◯The Fukushima Crisis 910 Nuc Cost \15kWh【原発の発電コスト】太陽光とも同レベル 

2015-08-15 07:42:20 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS




2015-08-15 07:42:20 Kyodo News.
[The generating electricity cost of the nuclear power plant] the electric power of the nuclear power plant and the sunlight higher than the wind velocity are level.  

The American corporation system investigation engine calculates as a test.


The generating electricity cost of the nuclear power plant was an average of 14 cents for 1 kilowatt hour (about 15 yen) worldwide, and the American enterprise ancestry which has a good record of performance as an investigation engine of energy problems "broom Berg nu energy finance" (BNEF) gathered photovoltaic generation and the test quite high compared with land wind power generation, 8 of high-efficient natural gas generation of electricity and 2 cents on the same level mostly by the 16th.
The reason that it's of primary concern there is also safe regulation tightening after Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima 1st nuclear accident, and that the personnel expenses it requires in a building cost and upkeeping soar worldwide. While a decline of the cost of the renewable energy continued, atomic advantage was the result I impress with fading. The nuclear power plant generating electricity costs were 5 for 1 kilowatt hour and 9 yen by test by Japanese Government in 2004.

Atomic energy, the biomass, the geotherm and the waterpower checked a debt cost necessary to the cost of equipment of the all the countries, the cost of fuel and the financing as of the first half in 14 about the generating electricity technique of 23, and BNEF calculated the cost leveled with a durable period in facilities.

After the measure reinforcement to stop a serious accident of core melt could be asked now, the generating electricity cost of the nuclear power plant was rising in recent years, and even if facility utilization factor was estimated at 92% highly, it was 14 cents for 1 kilowatt hour.

It was quite expensive compared with the geotherm (6 and 5 cents), a small scale hydropower (7 and 7 cents) and renewable energy of the land wind velocity (8 and 2 cents) etc.. Coal firepower was 9 and 1 cent, and natural gas firepower was 8 and 2 cents.

The cost a power company is saving for radioactive waste disposal are included in the nuclear power plant cost, but a decommissioning of reactor cost aren't included.

The generating electricity cost falls in recent years, and photovoltaic generation is 14 and 9 cents. Because equipment made in the expensive country is used compared with foreign countries in Japan, it's expensive with 32 and 9 cents, but we assume "The cost tends to fall by use expansion of cheap equipment of imports." in BNEF. They were 19 cents and bad bargain because Japan also had a high equipment cost wind power generation, and the operating ratio was low compared with Europe and America.

BNEF is a subsidiary of an American major information service enterprise 



The generating electricity cost of the nuclear power plant

The generating electricity cost of the Japanese nuclear power plant is made 5 for 1 kilowatt hour and 3 yen by test of a council of a government in 2004, and you have assumed that it's profitable compared with other power supplies. But it's a government after Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima 1st nuclear accident, it was reconsidered by "the costs, inspection committee", and when the cost of measures for accidents was included, even a minimum was calculated as a test with 8 and 9 yen. It's different from the test technique of the said committee in an analysis of this broom Berg nu energy finance and doesn't include the accident cost of measures.
(Kyodo News)





2015-08-15 07:42:20  共同通信

【原発の発電コスト】原発の電力、風力より高い 太陽光とも同レベル 


上の図 単位は 正しくは ¥/kWhです。pfk








<fieldset><legend>原発の発電コスト</legend> 日本の原発の発電コストは2004年の政府の審議会の試算で1キロワット時当たり5・3円とされ、他の電源に比べて有利だとされてきた。だが、東京電力福島第1原発事故後に政府の「コスト等検証委員会」で見直しが行われ、事故対策費などを含めると最低でも同8・9円と試算された。今回のブルームバーグ・ニュー・エナジー・ファイナンスの分析は、同委員会の試算手法とは異なり、事故対策費用などは含んでいない。</fieldset>


2014/09/17 15:07


◯ 90 %disappears.(702jobs) 雇用の未来 "10年後" ほぼ 全体が半減する。

2015-08-15 06:03:08 | ♪ One Short Talk



2015-08-15 06:03:08 gendai.ismedia.

For example bartender's work. The probability that this is changed by a computer, 77%--. The thesis to which such bold prediction was announced is a topic at the whole world. The too dreadful "future of" employment a writer of a thesis explained to this magazine.

The work is cut mostly.

(Notation) the one which could be named as the high work of a probability to be changed is indicated on a computer in Mr. Osborne's thesis "the future of employment".
"While technical innovation of a computer is developed by dreadful momentum, when only man can do up to now, the work it seemed is going to be changed by a machine for a robot. For example, that's represented by "Google Car", the automatic operation car which runs will be unattended and spreads over all over the world now. When it's so, a driver of a taxi and a truck loses work.

This is  just example and the human work to be changed by a machine is very various. It analyzed how long the job category of 702 was automated by computer technology from now on based on data of the American Ministry of Labour. Its. It came to the conclusion that the result and future's 10~~risk by which about 47 % of work for the American general employer is automated in around 20 are high,".

They're Michael who studies AI (artificial intelligence) etc. at British Oxford University and A. Osborne practical instruction that the--from which about half of the work man does is taken by a machine away does such shocking prediction.

The thesis to which he says that Mr. its Osborne wrote it with Carl Benedict and a fry boffin of the said university is a topic now all over the world.

A something dreadful of the said thesis is here in calculating the probability that you replace a computer as a test in a reason about all job categories of 702. He says, when it is, now, "the occupation which goes out" "the work to disappear", it was indicated, equally, this is the reason having an impact on the industrial world.

The one put on the right did that, "It disappears, it disappears.", the main work with a high possibility. The number which should be marvellous as more than 90 % is flicked by the probability that both are changed by a computer.


 How is your job categories?  pfk





2015-08-15 06:03:08  gendai.ismedia.





「コンピューターの技術革新がすさまじい勢いで進む中で、これまで人間にしかできないと思われていた仕事がロボットなどの機械に代わられようとしています。たとえば、『Google Car』に代表されるような無人で走る自動運転車は、これから世界中に行き渡ります。そうなれば、タクシーやトラックの運転手は仕事を失うのです。






emphasis added pfk

How is your job categories? pfk