○ The Fukushima Crisis 193; Babe14,000's sudden death in the U.S.福島危機193.乳児の突然死。

2012-02-01 06:08:42 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

12/20/2011 The December, 2011 version of rice medical magazine International Journal of Health Services from which the radioactivity from the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima died from the U.S. society, and 14,000 Americans (most infants) died by the cesium 134.137 after March 11 is announced.
" December, 2011 version of international medical magazine International Journal of Health Services says that estimated 14,000 or more persons' death is related with discharge of the radioactive material from the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster,, and to the United States.
This is in the research which received the first refereeing announced with the medical magazine which is investigating the health disturbance by the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster.
Writer Joseph Mangahno and Janet Sherman call it 14,000 persons in 14 weeks after this nuclear power plant disaster.
The numerical value supposes that it is a scale equivalent to death of the excess under the influence having been made into 16,500 affairs in the United States 17 weeks after the meltdown of Chernobyl which occurred in 1986.
There were most rises of number of deaths reported in the United States after the accident of the Fukushima nuclear power plant at a baby aged 1 and below.
It is acute destruction of the cardiac muscle by cesium 134.137.
Infants is most sensitive usually for the radioactive substances.
As for the infantile mortality of spring, 14 weeks in front of an accident had increased by 8.37% compared with last year 1.8% after the accident to that of reduction in 2010 and 2011.
The current number by which this paper was published on Tuesday, and use becomes on line possible from 11:00 a.m. during U.S. Eastern Standard Time in http://www.radiation.org"> http://www.radiation.org.

12/20/2011 ◦米医療雑誌International Journal of Health Servicesの2011年12月版

アメリカの学会で、福島第一原発からの放射能、セシウム134.137で、14000人のアメリカ人が(だいたい乳幼児) March 11以降死亡した、、との発表されています。

"国際的な医療雑誌International Journal of Health Servicesの2011年12月版によれば、アメリカにおいて推定14000人以上の死亡が福島原発事故からの放射性物質の放出と関連づけられるという。"






この論文が掲載された最新号は火曜日に出版され、http://www.radiation.org ”> http://www.radiation.org ではアメリカ東部標準時間午前11時からオンラインで利用可能となる。

ref. Cs-134(半減期:2.07年)とCs-137(半減期:30.1年)