◯ 今度は、学生らが「断食」で反対を訴える「ハンガーストライキ」を決行する。

2015-08-20 23:00:44 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS


2015-08-20 23:00:44  nikkangendai

ソース ゲンダイ 












◯ Soka Gakkai Warns.公明党“板挟み” 首相の70年談話で創価学会「安保反対」が加速

2015-08-20 07:11:24 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



2015-08-20 07:11:24 nikkan gendai

Top > news

The Komeito "dilemma" Soka Gakkai "the security opposite" accelerates by prime minister's 70 year talk.

August 18, 2015


In an opposing assembly, this placard (C) daily Gendai
In an opposing assembly, this placard (C) daily Gendai

It expands.

More voice of the "opposite" to a security bill is rising at the bowels of the support mother's body of the Komeito and Soka Gakkai.

Signature site by a teacher of Soka University, a student and formers "Soka University which opposes security related bills and the Soka women's junior college person concerned Volunteer's meeting". It has been just established on the 11th this month, but its number of signatures breaks through 1000 already. It's 1222 people by an echelon on the 17th.

This site expresses the "opposite" to a security bill as etc. "contrary to spirit of establishing a school of Soka University". A signature is being also collected now. Activity isn't only On-line. "100 university volunteer joint action" by a meeting of the scholar who opposes a security bill is performed on the 26th this month, and each university gathers, a volunteer of Soka University is planning to participate there, too, and I say that the signature they were gathered is handed to a congressman.

Mr. Junichiro Sano, the Soka University teacher who is one person of a call person says.



The Komeito "dilemma" Soka Gakkai "the security opposite" accelerates by prime minister's 70 year talk.

August 18, 2015


In an opposing assembly, this placard (C) daily Gendai
In an opposing assembly, this placard (C) daily Gendai

It expands.

"I didn't think many signatures were collected only this. I'm very astonished that 1000 people were exceeded. Prime Minister Abe's 70 year talk taken out the other day isn't being estimated at all. Angry voice is heard well. Prime Minister Abe is saying that the Japanese Government now follows the past, not to apologize. There is a word as "apology", but it isn't written clearly whom to apologize to. I think it's very cowardly."

The Komeito is estimating about a talk for 70 years, but it's said that they also need the one which holds anger in the academician. You also expect a signature opposite to security to be developing by an incomplete talk.

"Counter exercise by an academician seems to be the considerable pressure for the Komeito councilor. You can't object that you say "Antiwar peace is telling of Ikeda masterpiece teacher." from a supporter. There are a lot of councilors who become "dilemma" between the Diet and the supporter." (the Komeito person concerned)



Chairperson First of Soka Gakkai and Jousaburou Makiguchi are confronted with power at time and have died in prison. 2 generation chairperson and Jousei Toda are arrested by maintenance of public order law and jailed for 2 years, too.  

 How do you look at the present New Komeito member becoming like "Pooch,Pochi" of the LDP?




 2015-08-20 07:11:24  nikkan gendai


トップ > ニュース

公明党“板挟み” 首相の70年談話で創価学会「安保反対」が加速 




 創価大学の教員や学生、OBらによる署名サイト「安全保障関連法案に反対する創価大学・創価女子短期大学関係者 有志の会」。今月11日に開設されたばかりだが、その署名数が早くも1000を突破。17日の段階で1222人となっている。

