○ The Fukushima Crisis 209;FUKUSHIMA's Absurd Reality rght now2福島危機209異常な現実2

2012-02-18 20:28:25 | ♪PFK ASAP NEWS

Q. Please give me self-introduction.
I am Urasawa Toshio.
Now, he becomes 78 years old.
It is born in 1933.
The place in which I live is the Watari, Fukushima-shi, Fukushima-ken azayakusichou.
Although three generations live in this house now, the wife of me and me and second son husband and wife live together, furthermore the back becomes a grandchild for me, they are a girl of the fourth grader in the present elementary school, and a 4-year-old small child.
It lives here with a total of six-person family.
Although living generally here already has length of 50 years, my father is Sendai in the birth of Fukushima, but it is born here, grows up here and does not have the experience in which it lived outside the prefecture.
Generally, since it lives here at Watari, whenever the merit is as opportune as my wife, the talk will become the center of attention for 50 years.
Although a mountain called a goddess of eloquence, music, and wisdom mountain uses distance in a straight line and is here at the place of about 200 m because nature isf feeling it familiar too, very many people have just been going to be loved as the so-called place of a hike at the time of a cherry tree.
But though regrettable, the radioactivity from which this very outstanding natural mountain lay there with the disaster of this nuclear power plant flows into my sewer of immediately a side, whenever it rains.
The yard of me has a very high dose called a 43-micro sievert in the highest time with the relation.
Although the measuring instrument which I get a city environment division to come at last on November 28, furthermore the person of an environment division can measure to 30 then was brought, naturally it has swung past the maximum in 30 excess.
I recognize it as this Watari's being a area which is called the bed town as used in the field of what is called a city, which will be lent and to say.
a prefectural office -- about 2 -- peevish without being separated to ... 1.5 Although the river is naturally separated at the place of an about, The prefectural office is carrying out the whereabouts at the place which separated Abukuma River, and And after, And there is a convenience store with a post office with a bank which has a supermarket immediately in a side, a hospital calls it what is called a Watari hospital, and there are many beds in a once synthetic hospital, and there is, and there is also an organization of orthopedics and such medical treatment from what is called a medical specialist and the dentist.
And in the case of Fukushima, it is a relation of the prefectural capital, and Tohoku Shinkansen and Yamagata Shinkansen pass along it.
There are a highway and a northeast way.
There is a road which No. 4 line and No. 13 line are bases, and it is about 1.5 in such a place.The distant place is called Watari.
Because it is that the people of about about 6500 household live here. Though there is also a place called famous Mt. Hanami in a Japanese way and it is such a place, Yakusimachi which will be in a surprising state and lives now [ of me ] by this 3.11 is being a place which attracts attention from a world target, and the point regrets very much.
Why it has been observed by the world target is the reason the television station in Germany came for coverage on November 4.
then, Germany -- that the television station of ... is having come for coverage, it coming out and being peevish rather than I am also already surprised truly, and making it aghast in a certain sense about it having been observed like this -- very much ... it is that what is called a sense of crisis very became [ that it is said whether it was disappointed and ], and uneasiness increased.

Q. 3.11 that day.
What did you do where?
March 11 came out and it was peevish, and when it turned round now, I was in the city library.
my wife -- here -- although it was naturally in the house, naturally it was not standing at that time, passed through under the city library, and had become getting on all fours.
Although it was in such an very awful feeling what kind of or there is nothing since a ceiling gives away, I hear that it does not come out for coming outside, either, and it is getting on all fours truly anyway, and it was there until it was settled to some extent.
Then, inside is telephoned... Since the public telephone was immediately out of the library, and I naturally did not have a mobile phone then, the telephone was carried out from the public telephone, but it is ふう "there was no inside not at all",
Since the talk of my wife who says "since it is not necessary to strain oneself so much and to come back in a hurry", and contact were taken.
Although it shows up in a car immediately and tried to return to inside, although there is nothing to 2?, just as it appears in an already No. 4 line, a car completely moves hardly from a library up to inside those days [ that ].
Then, I consider whether about 1 hour afterward arrived at inside.
then -- although it came back to inside -- this -- striking -- like the point -- from -- the grade that are built as long as 50 years as spoken, but the mortar wall cracked and damage has separated -- after -- this shelf -- completely -- also falling -- nothing was done.
However, although it was 8.5 that a teacup is called three two or the broken grade for a while, when it says on the seismic scale in the case of that Fukushima, it is a little less than six.
This on which, as for a tile, the state does not have damage, and a personal computer does not fall down by such states, either does not fall, either.
It is the actual condition that it considered to "Fair ... it is while it was supple", and relief also made the family rather there.
Q. Were you, families, safety?
It is not [ / that who is injured ] which went missing, which will be melted and to say luckily, and a family is the really safe reason.
It was free, peevish and rather serious after that.
from the 12th, although it is this my notebook, it comes out and is peevish that record is there, and it has written it "water does not come out any longer."
Electricity was connected although water did not come out.
From it ... Since electricity was connected, as for the point, I was saved.
However, it is very fatal, when living too that water does not come out, In but. [ whether although this is so also at what place, it says / what is called mutual help / or bonds ] It is of those who have well water immediately in the side having been, having come to my house specially, and having obtained such a proposal saying "You coming to pump since my house is well water, and it is good always."
And if this is seen now, am not [ the back ] I myself so impressive about the nuclear power plant?
There is an idea that saying naturally gives priority to work in such a state since it had work in fact till March 31, last year and is engaged in work of the night shift, and there is no record about the relation of a nuclear power plant.
When it will be on the 14th as said previously, but it sees now [ this (notebook) ], it is the second son who lives together now, but in the second son's friends, the friend took refuge and came to my house by seven parents and children.
Although it was a direction in Soma, he stayed overnight.
as to what kind of situation it is, it is of having worked for Toden, but use any -- "escape"
The talk of having taken refuge was carried out because it is to say.
Therefore, it says [ that the person concerned with that spot and the Fukushima nuclear power plant already already became a serious situation ]... I heard that the directions "escape" were issued also to the person of a subcontract and a sub-subcontract.
Then, the wife of my second son, a grandchild, and me had a place called Azuma athletic park although this is a direction of the west of the point of refuge, although this was a place of a gymnasium or an athletic plant, it took refuge there and it carried out three-day grade refuge surely.
naturally, a son needs to take refuge also in me without being in "house -- it comes here together -- as -- " -- although it said re-4 again and again, I hear that I had work -- the work from a refuge place -- a connoisseur -- although there is also a field where I may be unacquainted and things are unwilling as me a little too and it remained here.
it came out those days, it was peevish, and when turned round now, I considered to"it would be [ why ] so exaggerated" those days.
however, It considers thoroughly as it was the right selection too now, That you came to Toden since the relation direction depended for my second son on the basis of directions "escape" from the upper levels of a company here and were seven parents and children, Although talk is carried out to it calling it the shame which has not been recognized deeply too, or that regretting it for me very much after this, I consider thoroughly that that was the most deficient is called the extent with correct "having bundled whether radioactivity was received" of my stupidity now.




