇行しているのが見える。



The beautifully scenic road along Cardrona Valley merges with the route over the Crown Range which, at 1121 metres, is the highest main road in New Zealand.

It's the quickest way to get to Queenstown and the views are incredible. The green waters of the river can be seen snaking their way along their course far below.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (44) - Cardrona Valley

2010-12-19 | 海外

1860年代、ゴールドラッシュで賑わいをみせたこの地は、現在、カードローナ谷の西、クラウン山脈に、スキーヤーやスノーボーダーのメッカで世界的に有名なカードローナ・アルパイン・リゾート(Cardrona Alpine Resort)スキー場、また東には、ピサ山脈の頂上に、ニュージーランド唯一のノルディック・スキー場、ワイオラウ・スノー・ファーム(Waiorau Snow Farm)が拡がる。


Abuzz during the gold rush of the 1860s, Cardrona's name is now synonymous with white treasure - the snow that covers the world-class Cardrona Alpine Resort ski field and Waiorau Snow Farm, a Nordic ski area.

Waiorau Snow Farm on Pisa Range lies directly across the valley from the Cardrona Ski Field. The entire 5,000 hectare high country farm is a dedicated terrain park providing facilities for classic skiing, ski skating, cross-country wilderness skiing and snowboarding.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (43) - Cardrona Valley

2010-12-18 | 海外





The 25 km scenic drive up the Cardrona Valley leads through historic gold fever country to the marvellous Cardrona Hotel (1863), now a restaurant.

Descendents from the gold rush still live in the valley as farmers. Today Cardrona Valley is a place for horse trekking, hiking and skiing.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (42) - Cardrona Valley

2010-12-14 | 海外





“Cardrona Alpine Resort” is located between Wanaka and Queenstown in the South Island of New Zealand. It offers a comfortable and friendly ski and snowboard resort with plenty of wide open spaces.

The resort is suitable for all abilities and ages including families, free-riders, teenagers, kids and senior citizens. There is a designated area for beginners, wide open groomed slopes for intermediates, chutes for the advanced and pipe park for free-riders – the biggest in the Southern Hemisphere which includes four half pipes, trails and a gravity cross course.

Seasons run late June to early October.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (41) - Wanaka

2010-12-13 | 海外





Wanaka is situated at the southern end of Lake Wanaka. It is surrounded by mountains.
Wanaka means ‘Renewal of the Soul’ in Maori.

It is the gateway to Mount Aspiring National Park.

Wanaka is primarily a resort town but has both summer and winter seasons and is based around the many outdoor opportunities.

The town was originally settled during the gold rush excitement of the 19th century.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (40) - The Southern Alps

2010-12-11 | 海外

マウント・アスパイアリングは、標高3,033 m、ニュージーランドで、アオラキ/マウントクックに次いで最も高い山である。

天空に鋭く突き出した山容の美しさから、「南半球の マッターホルン」とも呼ばれる。


Mount Aspiring / Tititea is located in the southern end of the "Southern Alps" mountain range.
New Zealand's second highest mountain. It has a height of 3,033 m.
Māori named it Tititea, which translates as Glistening Peak.
It is also often called 'the Matterhorn of the South,' for its pyramidal peak when seen from the Dart River.

The mountain and over 355,000 hr of the surrounding area are protected within Mount Aspiring National Park. With its wonderful mix of glaciated peaks, remote wilderness, and beautiful river valleys, this area has become very popular for trekking.
This park, along with Fiordland National Park, are part of Te Wahipounamu - Southwest New Zealand World Heritage Area, as designated by Unesco.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (39) - The Southern Alps

2010-12-06 | 海外

ニュージーランドは、1987年、非核法を制定、非核(Nuclear Free)国家を宣言して以来、徹底した非核政策を採っている。


日本ではあまり知られていないが、クライストチャーチでは、毎年8月6日は「HIROSHIMA DAY」と呼ばれ、「ヒロシマ原爆忌」が行われている。

日本から遠く離れたニュージーランドで、まるで自国の歴史のように、原爆で亡くなった日本人のことを想い、「ノー・モア・ヒロシマ(Never Again HIROSHIMA)」を切々と願っているのだ。

In 1987, the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act was passed.

This was largely a symbolic statement of opposition to nuclear war and weapons testing, and it prevented the visits by nuclear-propelled or nuclear-armed vessels (primarily US ones), which led to the breakdown of the ANZUS alliance.

For the 35th consecutive year, people in Christchurch hold a lantern ceremony on the Avon River in remembrance of those who died and the Hibakusha (survivors) of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A variety of musicians will perform, including a Japanese choir.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (38) - The Southern Alps

2010-12-04 | 海外




原子力発電所のないニュージーランドでは、恵まれた水を利用した「水力」発電が全体の70%を占め、残り30% を、火力、風力、地熱で補っているという。


New Zealand is nuclear-free, so no nuclear power plants are built in the country.

Hydroelectric power in New Zealand is the largest source of electricity generation in the country. Hydroelectric power accounts for 70% of the total primary energy usage with imported oil and oil products making up 36% of the primary energy.

Large hydroelectric power schemes have been built in the Central Plateau region of the North Island and in the MacKenzie Basin in the South Island, as well as a series of power stations on the Waikato River. .

Lake Benmore is a lake located in the South Island of New Zealand. It was artificially created in the 1960s by construction of Benmore Dam. The lake covers an area of approximately 75 km². Parts of it lie in the Mackenzie, Waimate, and Waitaki districts within the southern portion of the Canterbury Region.

The major rivers with which it is fed are the Ohau, Pukaki and the Tekapo Rivers. Immediately downstream is Lake Aviemore. The lake has New Zealand's largest earth dam as part of the Waitaki hydroelectricity power scheme.