Tenkuu Cafe - a view from above



Terra Australis Incognita “未知の南の土地”  を飛ぶ - (7)

2013-09-28 | 海外

1787年5月13日、フィリップ率いる第1船団 (ファースト・フリート) 11隻は、1500名弱の人員(うち流刑囚約780名)を乗せてイギリス・ポーツマスを出航し、翌1788年1月18日にボタニー湾に到着した。その後、より入植に適した土地を求めて湾内を航海し、1月26日にシドニー入り江(Sydney Cove)に上陸。

この地のイギリスによる領有を宣言し、入植を開始した。これを記念して、1月26日は「オーストラリアの日 (Australia Day) 」と呼ばれる祝日となっている。



On 18 August 1786 the decision was made to send a colonisation party of convicts, military, and civilian personnel to Botany Bay. There were 780 convicts on board six transport ships. They were accompanied by officials, members of the crew, marines, the families thereof and their own children who together totaled 645. In all, eleven ships were sent in what became known as the First Fleet. Other than the convict transports, there were two naval escorts and three storeships. The fleet assembled in Portsmouth and set sail on 13 May 1787.

The fleet arrived at Botany Bay on 20 January 1788. It soon became clear that it would not be suitable for the establishment of a colony, and the group relocated to Port Jackson. There they established the first permanent European colony on the Australian continent, New South Wales, on 26 January.

The area has since developed into Sydney. This date is still celebrated as Australia Day.

Terra Australis Incognita “未知の南の土地”  を飛ぶ - (6)

2013-09-22 | 海外

アボリジニ“aborigine”という言葉は、ラテン語を語源とする言葉でab は「〜から」、originは「起始・始まり・もと」ということで、ab-origin-eは「始まりから居たもの」=「原住民」を意味した。



しかし、キャプテン・クックが、オーストラリアを 'Terra Nullius' (未開拓の無人大地)」と位置付けて、イギリスの植民地として以降、彼らの生活は一変する。

The word aboriginal has been in the English language since at least the 16th century, to mean, "first or earliest known, indigenous". It comes from the Latin word aborigines, derived from ab (from) and origo (origin, beginning).

Australian aborigines, native people of Australia who probably first came from somewhere in Asia more than 40,000 years ago.

All of Australian aborigines were semi-nomadic hunters and gatherers, with each clan having its own territory. Those communities living along the coast or rivers were expert fishermen. The territories or 'traditional lands' were defined by geographic boundaries such as rivers, lakes and mountains. All Australian aborigines shared an intimate understanding of, and relationship with, the land. That relationship was the basis of their spiritual life and shaped the Aboriginal culture. Land is fundamental to the well-being of all Aboriginal people. The 'dreamtime' stories explain how the land was created by the journeys of the spirit ancestors. Those creation stories describing the contact and features which the spiritual ancestors left on the land are integral to Aboriginal spirituality.

However, in 1770, the Australian aboriginal's culture and way of life dramatically changed when Lieutenant James Cook took possession of the east coast of Australia and named it New South Wales.

Terra Australis Incognita “未知の南の土地”  を飛ぶ - (5)

2013-09-15 | 海外







Tokyo has been chosen to host the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games ahead of Istanbul and Madrid.

Moments after the International Olympic Committee’s announcement of Tokyo as the venue for the 2020 Olympics, the Japanese capital burst into a jubilant uproar. The entire nation was in a celebratory mood as the news came through late Saturday night from Buenos Aires.

I remember the name of Australian athlete: Cathy Freeman.

She was the fastest woman in Sydney over 400 m and also had a memorable full body suit: Cathy Freeman won gold for Australia during the Olympic Games in 2000.

When she won, with a time of 49.11 seconds, she was so relieved that she dropped to her knees on the track after completing the race.

Freeman's shoes were yellow, black, and red, traditional Aboriginal colors, but after she won, she took them off and ran her victory lap barefoot, in traditional Aboriginal style, carrying both the Australian and Aboriginal flags around the track as the crowd cheered.

B787 と 『風立ちぬ』

2013-09-11 | その他









(ANA B787-8 JA812Aの機上から、笠雲を戴いた富士山を眺める)

Terra Australis Incognita “未知の南の土地”  を飛ぶ - (4)

2013-09-07 | 海外






The Industrial Revolution saw an increase in petty crime in Europe due to the displacement of much of the population, leading to pressures on the government to find an alternative to confinement in overcrowded jails. The situation in Britain was so dire in fact, that hulks were used as makeshift floating prisons.

Transportation was a common punishment handed out for both major and petty crimes in Britain from the seventeenth century until well into the nineteenth century. At the time it was seen as a more humane alternative to execution. Around 60,000 convicts were transported to the British colonies in North America in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

When the American Revolutionary War brought an end to that means of disposal, the British Government was forced to look elsewhere.

After James Cook's famous voyage to the South Pacific in which he visited and claimed the east coast of Australia in the name of the British Empire, he reported Botany Bay, a bay in modern day Sydney, as being the ideal place to establish a settlement.

By 1788, the First Fleet arrived and the first British colony in Australia was established.

Phillip originally named the colony "New Albion", but for some uncertain reason the colony acquired the name "Sydney", after the (then) British Home Secretary, Thomas Townshend, Lord Sydney (Baron Sydney, Viscount Sydney from 1789). This is possibly because Lord Sydney issued the charter authorizing Phillip to establish a colony.