○ The Fukushima Crisis 495;World of 5000Times.セシウム137は、広島型原爆の5000倍。

2013-03-23 07:52:50 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

It is news of TBSradio.03/21/2013 for from 17:05 to 17:07 . Tepco.
and NHKnews. Wiki.

①Tepco. The Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant first unit restored a power supply, and an apparatus has begun to just operate.
In addition, the plan of the operation of the three or four machine is 20:00 tonight.
②Tepco so far of the spent nuclear fuel pool of the fourth unit was pointed out that inclined. Denied Tepco each time,; but Tepco is 03/21/2013. today I admitted that the spent nuclear fuel pool of the fourth unit inclined formally.

That means,

①is. Why , it's now?

②is. Tepco has recognized the danger-related thing that It added to of the collapse of fourth nuc.unit building.

◦ I sail up the situation of the Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant fourth unit for chronological order.

The Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant fourth unit was during periodical inspection at the time of the accident of March, 2011.

However, still a hydrogen explosion was caused. With the risk same all the nuclear power plants shut down now in the whole country it means. We have to do decommissioning early.

By the way, quake resistance is concerned about since an accident about this fourth unit that a wall and a pillar were greatly broken by a hydrogen explosion.

※Reference "Tepco." Say; "fourth nuc.unit building does not incline, and there cannot be the thing broken by an earthquake including a fuel pool"


◆It is declined by a Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant fourth unit obstacle.
05/26/2012 13:00 NHK news


In the Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant fourth unit where it is greatly broken by a hydrogen explosion, and quake resistance is concerned about, it is Tepco. But, as a result of having checked a degree of leaning caused by the swelling of the outer wall of fourth nuc.unit building more, a degree of leaning bigger than an investigation of last month was found newly.

As a result of analysis, it is Tepco. It is said that , the quake resistance of whole fourth nuc.unit building and the pool of the fourth unit do not have the problem.

A degree of leaning caused by swelling considered that it was possible in the bomb blast of the hydrogen explosion in the west of fourth nuc.unit building was confirmed, and, in the Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant fourth unit, inclining was approximately half of the limit level of the Building Standard Act with 3.3 centimeters for 13 meters in height of the wall last month.

Tepco. But, as a result of having checked it more this month; the degree of leaning of the outer wall of the west and the south side of fourth nuc.unit building was confirmed as far as was wide, and 4.6 centimeters and a thing bigger than an investigation in last month were found in the western third floor part for 13 meters in height newly.

The degree of leaning is that It's less than a limit level determined in Building Standard Act at all places.

In the used fuel pool in the upper part of fourth nuc.unit building of the fourth unit, 1,535 fuel that there is the most it is kept in Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant, but as a result of having analyzed it because whole fourth nuc.unit building and the pool are supported at the pillars except the outer wall which a degree of leaning was found in, Tokyo Electric does it in quake resistance if there is not the problem.


◆May 30, 2012 Tepco. where water does not leak the fourth unit use finished fuel pool structurally Tokyo Electric official HP

Besides, 1,535 of waste fuel's casks aggregate enters the fuel pool of the fourth unit in Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. When water evaporates, and a lot of calorific value can dissolve fuel than others machine as for this, it is pointed out that there is the risk that radioactive material is released.

Because the wall which supported a used fuel pool in fourth nuc.unit building of the fourth unit was broken, I installed a steel pillar made which supported a pool newly and reinforced it with concrete in future.

About this problem, it is Tepco. About the quake resistance with an outer wall of fourth nuc.unit building of the Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant having swelled out under the influence of a hydrogen explosion on June 25, 2012, It submitted a report, "there was not the problem" to Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.

There was the swelling near third floor floor from the second floor of the west wall and, according to the report, was up to 4.6 centimeters. However, Tokyo Electric is viewing! Crazing more than 1 millimeter in width was not found and concluded that the influence that a calculation gave quake resistance was small.




In the fourth unit, it is Tepco. But, as a result of having checked a degree of leaning caused by the swelling of the outer wall of fourth nuc.unit building more, a degree of leaning bigger than an investigation of May, 2012 was found newly.

In the Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant fourth unit, a degree of leaning caused by swelling considered that it was possible in the bomb blast of the hydrogen explosion in the west of fourth nuc.unit building in May was confirmed, and inclining was approximately half of the limit level of the Building Standard Act with 3.3 centimeters for 13 meters in height of the wall.

Tepco. But, as a result of having checked it more June; the degree of leaning of the outer wall of the west and the south side of fourth nuc.unit building was confirmed as far as was wide, and 4.6 centimeters and a thing bigger than an investigation in last month fourth were found in the western third floor part for 13 meters in height newly.

In the used fuel pool in the upper part of fourth nuc.unit building of the fourth unit, 1,535 fuel that there is the most it is kept in Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant according to the said article.

