Tenkuu Cafe - a view from above



Terra Australis Incognita “未知の南の土地”  を飛ぶ - (3)

2013-08-31 | 海外



入植者たちは、狩猟採集民として移動しながら生活していたアボリジニを、『非定住者』と見做し、オーストラリア大陸は、テラ・ヌリウス(teera nullius)、『持ち主のいない土地』であると主張した。


Botany Bay is known as the site of James Cook's first landing of HMS Endeavour on the continent of Australia.

In 1770 Captain James Cook landed in Botany Bay and he claimed possession of the East Coast of Australia for Britain under the doctrine of 'terra nullius' or 'land belonging to no one', and named it New South Wales.

Later the British planned Botany Bay as the site for a penal colony. Out of these plans came the first European habitation of Australia at Sydney Cove.

The land adjacent to Botany Bay was occupied for many thousands of years by the Tharawal and Eora Aboriginal peoples and their associated clans. They used the bay as an important source of food and a place for trade.

Terra Australis Incognita “未知の南の土地”  を飛ぶ - (2)

2013-08-26 | 海外




Captain James Cook first landed at Kurnel (a suburb in southern Sydney) on the southern banks of Botany Bay, on Saturday 29 April 1770, when navigating his way around Australia on his ship, HMS Endeavour.
Cook's landing marked the beginning of Britain's interest in Australia and in the eventual colonisation of this new ‘southern continent’. 

Initially the name Sting Ray Harbour was used by Cook and other journal keepers on his expedition, for the stingrays they caught. "The great quantity of these sort of fish found in this place occasioned my giving it the name of Stingrays Harbour".

However, in his journal, he changed to "The great quantity of plants Mr. Banks and Dr. Solander found in this place occasioned my giving it the name of Botany Bay".

Terra Australis Incognita “未知の南の土地”  を飛ぶ - (1)

2013-08-23 | 海外




英海軍部隊指揮官、 ジェームズ・クック艦長、


Space Shuttle Endeavour (Orbiter Vehicle) is named after the British HMS(Her Majesty's Ship) Endeavour, the ship which took Captain James Cook on his first voyage of discovery. The name also honored Endeavour, the Command Module of Apollo 15, itself also named after Cook's ship.

The first voyage of James Cook was a combined Royal Navy and Royal Society expedition to the south Pacific ocean aboard HMS Endeavour, from 1768 to 1771. It was the first of three Pacific voyages of which Cook was the commander. The aims of this first expedition were to observe the 1769 transit of Venus across the Sun, and to seek evidence of the postulated Terra Australis Incognita or "unknown southern land".