◯ "Avoid ALL Contact" With Rain, American Embassy In Beijing Warns危険!

2015-08-18 14:05:53 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS



2015-08-18 14:05:53 




"Avoid ALL Contact" With Rain, American Embassy In Beijing Warns

Tyler Durden's picture


First in "China Sends In Chemical Warfare Troops, Orders Tianjin Blast Site Evacuation After Toxic Sodium Cyanide Found" and subsequently in "Poison Rain Feared In Tianjin As Death Toll Rumored At 1,400", we documented China’s frantic attempts to reassure an increasingly agitated and frightened public that the air and water are safe after last Wednesday’s deadly chemical explosion at Tianjin.

Although the full environmental implications of the blast likely won’t be known for quite some time, the immediate concern is that rain could react with water soluble sodium cyanide, transforming the chemical into potentially fatal hydrogen cyanide gas.

And while Beijing has already begun the censorship (some 400 Weibo and WeChat accounts have reportedly been shut down), the American Embassy isn’t mincing words. 

The following unconfirmed text message is said to have originated at the Embassy:


For your information and consideration for action. First rain expected today or tonight. Avoid ALL contact with skin. If on clothing, remove and wash as soon as possible, and also shower yourself. Avoid pets coming into contact with rains, or wet ground, and wash them immediately if they do. Rise umbrellas thoroughly in your bath or shower once inside, following contact with rain. Exercise caution for any rains until all fires in Tianjin are extinguished and for the period 10 days following. These steps are for you to be as safe as possible, since we are not completely sure what might be in the air. Remember the brave firefighters and their families along with all those suffering from the accident in Tianjin. Stand strong together China!



And meanwhile, the Embassy is "aware" of these social media messages, which it claims aren't official. Here's the official line:


Media sources have reported extensively on explosions at the port of Tianjin, China on August 13 and August 15. The U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens in Tianjin to follow the guidance of local authorities and avoid the blast area until given further instructions.  We are aware that local authorities are taking measures to prevent secondary disasters and are monitoring air and water pollution in the area to prevent further chemical contamination.  The Embassy in Beijing remains in regular contact with local Tianjin government and hospital officials, and we have no information other than that which has been provided to the public by Chinese authorities.  We continue to liaise with local authorities, businesses, and healthcare providers to seek information on any U.S. citizens who may have been affected by the explosions.


The Embassy is also aware of social media messages relating to the Tianjin explosions from sources claiming to represent the U.S. Embassy. These messages were not issued by the U.S. Embassy.

◯ HPC Saves the Earthスーパーコンピュータの強力な計算能力が世界を水不足から救う!

2015-08-18 07:39:10 | ♪ One Short Talk


2015-08-18 07:39:10  

The strong calculation ability of the supercomputer rescues the world from a water shortage!

February 28, 2014

The world is faced with a water shortage problem now by sudden population growth and industrial development. I'm working on practical use of desalting technology of seawater which accounts for about 98 % of global water resources and the system to utilize water in a cycle. Development of a new water film separate using nano carbon has also started with the simulation for which the high calculation ability of the supercomputer was utilized. I'll choose innovative water distillation and water circulation system as practical use and contribute to a problem solution by the global scale which chooses safe water as an offer for people of all over the world.


"The water which can be used" is only 0.01 %! Will 2/3 of the world population be in a water shortage 10 years later!

There may be a lot of people who think they have water richly in the earth from a phrase as "the blue earth". It has abundant water certainly, 98% of the water which exists on the earth is seawater. There is also something difficult to use like a glacier and Fukaike sewage fresh water of remaining 2%. There is only less than 0.01 % of the whole for water resources of the lake, the river, the Asaji sewage and the marshland people tend to use by usual living.

Therefore 700,000,000 people who hit about 10 percent of the world population are living in the state for which drinking water can't be used continually, and it's real that a child of about 1,800,000 people a year is losing his life for insanitary water which doesn't suit drinking. The earth, already, maybe you may say "water shortage".





It's thought that more the water shortages will get intensified with worldwide population growth from now on. The population of the world breaks through 7,000,000,000 people at present from 2,000,000,000 people in 1927. The first century, without having passed, it's increased than 3 times, the world population is in 2025 only 10 years later now, it's expected "2 per 3 minutes will be a water shortage."

The big problem by which the mankind faces securement of safe water resources

The cause of the water shortage isn't only population growth. Mass consumption of water is developed by diversification of a lifestyle at an advanced, and use of water for industrial use is increasing rapidly by industrialization in a developing country. The amount of consumption of water for industrial use is also expanding the amount of consumption of domestic non-commercial water into about 1.8 times for one person of the world population triple in 45 of 1995 from 1950 according to UN.

It's the "change in" the way to get off by which it rains by which you assume that global warming is caused by an environmental issue that it can be named as the cause of the water shortage. The amount of rainfall decreases in the area with a lot of amount of rainfall in the past, and a drought, decrease of groundwater and a reduction in lakes and marshes occur, and much rain is to fall intensively in the area where I didn't have too much amount of rainfall conversely, and flood damage also occurs. Already, a water shortage can be called a worldwide problem.

How "to secure water resources", for, the big problem that the mankind is faced with it.

With the behavior which purchases safe water and needs worldwide?

During such situation, UN established the target to which I say "The percentage of the people who can't use safe drinking water and sanitary facilities continually by 2015 was cut by half." by United Nations General Assembly in 2000.

About 2,100,000,000 people could use now water resources of safe drinking water at the whole world after 1990 as a result, and a goal was achieved for the time being. Still people as much as 768,000,000 people are safe and are the situation that it isn't possible to use hygienic water resources.

Moreover because the 83% is living at an agricultural area, maintenance, stable supply of agricultural water, a sewage measure and a water pollution measure of the infrastructure which supplies safe water are a problem of urgent business.

The world is rescued from a water shortage by use of a supercomputer!




Big, a movement in detail has also come out in the country for the role Japan should achieve in the worldwide match concerning water resources. The 1 is a match of national university corporation Shinshu University. I'm initiating development of a water film separate using the innovative material of the nano carbon and am working on creation of safe water resources at Shinshu University.

A simulation of complicated analytic work and atomic level can ask a supercomputer with the indispensable and very expensive calculation ability to develop this water film separate.

So used one is a supercomputer of Fujitsu. It's to utilize a simulation by a supercomputer, and it's possible to promote high percolation and development of the new nano carbon water film separate which combined heat-resistance with high chemical resistance as well as the performance separate and make a practical use of innovative water distillation and water circulation system.

It's possible to produce domestic non-commercial water, industry and agricultural water, and in the future, it may consist of the seawater and the oil difficult to use as water resources. It's expected to offer safe water to people of all over the world and contribute to a problem solution by global scale by utilization of a supercomputer.







2015-08-18 07:39:10  




























 〓  related article.


【英】SupercomputerHigh-performance computerHPC








世界のスーパーコンピュータの処理性ランキング上位500位まで発表している「TOP500 Supercomputing Sites」を参照すれば、現在の最先端のスーパーコンピュータがどれかを知ることができる。2008年6月現在世界で最も高性能なスーパーコンピュータシステムは、IBM開発した「Roadrunner」となっている。その他、IBMBlue Geneシリーズや、TSUBAMEMDGRAPE-3SX-9汎用京速計算機などが著名である。

※画像提供 / 独立行政法人 海洋研究開発機構 地球シミュレータセンター
スーパーコンピュータ:   MDGRAPE-3  Roadrunner  SX-9  スーパーコンピュータ  スカラ型スーパーコンピュータ  スーパーコンピュータTOP500  TSUBAME