◯ Cool Words / かっこいい英語・英語名言

2015-08-01 08:15:42 | ♪fuckin 英会話



 2015-08-01 08:15:42 slangjiten


【カッコイイ英語の名言】Done is better than perfect. (Facebook社の社是)

Done is better than perfect.






【カッコイイ英語】Life is what you make it. Never a failure, always a lesson. 意味

1."Life is what you make it!"

2."Never a failure, always a lesson."



Love the life you live, Live the life you love. 




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Today, which you have spent idly, is the tomorrow of somebody who died yesterday and was desperate to live. (Kashikogi written by Cho Chong-in)



皆さんも"Live one day at a time!"(一日一日を大切に生きましょう!)を心がけましょう^^





【7 steps to happiness】

think less, feel more; 
frown less, smile more; 
talk less, listen more; 
judge less, accept more; 
watch less, do more; 
complain less, appreciate more 
and fear less, love more.



complain less, appreciate more 





【白雪姫de英語】Always remember to be happy because you'll never know who's falling in love with your smile.

Always remember to be happy because you'll never know who's falling in love with your smile.


・remember~ingは「~したことを覚えている」という意味になるのに対して、remember to +動詞の原形は「忘れずに~する」「~することを覚えている」という意味になるのでしたよね^^

因みに"Don't worry, be happy!"は「くよくよしないで、楽しくやろう!」という意味です!。

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【セレブの英語名言】"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" - Audrey Hepburn

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!" - Audrey Hepburn
「不可能(impossible)な事なんてないのよ。だって言葉それ自体が言ってるでしょ、私はできる(I'm possible)って!」(オードリー・ヘップバーン)




im+possible= I'm possible. 



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【ピーターパンde英語名言】“You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting.”

“You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you still remember dreaming? That’s where I’ll always love you. That’s where I’ll be waiting.”



<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AB0Bhlsv_pU?rel=0" frameborder="0" width="480" height="360"></iframe> 



 mess withというのは、「~に関わる」とか「~に刃向かう」という意味です。

Don't mess with my bae. 「俺の女に関わるんじゃねぇ!」


また、Die like the restとは、「他の奴らのように死ぬぜ」というような脅しの文句ですね!




◯ Ruling party may Scatters.安保法案:公明離れの学会員次々…自民と協調に「失望」

2015-08-01 07:25:03 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS




3 日前 - 安全保障関連法案審議の舞台が参院に移った。日を追って国民の批判が高まる中、 自民と足並みをそろえる公明党の足元で、地方議員や支持母体の創価学会員たちの反発や離反が起きている。平和を訴え、与党の「ブレーキ役」を自任する ...



2015-07-31 07:47:24


Security bill: It's apart from Kimiaki, I "am disappointed" at academician straight... LDP and cooperation.

7 hours before

A stage of security related discussing bill shifted to the House of Councilors. While I run after a day, and national criticism is rising, rebellion of a local councilor and Soka Gakkai ones of a support mother's body and estrangement have occurred at a footing of LDP and Komeito which keeps the pace. Where does the coterie who complains of peace and regards himself as the "brake role" of the Government party go?

Motomura Tsuyoshi town council in Aichi-ken Taketoyo-cho (62) is Soka Gakkai one, but the Komeito is left and 10 months have passed. "I was disappointed. Why it's though I have put up a peaceful signboard,"

I submitted June of last year when I was still in a party and the opinion draft which opposes right of collective self-defense to a legislature as well as the Communist Party councilors, persuaded LDP system councilors and made them approve by 1 margin. When this was anti-party-like later, it was regarded as a problem, but I secede from a party through faith. I have gone out to a town council election independently in this spring. You warned the academic meeting person concerned "Your unorganized votes were 2% (of academic meeting vote).", but 3 was selected by the vote as last time. I say that a certain academician supported negatively, too.

Soka Gakkai one and Harumura Norito in the Wakayama-ken Iwaide city, on the 19th, (53) I don't make be mentioned and pass () participated in security bill opposite demonstration in Osaka with the family. "The bill is unsuitable for telling of the society which asks peace. "It'll be a stop of LDP.", voting to the Komeito has been appealed, but, it's betrayed expectation."

"Bye bye, Komeito" etc. and a printed placard were inserted in the tricolor of a symbol of an academic meeting by a demonstration march. A different academician designs and says the one which was being distributed in TSUITTA.

A picture of the participant who puts up a similar placard by protest demonstration in Tokyo-to is also contributed to TSUITTA. Mr. Harumura says. "It's only "point" now, but when being a line and becoming faced, it becomes threatening in a party. An academician has no choice but to utter a cry to stop a bill."




The Soka Gakkai staff who comes into action in the Kyushu area, "A general member is the same sense.", understanding is indicated in protest demonstration participation. Local administrative organ of the Komeito is also run after by correspondence to criticism. "A supporter has a lot of critical opinions" for the party prefecture head office person concerned in Okinawa-ken. The most part of the opinion which is also brought near at an office of Kiyohiko Tooyama House of Representatives councilor (proportional Kyushu), "the bill opposite". An office, "You can't be convinced easily the bill to stop a war.", left helpless. [Yuiko Machida, Akira Kusakabe and Yousuke Kadota]

◇ 2 years before, I take the tour of... reinterpretation of the Constitution of all the members "It isn't admitted.", 11 House of Councilors member

11 Komeito House of Councilors member elected in 2013 were answering "Constitution interpretation shouldn't be reconsidered for use approval.", changed this House of Councilors beginning to debate into a machine from 4 people of inside of 11 people and heard talk in a candidate questionnaire of Mainichi Newspapers in those days concerning right of collective self-defense.

A questionnaire, national election every time, Mainichi Newspapers is putting it into effect and is asking approval or disapproval concerning a political subject and a view targeted for all candidates. The question to which I say "When constitution interpretation should be reconsidered, I thought right of collective self-defense can be used or." was held by an Upper House Election for 13 years, and 11 Komeito candidates matched, and answered "I shouldn't have a new appreciation."

"It isn't remembered. The one what kind of political circumstances were which then or...,...". When a reason of an answer 2 years ago was heard for Mr. Hiraki masterpiece (proportion), I had an expression of perplexity on my face. When the view now is asked, an official view of a government with a turn "The approval of right of collective self-defense is determinative." is developed. "If it wasn't determinative and was the interpretation reconsideration to admit full-sized right of collective self-defense, 2 years ago and now were opposite. If I thought I did, there were only no amendments to the constitution." was explained.

Mr. Yuichiro Uozumi (the said) explained "An idea of a government deepened. A Prime Minister was saying own country defense, too." Mr. Wakamatsu keni (the said), "The report which overturns an effort of a government isn't fair.", mass communication criticism was taken. If it "was inside the limits by which this reconsideration is defensive defense", Mr. newly-married wife hideki (the said) accentuated. [Hioka Tetsuya and Nanae Hayashida]

July 27, 2015










buddha punished




2015-07-31 07:47:24 
