although this has a city called Nihommatsu in Fukushima, since th erich farmers there attached "rice cake, it is how -- ?"
There is a talk to say and I had rice cake offered at the time in March.
I was as glad as it and this also flew up too.
Therefore, from that, it is kind that I had a talk carried out, and, but the direction of it that it is"how it is since rice cake was attached" from the direction of it although the direction of it had food divided variously much for years.
When it "in which rice has already abandoned cultivation 23 years" called it something, it was cultivating rice from the mountain by pulling as water to the rice field, but. It is what was beforehand understood that the water naturally smeared with radioactivity must pull, Becoming being that rice will not carry out cultivation 23 years this year, it is very regrettable that the direction which produced very delicious rice by organic agriculture very much was in such hardships, and I strengthen the thought that it is very mortifying.
Q. March 14, No. 3 explosion that time.
How much is it recognized about the danger of radioactivity?
Although I heard that people of the area who did hydrogen explosion on television, and naturally cut as Futaba, Okuma, or Tomioka in the back, and say had taken refuge, when said in its real intention for considering now, it had caught only to "other people's affairs."
Because, was not radioactivity pouring here as recognition?
since it is a thing that it came out, what tells discretion and SPEEDI to became an announcement afterwards and it had been to be said as of 12 day that a dose was very high here -- how -- Information ... various excuses -- there are a-like thing etc. -- it received and, also in ど, the government was concealing information.
now -- becoming -- "criticizing, since panic is started", and saying buy what -- a bowl and ! -- as -- I consider.
It is it and that American people need to come out to 80? outside of the circle at that time, then took refuge from the direction of U.S. nationality.
I heard that and Chinese people also trained Buss immediately and had taken refuge to Niigata.
The conversation of mine of those days is out of which American people come to 80 outside of the circle."
It is the fact which it talked to which will be caught so exaggeratedly [ why ]", and I myself considered.
I hear that however, it became, and it considered appropriate disposal and was completely told soon in it.
Q. What kind of the circumstances noticed danger about what time?
Although change of such consciousness did not necessarily change to the last, it is a fact to become suspicious somehow.
instinctive saying, if it becomes because a parenthesis is good in a sense as for it -- and ... it is said whether the surroundings caught with opportunism feeling by such a thing -- Although it does not understand things .. Q. -- about what time has the idea changed?
... when it was record of my notebook, the organic rice of Fukushima had the lecture meeting in there "radioactive contamination" stood on the station front of the east gate in Fukushima although it can be seeing and doing and there is a hotel on April 24.
There is memory of having gone to hear it.
Therefore, although there is a temple which I hear that I hear that saw too, and it heard from this hit, and heard it directly, and the recognition "this will be rather serious" came out gradually, and has offered a national treasure called the Ogura temple Kannon to the way of the east every year, Although the time of the bamboo shoot in May goes to always buy a bamboo shoot, I heard that then, it carried out the talk "Is radioactivity OK? Whether it is polluted", and had bought a bamboo shoot when it goes there.
However, has it also said so, is peevish, and go out and shine by car in me, my wife, and three nights and four days very well especially at this time?
Turn round now.
Therefore, even if it had recognition whether it was polluted with one of the two by radioactivity, it was carried out to the pleasure trip in the certain sense.
And on a newspaper and television, the people who took refuge are watching on television the life which becomes destitute by refuge.
However, it "is [ oh, ] serious."
It had caught in other people's affairs by saying.
therefore, various for myself --it is complicated -- a certain meaning -- still more ... recognition that its person will not be attained to about contamination of such radioactivity too rather thinks that it would be strong.
Although it is on this May 29, [ "whether to be better to have got the message from the direction of rich farmer of Nihommatsu where it was spoken as the point, and to hear it by all means, since there is a lecture meeting by the method " of protecting oneselves from "radioactivity" ] it?
There is connection to say and it went by my two wives here with me.
But when considered now substance and then, was "eat a natural food" the talk which was hammered out strongly and is different from my idea?
therefore -- although I have memory by myself, I speak -- "-- I came to hear it from Fukushima about radioactivity.
It spoke as it talks about that", but I "understand [ yes, ]."
Although it was saying, the talk still leads only to a natural food's thing.
Then, it has left in the middle and come back by "since it is meaningless even if it hears this talk."

