Tenkuu Cafe - a view from above



“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (54) - Kapiti Island

2011-01-31 | 海外




Kapiti Island is a small island about 8km off the west coast of the lower North Island of New Zealand. It is 10km long, running southwest/northeast, and 2km wide. The island is separated from the mainland by the Rauoterangi channel.

It has been a protected nature reserve since 1897.
Many of the bird species living on the island are now rare or extinct on the mainland.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (53) - Wellington

2011-01-29 | 海外









Matiu/Somes Island is in the northern half of Wellington Harbour, New Zealand. It lies
3km south of the suburb of Petone.

This island was originally named after Matiu, a daughter of the famous Polynesian explorer Kupe. Around 1840 it was renamed Somes Island when, along with most of the land around Wellington, it was acquired by the colonial New Zealand Company. The island is now officially known by its bilingual name, Matiu/Somes Island.

For generations, Maori occupied this island and used it as an important strategic pa site (defence fortress). A lighthouse on the island, built in 1866, was the first harbour light in New Zealand. Its replacement, built in 1900 and later automated, continues to guide and welcome sea-borne travellers into the safety of Wellington Harbour.

For more than 100 years the island operated as a quarantine station, initially for people and later for animals as well. A memorial remembers the unfortunate people who died on the island while in quarantine.

During both world wars, the island served as a detention centre for people of alien nationality who were considered a security threat at the time. It also revived its role as a strategic defence position, and structures from the World War II heavy anti-aircraft positions can still be seen.

Today, the island is being re-forested with native plants by volunteers and organisations. Native birds, reptiles and invertebrates are also being released to thrive in the pest-free environment.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (52) - Wellington

2011-01-27 | 海外


ニュージーランドで唯一の国立博物館、"Te Papa Tongarewa"(テ・パパ・トンガレワ)である。

"Te Papa Tongarewa"とは、はマオリ語で、"the place of treasures of this land"(この土地の宝のある場所)という意味。そして、このニュージランド・シリーズのタイトル『“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ』として使わせていただいた。

この博物館の基本方針は、統一された所蔵品の構想──文化と環境の体験、公開討論の理念、Tangata Whenua(この地の人々、ニュージーランド原住民マオリ族)とTangata Tiriti(非先住民)の二文化間の協調、多様性と多面的な協力の強調。1998年に開館され、年間100~130万人が訪れるという。


The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is the national museum of New Zealand, located in Wellington.

It is branded and commonly known as Te Papa and Our Place; "Te Papa Tongarewa" is broadly translatable as "the place of treasures of this land".

The museum's principles incorporate the concepts of unified collections; the narratives of culture and place; the idea of forum; the bicultural partnership between Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti; and an emphasis on diversity and multidisciplinary collaboration.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (51) - Wellington

2011-01-19 | 海外







また、ピーター・ジャクソン監督の映画『ロード・オブ・ザ・リング』第1作のロケ地にも選ばれた。 ウエリントンはジャクソン監督の故郷でもある。

Mount Victoria, locally abbreviated to Mt. Vic, is a prominent hill (height 196 metres) to the east of the centre of Wellington, New Zealand, and its associated suburb.
Mount Victoria provides stunning 360 degree views of Wellington City, the harbour and the ocean to the south.

Mount Victoria's original Māori name is Tangi Te Keo.
Legend has it that Wellington harbor, originally a land-locked lake, was home to two large and very active taniwha (sea monsters). One taniwha forged a passage to the open sea creating the entrance to the harbor. The second, named Whataitai, tried a different route, became stranded and died. It is believed that Tangi-te keo (Mt Victoria) was named after the soul of Whataitai.

Mount Victoria is part of the Wellington Town Belt, land set aside in 1841 by the colonial New Zealand Company for a "public recreation ground for the inhabitants of Wellington".

At the end of the summit road, near the viewing platform, is a striking memorial to Richard Byrd, the American aviator. Byrd mounted numerous Antarctic expeditions from his base in New Zealand; in 1929 he made the first flight over the South Pole.

Mount Victoria provided a filming location for the first movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy directed by Peter Jackson - himself a devoted Wellingtonian.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (50) - Wellington

2011-01-16 | 海外

Suddenly-dreadfully-she wakes up. What has happened? Something dreadful has happened. No-nothing has happened. It is only the wind shaking the house, rattling the windows, banging a piece of iron on the roof and making her bed tremble. Leaves flutter past the windows, up nd away; down in the avenue a whole newspaper wags in the air like a lost kite and falls, spiked on a pine tree. It is cold. Summer is over-it is autumn-everything is ugly.(Bliss and Other Stories - The Wind Blows)



同時代の作家D・H・ローレンスやヴァージニア・ウルフと交流し、意欲的に作品を発表し、20世紀の短編小説の基礎を築いた。彼女の作品には、二度と戻ることのできなかった祖国への郷愁の念が散りばめられている。代表作には、Bliss and Other Stories、The Garden Partyなどがある。



Kathleen Mansfield (1888 –1923) was a prominent modernist writer of short fiction who was born and brought up in colonial New Zealand and wrote under the pen name of Katherine Mansfield.
Mansfield left for Great Britain in 1908 where she encountered Modernist writers such as D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf with whom she became close friends.
Her stories often focus on moments of disruption and frequently open rather abruptly.
Among her most well known stories are "The Garden Party," "The Daughters of the Late Colonel," and "The Fly."
During the First World War Mansfield contracted extrapulmonary tuberculosis which rendered any return or visit to New Zealand impossible and led to her death at the age of 34.

“Te Papa” の空を飛ぶ (49) - Wellington

2011-01-14 | 海外







Wellington is at the south-western tip of the North Island on Cook Strait, the passage that separates the North and South Islands.

In 1865, Wellington became the capital city of New Zealand, replacing Auckland.
Wellington is now New Zealand's political center, housing Parliament, the head offices of all Government Ministries and Departments and the bulk of the foreign diplomatic missions that are based in New Zealand.

The Beehive is the common name for the Executive Wing of the New Zealand Parliament Buildings, located at the corner of Molesworth Street and Lambton Quay..
Scottish architect Sir Basil Spence provided the original conceptual design of the Beehive in 1964.
It is so-called because of its shape is reminiscent of that of a traditional woven form of beehive known as a "skep".

Wellington Railway Station is the southern terminus of New Zealand's North Island Main Trunk railway, Wairarapa Line and Johnsonville Line. In terms of number of services and in passenger numbers, it is New Zealand's busiest railway station.