○ The Fukushima Crisis 208; Warning of Quake under Fukushima N.P.P 福島危機208.福島直下地震

2012-02-17 07:41:34 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

02/15/2012. 09:15
A fear warning of the epicentral earthquake of the first nuclear power plant of Fukushima

Research findings are introduced in the earth science technical magazine " (Solid Earth)" of the 14-day issue by it being in the state where an epicentral earthquake happens easily, in March, last year and afterwards in the underground of the first nuclear power plant of Tokyo Electric Power Fukushima.

What Tohoku University Professor Chao Daihou (seismology) announced.
According to the paper brought near by the same magazine, the flow of underground water, etc. were analyzed from the seismic waves which occurred around Iwaki-shi, Fukushima.
As a result, water goes up from between the plate of the underground of the side in which the earthquake of magnitude 6 on the Japanese scale wants to have occurred in April, last year, and the Pacific plate, a surrounding active fault is expected for friction to decrease, and it is said that it is in the state where an epicentral earthquake occurs easilier than before.
Professor Chao supposes that it is "reinforcing so that a prospective big earthquake's can also be borne."

02/15/2012. 09:15


 東京電力福島第一原発の地下で、昨年3月以降、直下型地震が起こりやすい状態になっている、と14日発行の地学専門誌「ソリッド・アース(Solid Earth)」で研究結果が紹介されている。東北大学の趙大鵬教授(地震学)が発表したもの。