As a result of being defeated in this, and having analyzed it because whole fourth nuc.unit building and the pool are supported at the pillars except the outer wall which a degree of leaning was found in in Tokyo Electric, we do it in quake resistance if there is not the problem.

No, it may be said to support it by emergency measures unwillingly even if a degree of leaning may become rather more terrible.

In addition, the degree of leaning of the bigger wall which has not been yet found may be found in the part which inclined to two-thirds of the regulation level having been found newly.

Anyway it is Tepco. On April 26

"fourth nuc.unit building does not incline, and there cannot be the thing broken by an earthquake including a fuel pool"

Because It just announced.


 Tepco. The water level of the tank adjacent to a spent nuclear fuel pool of the Fukushima first Nuclear Power Plant fourth unit decreased abnormally on January 1 and, on は January 2, 2012, announced the rise in water temperature, the cause with the influence of the earthquake that observed greatest seismic intensity 4 on the same day in Kanto, the Tohoku district in New Year's Day in 2012.

Tepco. は, the radioactive contaminated water in the pool flow into the nuclear reactor storage container side of the side reverse to a tank and consider it to be caused by the fact that supply of the water from a pool to a tank was cut off temporarily.

The fourth unit which an abnormal situation happens at seismic intensity 4. The cesium-137 in the spent nuclear fuel in the fourth unit is said to be 5,000 times of the Hiroshima type atom bomb.

By the Tohoku district Pacific offing earthquake that caused the East Japan great earthquake disaster of 18,550 dead person missing people by after 311 to 03/10/2013 more than seismic intensity 4: 286 times are taking place. /wiki. Tohoku district Pacific offing earthquake.

In the fuel pool of the fourth unit, the large structure including stairs and a passage, the deck which it is broken by an explosion, and vanished has dropped other than a large quantity of concrete pieces. Besides, an accident is original, and they have the effect that spent seawater for cooling and I corrode and may become fragile with fuel aggregate.

The degree of leaning situation of the fourth unit and the radioactive material over there can cut off the fate of the Japanese citizen like Leaning Tower of Pisa if a strong earthquake comes.

TBSradio.03/21/2013 :17:05~17:07 news. Tepco.
and NHKnews. Wiki.

①Tepco. 今、福島第1原発1号機が電源回復し機器が稼動し始めました。
Tepcoは 今日 03/21/2013. 4号機の使用済み核燃料プールの傾いていることを公式に認めました。


①は 。えーっ 今なの

②は 。4号機建屋の倒壊の危険性増したことを認めた。





※参考「Tepco. 曰く、「4号機原子炉建屋は傾いておらず、燃料プールを含め地震で壊れることはありません」


◆福島第一原発4号機 壁に傾き
06/26/2012 05:27  NHKニュース


水素爆発で大きく壊れ耐震性が懸念されている福島第一原子力発電所4号機で、Tepco. が建屋の外壁の膨らみによる傾きをさらに調べた結果、先月の調査より大きな傾きが新たに見つかりました。

解析の結果、Tepco. は、4号機の建屋全体やプールの耐震性に問題はないとしています。


Tepco. が今月さらに調べた結果、外壁の傾きは建屋の西側や南側の広い範囲で確認され、西側の3階部分に高さ13メートルに対し4.6センチと、先月の調査より大きなものが新たに見つかりました。




 2012年5月30日 Tepco. 東電公式HP



この問題について、Tepco. は2012年6月25日、福島第1原発4号機の原子炉建屋の外壁が水素爆発の影響で膨らんだことに伴う耐震性について、「問題はない」との報告書を経済産業省原子力安全・保安院に提出しました。





4号機で、Tepco. が建屋の外壁の膨らみによる傾きをさらに調べた結果、2012年5月の調査より大きな傾きが新たに見つかっていたのです。


Tepco. が6月さらに調べた結果、外壁の傾きは建屋の西側や南側の広い範囲で確認され、西側の3階部分に高さ13メートルに対し4.6センチと、先月の調査より大きなものが新たに見つかりました。





なにしろTepco. は4月26日に




 Tepco. は2012年1月2日、福島第1原発4号機の使用済み核燃料プールに隣接するタンクの水位が 1月1日異常低下し水温上昇、原因は同日2012年元日、関東・東北地方で最大震度4を観測した地震の影響と発表しました。

 Tepco. は、プール内の放射性汚染水がタンクと逆側の原子炉格納容器側に流れ込み、一時的にプールからタンクへの水の供給が途絶えたことが原因とみています。


死者 行方不明者18,550人の東日本大震災を起こした東北地方太平洋沖地震(とうほくちほうたいへいようおきじしん)では、311以降03/10/2013までに
震度4以上: 286回起きています。/wiki.東北地方太平洋沖地震.




