◯ War Bill may Collapse./ 安倍首相「米艦単独で行動せず」 集団的自衛権 防護根拠揺らぐ

2015-08-06 07:24:12 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



Abe Changes His Words. 


2015-08-06 07:24:12 tokyo simbun


Prime Minister Abe "I don't behave by American vessel independence." Right of collective self-defense A protection basis is shaken.

August 5, 2015 Morning edition

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe allowed the U.S. forces which behaves by the unit unit by which "Aegis destroyer in the US" is independent and doesn't come about American vessel protection at the seas close to Japan which are mentioned in a case of the right of collective self-defense use from which an other country is protected by the force to protect Aegis destroyer personally by House of Councilors ad hoc committee about security related bills on the 4th. A question was strengthened in necessity of the bill which makes sure that Japan Self-Defense Forces can counterattack the offensive to the American vessel based on right of collective self-defense.

Mr. Katsuya Ogawa (democratic), "When the tension heightens at Korean Peninsula, Aegis destroyer in the US can behave by a little fleet I have to help, and isn't in Japan. The misleading Japan has to defend U.S. forces against which is being done.", he criticized.

A prime minister admitted that Aegis destroyer in the US is behaving with other American vessel boat, submarine and U.S. forces aircraft and is arranging the condition U.S. forces defends personally "The side in the US was self-contained and defense was being made hard as much as possible." actually. "If it was world's strongest's U.S. forces, it was natural to think safety rises by cooperation of Japan Self-Defense Forces. A rice Pacific commander welcomed it, too." was stated on it.



Aegis destroyer in the US by which a government is watching ballistic missile at seas close to Japan, "with the fear that the ability to defend a self-ship falls", right of collective self-defense is used and protected necessity is emphasized. When Japan Self-Defense Forces don't counterattack when Aegis destroyer in the US with the ability to counter launched ballistic missile for Japan was attacked, Japan is explaining that the obvious danger which suffers destroying damage forms.

◆ Following sea clearing, necessity question

< explanation> the American vessel protection during ballistic missile precaution to which thinness of the reality was exposed by House of Councilors ad hoc committee about security related bills is the case Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has emphasized. A question mark stuck to the basis, and necessity of legislation was shaken more.

A prime minister has put American vessel protection on a central problem from the those days a start has begun to consider use approval of right of collective self-defense by political power the first in 2006 when. Whether I "don't have" to defend a deliberation of a security bill when the American vessel affected by Japanese defense was attacked, and, it's being repeated.

But the point of view for which the situation that an American vessel is protected is difficult to assume was persistent. U.S. forces which takes pride in its overwhelming military power can't strengthen its defense, and it's from the reason that I can't think to request Japan Self-Defense Forces to support it. The color which is that a prime minister admitted this actually and indicates the posture of the cooperation with the US rather than American vessel protection to protect Japan became darker.

A prime minister also allows a possibility that Iran blocks the Strait of Hormuz to be low concerning underwater mine sea clearing in the wartime when he fusses as well as American vessel protection. Typical two cases of right of collective self-defense use could happen suddenly, and the explanation of the reason that formation of a bill is hurried wasn't to have that clearly, and became increasingly painful. (Akihiro Ikushima)






Abe Changes His Words. 


2015-08-06 07:24:12   tokyo simbun


安倍首相「米艦単独で行動せず」 集団的自衛権 防護根拠揺らぐ







<解説> 安全保障関連法案に関する参院特別委員会で現実味の薄さが露呈した弾道ミサイル警戒中の米艦防護は、安倍晋三首相が最重視してきた事例だ。その根拠に疑問符がつき、法制化の必要性がさらに揺らいだ。



 首相は、米艦防護と並びこだわる戦時の機雷掃海をめぐっても、イランがホルムズ海峡を封鎖する可能性は低いことを認めている。集団的自衛権行使の代表的な二事例がにわかに起こり得ないことが明らかになり、法案の成立を急ぐ理由の説明はますます苦しくなった。 (生島章弘)